The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Thanks for that, did the lost password thing and have retrieved it, now I'm staring at an enter credit card details screen but aren't 100% sure yet, I think I'll give the freebie a go and then see.
chipperhead said:
Thanks for that, did the lost password thing and have retrieved it, now I'm staring at an enter credit card details screen but aren't 100% sure yet, I think I'll give the freebie a go and then see.
There's vort with his very helpful information as always :). I suggest that you give a free trial a go to see if you like the game still, but dont despair too much if you are having to train those basic skills once again and fly the smallest of ships at first. I'm sure posting your character information here might get you a few small dontations to start you off for a bit.
Dj_Jestar said:
grats for winning birthday event Cryptkeeper.


Myself and Heinky spent 7 hours on this today. We had 7 accounts running pretty much non-stop. Got podded 3 times. We went all over eve (from Vale of silent, to period basis and everwhere in between.

2moro at 4pm EVE time (5pm GMT) there will be an award ceremony in Jita. Everoyne is invited to attend. Should be worthwhile.
Congrats on winning dude... :cool:

What was this event though? I haven't been keeping up with things on Eve lately due to exams etc. :o
Sounds like it would have been fun. :o

Do you know how close others were behind you? How much money did you get?

Edit: the thread explains all. :)
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OMFG - Morons the lot of them!!!!

Was just involved in an empire war, in a corp I joined - I'm leaving today ... I'm lost for words at their incompetance!!!!!!!

1) I was told to bring a Maller but no scramblers, oh Tacklers provided

2) Got to a system where there was a caracal urinating over a few members!!!

3) They had a goddamn Kestral with an AB as tackler!!!!!!!!!!! FFS!!! Not even decent frigate for tackling!!!

4) No-one was actually packing any scrambling gear, except me who hurredly grabbed a 7.5km one for when I was holding outside of a station before being called over!!!

I'm sorry I am seriously narked at several corps/members who didn't have a clue what to do. A caracal FFS! We never even got it scrambled once!

Why I'm so riled I dont know - but for the love of god the first thing most normal people learn (who enter into PvP in Empire) is have a flaming tackler, 2 or more much better and have people who know what to do.

Oh and also FFS!!!!! Don't say "he's here" in gang chat or "BELT NOW!"

Oh yeah because theres 17 belts to choose from :rolleyes:
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lol aye its ok saying "he's here" - but not with an alt who isnt actually there :p I ended up having to quickly pickup and kit out an executioner, and by that time they'd "lost" him.

as to the corp - cant remember - seething with rage I dont want to think about them lol
For the love of Pete (literally) that corp sounds like a proper bunch of n00bs (and yes I know who all the corps involved in this were). Seriously, you should have just gone "OI! IDIOTS! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" and then politely explained how stupid they were. Or directed them towards me and I would have told them for you.

*shakes head wearily*

on a different note, Happy Birthday Mr Slater, you be sure to have a fun day :D
lol im seriously in a good mood now. Been ratting in my vexor in 0.0 taking on anything I can find. Taken dual warlords, miscellaneous 2M BSs and even several triple 1M BS spawns with their support....then just before downtime there was domination spawn...

...I managed to take it into structure but its escort BSs had moved away like 30kms and started hitting me stupidly yer I thought id stay a bit too long and pop went that poor t1 fitted vexor :(

Then this dusk and dawn pilot came into local, I was a bit peeved at the time because I wanted to get my can of stuff and the last thing I wanted was for him to grab all the stuff, anyway the dude mangaged to get his fully t2 fitted stabber popped and even better I managed to get back to the belt in my only remaining ship, my taranis, to grab both his and my cans. By this point I've covered the loss of the vexor from his can alone and the spawn is still there. I manage to secure the help of a few friendly neighbours and we do manage to down the 10M domination and its escorts.

We split the stuff between us:

Domination : Gyrostabiliser (75M?), Explosive Shield Hardener (15M?), Passive Kinetic Shield Hardener (10M?), Shield Boost Amp (25M?), X-Large Shield Boost (150M?) and some Arch Angel Ammo.

So although I didnt end up with that all to myself, I could have ended up down one ship and no spawn!
Sounds like a very nice spawn. Where abouts was that? I've just left my current corp and rejoining the guys I have flown with for over 18 months. Im hoping to get some nice spawns again :p
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