The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Agent_matt said:
Thanks for all your opinions ;). The way I see it is that with no real income I have to either fork out £10.23 per month or £122.76 per year to play a game that is updated on a regular basis, has good support and I find entertaining yet is down for one hour every day.

Alternatlivly I can join the other say 15-25% of the eve community who can live in 0.0 or have high ingame incomes from NPC'in, running missions, mercs? etc and then join the further 5-10% of people that spend their ingame currency on game time.

To me, that sounds a fair deal. CCP takes a minor hit in econmic terms and someone ingame gets pretty rich, pretty fast through selling GTC that they brought from CCP in the first place. It also should be noted that many of those selling the cards are fairly new characters of which will more than likely flying expensive equipment that they can't use properly. Alternativly their ferrying the money to a main character who goes to buy more ships and more equipment for me to go and blow up.

Just my 2 cents.
You've just echo'd the situation that EVERY mmo has suffered.

And no, it's far from being just the new char's buying/selling, it's the ones who want the big stuff too.

As long as you are satisfied you are ruining the game, then so be it, just don't cry when it dies. :)
AlienWhere said:
You can get 90 day cards for as little as 260M isk
how much are the 90 days?
cos if its like the sub, thats like £30-40 for 250-300mill isk?
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my god this thread dropped to page2!! cant have that.

im thinking of isk selling one of my chars, how much you reckon he's worth?

he's kindof my second industry char, an original Kia member so he's got all the caldari skills from back in the day + the amarr skills, i use him for ship moving + hauling stuff and basic building, essentially because i've had a main industry char i've not trained this char for ages and never pushed him to excel in any field. So in essence it wouldnt take much to make him very usefull indeed.

you'll prolly get a few 100mill/bill for it, I don't think I'd want to sell of any of my chars, its just buying money anyway
[DW]Muffin said:
You could get a bil -> 1.3, I need me a Hulk char, post if selling :p

muffin, first refusal will allways ofc be inside BoB.

he's close to transporters too among other things, i've never gotten around to actually specialising him because i've always had another char that could do it better :(

oh btw im on sisi last night (with strangly enough most of SA :S) and im in my stolen Nyx Mothership and i assign fighters to muffin + another who are buzzing around, well i go afk and they've gone into all sorts off ffa's and locals screaming at me lol oops :D fun times last night :D
ribbo said:
muffin, first refusal will allways ofc be inside BoB.

he's close to transporters too among other things, i've never gotten around to actually specialising him because i've always had another char that could do it better :(

i don't want another logistics alt i have one whos has a sec of -1.9 even though i dont PvP with him ( :confused: ) imsure you could get a nice decnt thing on Eve-o

ribbo said:
oh btw im on sisi last night (with strangly enough most of SA :S) and im in my stolen Nyx Mothership and i assign fighters to muffin + another who are buzzing around, well i go afk and they've gone into all sorts off ffa's and locals screaming at me lol oops :D fun times last night :D

Typical BNC :D
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