The *Official* Eve Online Thread

I know where you're coming from Alien, I got very bored of the usual alliance blob warfare, so I joined Burn Eden for some real fun, however a lot changed with some of my old corp mates and real life mates quite quickly and we decided to make our own corp, and go and do our own thing.

There's a lot to be said for small tight knit corps who do what they like, where they like, when they like :) ...and it's nice to feel like you made a difference. I'm so glad to be out of the alliance rat-race, it's like having a huge weight lifted off you. Fun times ahead!

I did enjoy the war we fought in Deklein against the NFC though, there was actually a news item about that today. Now it's just back to the daily alliance grind though, so I'm glad to be out.

is anyone here in the Amarr empire? if so could anyone suggest a setup for my coercer, i just cant seem to find a good one.

thanks in advance
The Amarr Empire is just the computer, you can't be in the Amarr Empire. My char is Amarr, easy mistake to make (i made it such a long time ago). But your best fitting would be:

High: Dual Light Pulse Laser

Med: 1mn AB

Low: Small Armor Rep, Energized adaptaive nano, Heat sink 1, Capacitor power relay

Fit out the low and med slots then squeese as many of those guns as you can depending on your fitting skills.
bad? why is it bad?

Its just the name of the empire that controls the space, its just the same as other npc regios except that there will be differnt NPC's to kill or the type of asteriod that spawns.
depends how you interpret how he wrote it.."in the amarr empire" as in where you live or "in the amarr empire" as in a member of hedion prime corp or whatnot!

in my opinion the best thing to do with a coercer is to repackage it and buy a maller :p
Whats your ingame char name Mippie?

nm got ya, sent you a mil isk, i had it given to me when i started, it makes buying skills and equip a lot easier :)

If you require loans of isk from 1mil to 5bil ring 0800 MUFFIN 4tw to speak to the muffin bank, rates as low as 2.3%!
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OMG, that was you muffin, thankyou sooo much, was a bit confused when i randomly got 1mil isk. anyway, thankyou :D ! i initially thought that it was some poor industrial/miner who was gettin attacked by pirates and got the name wrong lol.
New question, if i see someone with a yellow box and a skull in the corner of their thingie (dont know what its called, you know the thing that shows you what they are, station or whatever) does that mean i can attack them with fear of having my ass kicked by concord? or is that only in 0.4 sectors?
Mippie said:
New question, if i see someone with a yellow box and a skull in the corner of their thingie (dont know what its called, you know the thing that shows you what they are, station or whatever) does that mean i can attack them with fear of having my ass kicked by concord? or is that only in 0.4 sectors?
You can also attack anyone in < 0.5 space without getting attacked by concord (although the sentries at stations and gates will still fire on you). You can also attack anyone with less than -5.0 sec status in any system, however, I wouldn't recommend it :)
Overview is the word you are looking for (the box on the righ of your screen)

And no, only players with a standing of -5 or lower can be freely attacked, they will be epileptic fit enducing flashy-red if they were -5 or less :)
Mippie said:
does that mean i can attack them with fear of having my ass kicked by concord? or is that only in 0.4 sectors?

if you attack an outlaw target (-5 sec or lower) or an aggressed player (committed a crime in low sec 15 min timer) realise they can fire back?
Mippie said:
I just got owned in my coercer doing a lvl2 mission, conclusion, destroyers are not built for lvl2 missions :eek:

Destoyers on there own are best left to lvl1, in packs they are better i would say. use a cruiser if you have one for level 2 it'll be much easyer.

Drop me a mail in game if you need a hand.

Ingame name :Lostcorpse
You can do level 2 missions easily enough in a Destroyer, just probably not with 1 weeks worth of skills and next to no experience.
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