The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Ice Globe said:
Loading wallet transactions and journal seems to take forever with the new patch atm, even if you set it to pick up specific notes like player donations.

I always found loading specifics to take the longest, sometimes minutes!
POS loading still takes a while but I think bookmarks etc have sped up slightly. Can't say I've been in any large fleet battles since the patch so can't comment on that performance but just seems generally a tiny bit smoother.
Phog said:
POS loading still takes a while but I think bookmarks etc have sped up slightly. Can't say I've been in any large fleet battles since the patch so can't comment on that performance but just seems generally a tiny bit smoother.

you know something i would have thought that CCP would have added the option to NOT display the PoS Module names in the beginning, to stop this PoS lag
Who else has had there Graphics cards kill the output while playing Eve? its happed to me and quite a few of the other ocuk guys, well annoying in a mission you have to restart your computer before you get any output back :(

Curse you CCP!
but also thanks like....
Dazzy_G said:
Who else has had there Graphics cards kill the output while playing Eve? its happed to me and quite a few of the other ocuk guys, well annoying in a mission you have to restart your computer before you get any output back :(

Curse you CCP!
but also thanks like....

Thats really weird? I too have noticed this recently but I thought it was to do with the fact that I have rebuilt my computer from watercooled to aircooled and I didnt think the card could handle the overclocking anymore.

It may just be a coincidence but I would be interested to know if something has happened to the game engine as I didnt notice any graphics problems with other games.
yeah same here it doesnt do it with any other game, but its happened to quite a few of us, all with different Cards an all. ive got an x700, they had 7800 Gt and GS. we come to the conclusion it was the game
I wondered why my eve screwed up on me too with the graphics. I put it down to my computer as it runs fine on my laptop graphics which is an x300.
Looks like eve doesn't like my 7800GS.
I'm glad I havent wasted any SP on a recon yet, looks like CCP just broke all covops ships adding the cloaking bug to a new "feature" in the game.
I guess I'll push onto more t2 guns.

Bookmark copying will also be a thing of the past with a limit imposed to 5 bookmarks copied at a time, glad i've got all the region sets around me now.
Still having problems with it, it even does it on the login screen now. acording to windows it sends a stop command in the thread. so i dunno. stupid thing :(

on the upside ive now got like 267million after selling that megathron i built :D
Dazzy_G said:
Still having problems with it, it even does it on the login screen now. acording to windows it sends a stop command in the thread. so i dunno. stupid thing :(

on the upside ive now got like 267million after selling that megathron i built :D
you sold a mega for 267million?
Phog said:
For gang use in smallish fast gangs, which is better, the Retribution or Vengeance?
vengence has more mids yeah? that I think then. but it depends on what the rest of the gang has.
also amarrr != fast
Retribution has a single mid. It seems to me that whatever I can do in the Vengeance though, I can pretty much do in my Punisher other than a couple of extra T2 fittings. Might just sit and wait for Malediction. :)
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