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well managed to get in this morning at 7, i got my first PvP kill this morning as well :D

I killed another rifter with mine, i was down to 50% structure by the time i killed him, there wasn't any smack talk and i'm no pirate (was self defense) so i let his pod go, he mailed me saying well done etc.

went to work loooking like :D
You'll be fine in lowsec as long as you live by the rule that if you don't know them to be friendly, they will shoot you. Positive (personal) sec rating just means they have shot a lot of NPC's, low sec rating means they've recently shot players.

Watch local and stay alert, and be prepared to lose whatever you take with you :)

EDIT: congrats phate, welcome to EVE :)
0.4-0.1 is so laughably safe. I can't believe that I quaked in terror the first time I accidently bought my first 150mm prototype rail in a 0.4 system.

You can fly the majority of frigs and cruisers around and bypass the lone pirate camps. Gatecamps stick out like a sore thumb if you view the map details on a system, and its only snipers you need to worry about if you are flying something with low hitpoints.

Just dont warp to moons, planets and belts unless you are prepared for combat, dont go afk in space, keep your eye out for local chat and don't go flying things you cant afford to lose.
Dj_Jestar said:
congrats phate, welcome to EVE :)

It's only taken 7 months of play time :p jeez i've been living in 0.0 for about 2 - 3 weeks now :p

Im now ready for a Dominix but the only one for sale is 100M :( and thats 1 jump away and the next closest is 65mil but 17 jumps away :(
Dj_Jestar said:
took me about the same time to get a kill :) Good old pakkonen :D


don't get me wrong, i've fought.........and lost :p

but this is the first PvP contact i've had in ages, and it was only in a Rifter and was in the same system as my clone so i went for it. :D sitting here smiling thinking about it now
Yup, 0.4 to 0.1 space is more dangerous than 0.0 as you get a lot of nasty ebil pirates :D

You also get people camping the empire choke points to 0.0

Depends why you wish to go there m8, if its better rats to kill for isk as your new to EVE jump in a shuttle make yourself some bookmarks, some safe spots in the systems you use and keep an eye on local.

If your just curious or want to PVP spend 300k fitting a T1 frig and go for it.
Phate said:
Im now ready for a Dominix but the only one for sale is 100M :( and thats 1 jump away and the next closest is 65mil but 17 jumps away :(

We pretty much have an empire market in our space. :o :cool: ;)
AlienWhere said:
not in paragon.. 100mil for a domi :(

That's because STK don't live there. :p

Dj_Jestar said:
Who you with now? :)

I imagine he's with BoB? Popping his nose through into Paragon every now and then?
Actually I have never been in BoB. I flew in the Five, best alliance I've ever had the chance to fly with or against, but sadly they disbanded due to a number of reasons.

I currently fly in a small corp, as stated, with a few of my mates who have left BoB corps, but sadly they are becoming more inactive and the job of running the corp now is becoming boring in their absence.

I've been looking for a new home for both my charactes, but at the moment it seems the most likely option for me is to switch my alt into running HSY and moving aakron back into a 0.0 corp with some other friends of mine.
ok.. just got 14 day free trial and im loving it so far, i cut the tutorial short as a friend said he will teach me stuff if i need help.

now im looking for a good corp that will give me lots of freebees.
is there like a OcUK corp atm?
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