The *Official* Eve Online Thread

sidthesexist said:
Kali is on sisi from 1 pm tommorow

I'm kinda excited, not sure if my account will be active on their as the mirror was from the 10th and I re-subbed on the 17th.

Not sure when the last mirror was but my account worked on that, so, who knows. :S
Dj_Jestar said:

the amarr "love" is missles for khanid ships (maled, veng, sac, damn, heret, and curse) according to tux. (he agreed to the proposal put forward by someone in mods+ships)

Are you serious?? I seriously will give up on amarr. I cant do a single high level mission without having to warp in and out about 5 times.

My mates trained projoctiles for his geddon and he has no issues...... Its pathetic its the only way to be able to tank and pew.

They so better come up with something better than missiles for a bunch of T2 ships that not many people use anyway.
Efour2 said:
Are you serious?? I seriously will give up on amarr. I cant do a single high level mission without having to warp in and out about 5 times.

My mates trained projoctiles for his geddon and he has no issues...... Its pathetic its the only way to be able to tank and pew.

They so better come up with something better than missiles for a bunch of T2 ships that not many people use anyway.

What Setup you got, Mission and rough skills
The Khanid changes are very interesting and, as far as I read, are far from spreading doom to the amarr race.

You can read all about them here

Sarmaul is quite an experienced pilot and the changes seem very well thought out, he proposes that the ships in question keep their laser turret hardpoints allowing them the versatility that amarr requires.

I'm not an amarr pilot, but they sound like good changes, I'll let muffin say the final word though :p
spec hardeners for rats.
6 tachyons
it all varies you know im not a complete tool ehehe :)

I do try new stuff, i try the shorter range with ***'s but i just cannot soak it up and sustain cap to tank it proper.

I am still a noob and freely admit it but have bs4 and all the key basic skills on 4 or 5 and 4 or 5 in energy management type ones.

im purely amarr. about7m sp.

Its pretty evident even when doing lvl 3s in a BC, you start to worry about cap a lot faster than you would hope.

I think the real problem is im doing mission is minnie space lots andlots of EM/TM resistant rats.

I personaly think a better "laser" fix would have been better - give em a touch more variation than EM/thermal (bit of explosive??) or if you want take of their cap use and make the crystals degrade at the same rate as a stack of ammo.

I speak as a nub Im not kitted up for T2 equipment yet, and fully respect that all my cap problems maybe gone the day i have 5 in ALL the sub skills.

I just think it is a shame that Artillery works better than lasers on the loveeeerly looking apoc and geddon :( for nubs

I think i can understand the reasoning behind the missile love, but that is really only helping t2 ships. How about looking at the balance of the t1 ones?
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only use tach's if you are going to snipe, they have the 2nd worst tracking of the big guns.

Use Mega pulse with varying crystals.. should get up to about 30km range with the weakest t1 crystal (radio)
JC said:
The Khanid changes are very interesting and, as far as I read, are far from spreading doom to the amarr race.

You can read all about them here

Sarmaul is quite an experienced pilot and the changes seem very well thought out, he proposes that the ships in question keep their laser turret hardpoints allowing them the versatility that amarr requires.

I'm not an amarr pilot, but they sound like good changes, I'll let muffin say the final word though :p
It's the bonus' I'm bothered about. It's difficult enough as it is to compete with like ships from other races, but to lose specific bonus' will turn the ships into jack of all trades and masters of none, whilst the other races all have very specific layouts and pwn because of that.
deffo lose the Tach's, Mega pulses or Beams if you need the range, even having 2 or 3 different types of guns is popular. But get an Apoc, its far superior for hard missions, yes less damadge but the extra cap and hp is needed.
[DW]Muffin said:
deffo lose the Tach's, Mega pulses or Beams if you need the range, even having 2 or 3 different types of guns is popular. But get an Apoc, its far superior for hard missions, yes less damadge but the extra cap and hp is needed.
to be honest, apoc rule for missions, but you still need the skills to use it.
there is no easy way to do lvl 4s with 7mill SP
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