Ok the story of the D-F-C member getting blown up last night from the horses mouth -- i.e I was the one who got ganked.
a load of us were mining in korama (0.8). it wasnt great money but as a team building excercise it was lots of fun. I like toz and Az and everick and necris . we had a good chat/laugh and mined a few iterons worth of viscous plag.
**** 11pm it was time for me to head home in my osprey.
i set the autopilot for villore and was reading the gang chat when (this was in onatoh) my shields went to about 1/10th.-- thats the first thing i noticed.
naturally i thought WTH just as my shields vanished totally and my armour went to half. i hit afterburner and prayed i could reach the gate in time--i was only approx 3 km from it.
i looked up to top right and saw i had auto targetted Cassendra back---just as my structure went to about half.
there wasnt much i could do--i had 3 miner 2's and 1 assault launcher fitted ! lol.
well her next shot blew me up just as i got to about 3000m of the gate. i jumped through and quickly scanned the mail from concord.
she was in a raven, is all i can remember atm.
i went into corp chat to report this as i had great expectations of us forming up and nailing her -- if not in battleships and interceptors, at least waves of suicide kestrels (toz mentioned to me during recruitment if a D-F-C member is killed, we kill the aggressor--its like law of the jungle or something)
but- to my dismay-one of the members ..well basically seemed extraordinarily pleased by this. Literally lines of lol's.
i was kinda annoyed but 2 thoughts ran through my head
A/ im new --dont rock the boat.. and
B/ he might be a kid
so i reported the facts and shut up.
then he starts.. youre character is 2 years old Eternity.. why not get a good ship and pvp her?
i replied "that WAS my good ship"
more lol's .. i thought nm time for bed.. thats when lady charity told me to send the killmail to her.(which cheered me up)
the guys from oc/uk and STK will know my situation.
the fact my guy is 2 years old but only 1.2 mil sp's is precisely down, in part , to people with the attitude of the (un-named) corp member.
But i would like to stress--my ship was insured and i still have a few mil isk left AND it was my risk to fly thru low sec space, so ... im not complaining.
just wanted everyone to get the facts.
ok move along ...