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I don't support fighters because of where they are from, in fact there are only a handful of British fighters I do actually like. Paul Taylor, Brad Pickett and Ross pearson are a few I like off the top of my head.

Hardy and Bisping are both idiots.
I still would have liked it to be Chael v Bisping, just so Chael could tear him a new one, but Mayhem should be able to get the job done.
I really don't think Bisping gets enough credit for his skills, he is extremely skilled! Unfortunately skill doesn't equal being able to hit hard or take a punch, conversely Mayehm isn't a big puncher so assuming Bisping can stay on his feet it's a comfortable win for Bisping.
Not denying he has skills, he is a very technical and precise striker his wrestling is ok and he has great sub defence, I just don't like him for who he is.

OK he is good, but he is not title winning good.

I think Mayhem is going to sub him, if he can almost sub Shields (only saved by the bell) who is arguably one of the best sub guys around right now. Then he can sub Bisping.
lol rampage is gonna go boxing after his ufc contracts up think in japan.... his reasoning cos people stand in front of you to fight and not run away, wonder where he got that from :)
Care to elaborate?

Bisping has British wrestling, which is terrible.


Also he lost to an ancient and broken Wandy


(this happened twice)


also even if he could keep it standing




also he is not a nice man and is only in the UFC from back when they wanted to introduce it into the UK mainstream market.
lol awesome gifs I didnt see that pic of miller on his way out man the commentators and staff are proper fuming and miller just smiling :) almost forgot nate diaz went for a take down towards the end, gotta rate the above cam shot of the ring also lol Quality... gonna watch tuf 1/2/3 eps tonight !

Yeah seen that pat vs stefan... thing is there both m8s anyhow but they wont be for the 1st round :) I just hope pat doesnt go all hungy wungy and let stefan win, he needs to concentrate on leg kicks or body/face strikes and take down defence since stefan can submit him easily....

I see Cruz winning by ud also but will be an interesting fight...
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