If some band of tossers out up vids on youtube, where your kids could see it and their schoolfriends etc, taking the pee and gobbing off about your family I think you'd be rightly miffed too. Rivera got a spanking and no-one comments on what an utter scumbag he was because Bisping, with adrenaline buzzing round him, gobbed in their general direction. By rights he should have jumped the fence and put a chair over the scums heads and had done with it.
And yes you would be annoyed but at the end of the day you are a professional and have to overcome such things - kind of comes with the territory. He aint the first sportsman to get abuse and he wouldn't be the first to react either (he aint in Cantona's league style wise anyway) but the fact is a load of people get abuse from chavs in their jobs they just deal with a bit more sensibly and smile and know they can afford to buy the whole council estate if they so wish and kind of rise above it.