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silva would beat any other middleweight out there 99 times out of 100.

i think he will humiliate sonnen next time round.

as for bisping getting a title shot, that would be hilarious, i would stick £100 on a first round KO for silva.
No chance, Silva never does anything for the first couple of minutes, but aye, he'd get whooped.

He only does that when people don't engage with him. As much as I don't like Bisping he does engage and attack the whole time, even if it is with weak punches.

Cardio is one of his strongest assets.
Bisping is trying to get the record of losses on TUF from Rampage.

Not a great coach. I think Tiki is a curse.
Bisping is a horrendous coach as illustrated in the other season he was coach. This season he's been awful where Mayhem has been absolutely fantastic with his guys, a lot more morale in the Miller camp that's for sure. Bisping has failed his fighers so far. It's going to be interesting seeing the finale as this season the coaches are the main event.

As for the people saying Bisping shouldn't get a title shot, I hope Dana eventually gives it to him just to shut him up. We all know he'd get destroyed but let it happen is my stance on it. It's not exactly a division full of endless talent is it. :p
Also, fair play to Silva - I always like him as a personality as he never seems to take life too seriously. What bugs me is when MMA fighters try and act like the baddest men on the planet, growling and pretending they are made of granite etc. Loosen up - if he can you can!
Sucks but that is still an awesome main event.

I saw on Twitter Koscheck was gunning to step in and face Condit, but they are saving Condit for a fight with GSP.

Thing is I thought the winner of BJ Diaz was going to get a shot at whoever won Condit vs GSP, depending on how long he is out surely whoever wins that should face Condit and then the winner face GSP.

Condit was gifted the title fight, this would prove he deserved it.
^^ Agreed. I would love to see that fight, lets hope Dana makes a u-turn and that fight happens. Hopefully GSP isn't out for too long, it's certainly been a year of injuries for main events but probably the best year for fights that I can remember.
they shoulda spiced it up I reckon, give kosh vs bjpenn and condit vs diaz... and winner of condit/diaz gets gsp in 3 or 6 months time when hes better.... or if bjpenn wins give him a shot with the no1 contender.

I would have much better carried on with the fights then to see condit on the shelf, but yeah its hard to blame him frankly... hes said he could do with some more time to improve his game im sure hes working on take down defense and his wrestling/submission more as well as fine tuning his knock out power.

Perhaps this will just amp up an even more killer condit after the long wait !
There hinting GSP maybe out for 6 weeks... but GSP would need till early 2012 to redo the fight, condits got some nagging injuries also so will heal and get better then before.

So guess it worked out in end but proper statements from dw are due to come soon about gsps injury.... so will find out more about that news later.
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