***The Official Fifa 10 Thread***

I really do think ea should change the model completely on these games that are yearly churned out. Soon people might stop buying them because they are too similar.

Also with games like MW2 for a similar price which will offfer 300 hours plus, i know which one i will be buying.

Fifa games always rank among the top selling games of the year so I don't think they have much to worry about.

Also I find it interesting that you use MW2 as an example of a game that isn't too similar? Considering one of the main criticisms of the COD series is that they are very similar. Sure it will offer a lot of hours of gameplay, but then so will Fifa.
Anyone successfully scored from KO yet? Hope you can't.

Nope, tried it a couple of times...I hope you can't!

Really happy with how it feels so far, it's much mroe fluid. Your players dart round defenders to receive a pass, strong strikers can hold off defenders better, the 360 degree dribbling works, you can change the takers of a dead ball easily, long low passes aren't intercepted by your own players and, most importantly of all, you can take quick free kicks!!! Looking forward to October already, although I start a job 3 days after Fifa comes out so I may struggle to play much :(

One qualm is that Buffon seems to only have 66 overall ability which seems odd...
Really enjoying this, I've been playing non-stop although it never feels as good as playing with your own team. Unfortunately Liverpool are nowhere to be found - probably because Torres is fronting PES.

You get the impression that AI has genuinely improved, rather than just an item on a feature list they stick on the back of the box - your team mates make better runs and the defenders have smarter ways of blocking your efforts on goal.

Too many soft free kicks are given in my opinion, I hope they tone that down a bit for the final release. Few small bugs like defenders jogging on the spot until a goal kick is taken but nothing overly major.

The 360 degrees dribbling is such a nice thing to add into the game, makes it feel a lot less 'clockwork' and 'predictable' than FIFA 09 was.
Personally i wont be buying this for anything over 20 quid. I dont see any reason to justify that much for a yearly update with very little major changes. The new features they have added are not worth 40 quid :/. Id pay a tenner just for the new kits and 5 for the minor tweaks/updates.

I really do think ea should change the model completely on these games that are yearly churned out. Soon people might stop buying them because they are too similar. Look at TW10, the reduction in price just shows that it isnt as popular as it once was. ( i know they are thinking of doin this)

Also with games like MW2 for a similar price which will offfer 300 hours plus, i know which one i will be buying.

Rant over :).

Ive put a lot of thought into this post (clearly not lol) so please discuss :).

Football games are all about refinement, EA have done that with Fifa, refining things over the past 3 or 4 years on the new engine and improving every time.

Its funny you mention you would pay more for new kits than the gameplay adjustments, i would think most people really would not be too fussed whether a game had the right kits or were licenced, we just want the best and most realistic game you can have.

I will sink hundreds of hours into a new football game that is good, there is no game that will get better value from money, I probably played PES6, FIFA 08 and 09 over 500 hours combined. I could quite happily only buy one game a year if it was a great football game.
I really do think ea should change the model completely on these games that are yearly churned out. Soon people might stop buying them because they are too similar.

Also with games like MW2 for a similar price which will offfer 300 hours plus, i know which one i will be buying.

I managed to rack up some ~200 hours on Fifa09 offline and online.
Its value to me and most the other guys who buy the series.
Really enjoying this, I've been playing non-stop although it never feels as good as playing with your own team. Unfortunately Liverpool are nowhere to be found - probably because Torres is fronting PES.

EA have a contract with Chelsea stemming back from when they won the PL Twice.

Not sure why people are saying it's hard... for some reason I'm finding it surprisingly easy... The other team are having more chances for sure - but whenever I make an attempt on goal - I normally score =\

I'm on the second difficultly setting (I.e. I play football games occasionally) - are you guys on the Pro difficulty... I may need to turn it up :p

I must have lost my skills then :< Had to drop the difficulty down from top.
Had some good games against the CPU last night, won my first game 2-0 against Chigaco, they were tough to breakdown until the 80th minute then Messi & Ibra scored two awesome goals.

Then played as Chelsea twice and lost both games. :(

Overall seems a nice improvement over 09, 360 dribbling works really well, the commentery is good, Tyler said something to Grey about wanting to play the modern game with the latest football and try a header from 25 yards out, he also said some other things which were amusing.

One thing I did notice is when Anelka scored a late goal and he picked th eball out the net and ran back to the centre circle that he wasn't actually holding the ball it was floating infront of him so I hope they sort this out for the final build.

Other than that seemed great!
Unsure what to make of this so far - need to play it more. Definitely felt alien when I first picked it up but its now gelling with me

Unsure how things like skill dribbling works so need to learn that as its pretty hard getting past the defence as they normally stick a leg out and stop a run/pass much more than they used to. Also clean breaks on goal are a lot harder as the defence seems to be able to catch up and last ditch tackle you even if you are Anelka and the CPU us Puyol :p

Not really noticed 360 dribbling but I think thats the point - its should be a subtle addition to the game. Ball flight has changed for the better (you can do low, high powered shots from range) and also first time shots and shots after skill moves are a lot more hit and miss which seems far more realistic...

Crosses are great but much more difficult to get on the end of them - corners are quite a lot different for me (theyve done something to the way players move from standing still that makes them feel like they are moving in treacle - the extremes between running from standing to full pelt seems wider), but free kicks seem the same as 09 (still not scored one yet :p)...

Goalkeepers seem happier to come out in no mans land which is something I hate - not really noticed an AI change with them yet...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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first bug/exploit found!

Can score, with any player, 100% of the time inside the box with a chip shot if the power is right.
Keeper never saves it.

Just beat chelsea on hardest demo difficulty 11-0 using this bug lol.
Pretty sure that was in FIFA 09 especially if you did it on a diagonal - the default goalkeepers positioning was always so woeful 1v1

ps3ud0 :cool:
This game feels very different - more so than I had expected. So I think it's going to take some getting used to before I am any good :p I went into FIFA09 after not playing any footy games for years, and seemed to pick it up much quicker. Maybe I have set myself in my ways which is something I need to shake off. :p

Noticed some celebration-specific commentary last night, not sure if it has been mentioned before or not. Scored a goal and did the bow celebration and Tyler started talking about being excited to score and bowing in front of the adoring fans. Just thought that was a nice touch.
Noticed some celebration-specific commentary last night, not sure if it has been mentioned before or not. Scored a goal and did the bow celebration and Tyler started talking about being excited to score and bowing in front of the adoring fans. Just thought that was a nice touch.

Yeah it's a really nice touch, I did the bow one when i was 4 up and the commentator said we were really rubbing it in :D I also did the airplane and they said something about really flying now. I do wish they'd added a few new celebrations though.
The keepers are so much better now. I have had my keeper charge out and make some cracking 1 on 1 saves. SOOOO much better than 09.

They really have changed all the things in 09 that annoyed me, and made a perfect football game.
They really need proper referees now. It just detracts from the overall feel, when the commentators say "the match official" would be so much better to have all the proper refs in the game.

Maybe for 11.
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