The Official FIFA 12 Club(11v11)

i was with sad pandas but the manager decided to pack it in. we was an awsome team. i then joined this other club called Stella FC. not bad. got kicked out once for some unknown reason lol but they let me back in.

Damm shame we couldnt all have sticked together. if more OCUK do join together i may join too. Do u lot wanna create a new club called OCUK?

i need to know how many people are 100% on the idea? if 10+ are on it. we could make it happen.
Doomer, any plans on sad pandas being resurrected in fifa 13? Also, u wanna see if u can join the club im in? there quite casual, loads of people on, pretty active but word fo warning, dont question them or make any suggestions how they can improve. thats how i got kicked out before LOL.

its better then nothing and there not a bad side. just not a patch over sad pandas
Seriously we should ALL hook up and play together as OCUK club

i would quit stella fc ina heartbeat if doom+ loads of u lot join in. Newcomers outside of ocuk can happily join too. all im after is a active casual club that plays almost every night!

And about ANDY. for some reason he has issues with me as he kept on making excuses on why i cant join his club before :(
You dont seem to be on my Origin anymore did you delete me??/


no i have not deleted u? have u deleted me lol

But that was a disaster, I really cant see it being any different.Sure, 99% of us never really played the mode and game before.

Can you really see it being any different 5 or 6 months on.

what was? the original OCUK team? it got screwed up because that jabroni went off and created his own club taking all our active players and from then on it went downhill. that person diddnt even tell me, i found out by accident lol

Thats the only reason it went downhill. Mate i have built a 30+ club before that last 2-3 years. yes thats right, 2-3 years and it worked like a charm. we wasnt the BEST club out there(was on ps3) but we played every night and we all enjoyed it and had fun.

i am telling u now, this will work if everyone involved is in it for the long run and not gunna jump ship after a few games to form there own club! Look at the situation now!

We have maybe 10-15 of us who still play fifa/clubs of some sort, spread across 3-4 different clubs! Had we all sticked together in the original ocuk club we would have bene laughing mate. We would still be playing together and who knows, probably become an awsome side.

But some jumped ship, went there separate ways and look what happened. everyone finding it difficult to find and stick to a club. many here including me joining a new club ever week for various reasons.

If u want to make "bagiuo city"/ocuk happen, lets do it, we can make it happen but only if u all are in it for the longhole.

We can have 3-4 managers in the club as having just one person is difficult and we can give trials to newcomers(people we dont know) and be strict on them.

The managers should also have the ability to suspend/kick regulars if they are playing absolutely pants :) . Think of a club thats a mix between a hardcore club like sad pandas and one thats casual.

So as long as u try and play decently, u wont get kicked but at the same time if u play like a retard, its bye bye lol.

Anyways whichever way it goes, a ocuk club with all of us in it for the long hall will do wonders
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I've re-added you, must be something to do with me needing to reinstall origins last week. :S odd

But I agree with this, if you start a team you should stick with it, not jump ship because you dont always win or you dont always get to play in the position you want, It has to be done fairly

re-read my edit post, i have added more stuff hehe

I haven't officially left :p just left to play games as I dunno whats happening with the other two or when they'll be back its been over a week now, if they come back I will join back again cos we are a small close nit team and developed chemistry on the pitch which was enjoyable, shame really as we were getting good results too in between howlers.

He doesn't have any personal issues you, just you change teams and such so often :p we don't like that as its disruptive so agreed not to allow anyone who would do that, one reason matty joined was his always been with us and stays.

As for a new club with all of us, just don't think it will work, we have tried it in a few incarnations and it will never work.

I have only been in 4 clubs, ocuk/baguio i left as not much activeness going on, joined sad pandas and u all know what happened, joined some pure random club i found on my own(at this time i was asking andy if i can join his instead) and then i joined stella. 4 clubs man.

So all i all i think andy has a grudge against me. at first when i asked if i can temporarily join for a few weeks(when sad pandas was in a break) he said they dotn do loaners and said if i joined as a perm it would be fine. now fast forward a few weeks later when sad pandas is no more, i approached him again and he said no i cant join because i moved too many clubs?

See the pattern? excuses apon excuses is what i can see. dunno why he has a issue with me
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I don't think this was the problem, that group of people knew each other before hand anyways and weren't exactly the nicest bunch of people so it wasn't a bad thing. But after they left it gave the rest of us a chance which we took, and we started building then you left the club out of nowhere and joined Sad Panda's if you remember which killed the club completely after that the rest of us started a new club which died again, then we all sort of went different ways and into small groups and clubs, which for the most part worked better then a mega big club.

Well tbh, there is maybe less then 10 of us who still play clubs here so all of us coming together to form baguio city/ocuk is not really a "Mega club" so to speak so why wouldnt that work?

Here is how it can work. we start of with 10 of us from here, get use to eachother and go from there. any one who wants to join we take on mabe 1 or 2 new people per week for a trial and give them a week to adjust to our play and once it becomes second nature for them, we then recruit another 2. So in theory we "slowly" build a team instead of dumping 30 new people in our club as i did before.

i think that was the issue back then. me dumping 30 people in baguio instead of starting small.

What do u think mate? im sure you would agree that my approach above would work.
Are you planning on kicking people from the club "because you don't like the way they play"?

That was such a joke, soured me on the whole Pro Clubs, so yeah, good luck on the club, but you really miss the point, sadly.

I'm talking about Sad Pandas, by the way.

uhh? i dont get it LOL.

what i was saying is that if someone was playing absolute dogs crap, they should get kicked. That aint harsh no?
Just hit me up for some 2v2 :cool:

I would guess some of us have become accustomed to playing in certain ways, like myself :o so not sure how team chemistry will be.

Lol Jon I think you are reading way too much into this, Andy doesn't have a grudge against you and these policies weren't just his but we made these decisions as a club cos we got messed around by a few people who joined the club and caused disruption so we agreed to only have players who would join and stay and not leave when they felt like it and rejoin again or leave cos results weren't good. Thats why we went onto create a new club.

hehe maybe so but i offered to join ona perm basis and he said no. PassMove said he wouldnt mind me joining though

Hate to sound like a pessimist but I just don't think it will work, and all of this will take time and by then Fifa/PES 13 will be out, maybe it would be better to try again on those.

Why wouldnt it work? Its all good saying "it wont work" but why?

I hope PES 13 has a club mode and a good one at that, don't think I'll be buying Fifa 13 unless they drastically improve some of the game modes and the quality of the software.

Doubtful, they cant even get 1v1 lag free yet

replied in bold hehe
Pass8, re-add me on origin lol if you are looking for club entertainment until fc o rly etc are back in action.

I've joined a decent club with 8 players. Need another dm/cm in the meantime.

They are on every evening, seemingly.

You also, da kiss. You like playing as a DM/CM ?


Yea i still like to play in a centre role :)

I did kick a few people from the club some ocukers but to be fair i never said the club was a ocuk club. I did feel i gave everyone a fair trail though.

I have played clubs a lot, so when people don't know some of the basics it becomes very frustrating for me as the any and makes the game less fun for me. It was always my view when i play any i make the game more fun for the people playing with me cause i like to pass it around try get everyone involved in the game but i also expect people that was in my team to at least contribute and make my job easier, if i felt like they wasn't doing that i would ask other people what they thought then i would take action based on that.

But if you are to make a new club i think it is harsh kicking people if its meant to be a ocuk club. When the first club started i suggested a few things we could do to make things better like playing a simple formation, making sure we had at least 1 defensive minded midfield player. Which was all pretty much ignored hence why i got out there fast

If people are to make a new club i would be happy to join but i would take more of a back seat role and i would just want to play my pro rather then playing any.

Why cant we kick players who play absolutely crap in a supposed OCUK club? im not after a strict kick out rule like sad pandas. But surely if player A never passes? always hogs the ball? nto a team player? why shouldnt we kick that player?

If we dont then that player will ruin clubs for everyone and then you and others will leave again. We all wanta fun active club, but it aint fun if we have a few players whol intentionally spoil it for the rest of us. That is why i propose that the new OCUK club is a cross between sad pandas and a casual one. I.E still make it a casual affair but not TOOO casual where people have the licence to mess around.

If and when we do make a club, i or whoever manager will listen to peoples suggestions.

When the OcUK team fell apart I joined Sad Pandas. I had a lot of fun there and learned a lot from Doomer and Phil. Nearly got kicked a out a few times due to my form dipping, as I can be inconsistent at times. Even the times when I was close to be kicked out, I knew it was my fault, and not them being unfair. But they would give me a warning and I would try harder and improve. I managed to stay with Sad Pandas until the end and won 2 league titles and had lots of fun doing it :). I was the last member to leave Sad Pandas, so I do stay when I find a good bunch of people to play with.

Doomer can be a bit hot headed at times, but the main thing is, he is fair and he definitely makes it a lot of fun to play with when he is ANY or even just a CAM. He is the best ANY I have ever played with and I know when to do runs and can score a lot due to some excellent passes from him.

After SadPandas was gone, BallCastle was made and we are currently doing well there and are in Division 1 anyway. It is like SadPandas, but more chilled out.

I think BallCastle have the right balance right in order to have a club that is big and fun to play with at the same time. We just need more players that are active. There are like 4 other apart from my self that are active, but not consistently.

What I would suggest is you guys can create a new club and we all join that, this way we will have a very active club. Alternatively, instead of creating a new club, why not join BallCastle? It is not exactly the same as SadPandas (not as strict), so you should give it a try. Me and gazzamcg (Jambo) play and have a lot of fun. I remember enjoying playing with umboma but he chose too join other teams. If we do not end up making 1 big super club, then instead of making a new club why not just join BallCastle umboma ;)

Anyway, those are my thoughts. Just want a club that is more active and I am more than happy :D

I joined BallCastle but they at the time diddnt seem very active! I was once kicked from Sad pandas but asked DOOM to give me one more try and i listened to all the critisism from him and uppted my game dramatically and never got booted again :)

Anyways we should all make a decision. shall we all join BallCastle? or create a new club and all join that together?

Lets get some names under the hat who are interested in forming a club together:

i will put my name down:

Well, I like the idea of a OCUK club, but how strict is it going to be? Are we going to get kicked if we don't perform one evening etc. :confused:

I've got 3 guys who joined me from these forums recently, Olliedell, lemon and mattyk80, we were all looking for a friendly, relaxed club to join where we didn't have to fear being kicked for not performing. I guess depending on how relaxed this OCUK club is going to be, we'd be interested in joining.

i've already said how strict it will be. please re read my posts mate.

If we DONT be strict AT ALL, it wont work, especially with potential none-OCUK players who can walk in our side and pretty much ruin the fun of our club without being booted. do u want that to happen?

Its not about not performing, but not playing like retards. that is all. a balance betwene sad pandas and the old ocuk .

Anyways i can potentialy take up the role as manager along with 1 or 2 others here, create some basic guidelines and we can make this happen. if mnay people are generally interested i can get the ball rolling, quit the current club im in and create a new one and invite u lot in
kokuten- origin??
umboma- Mattyk80
ocuk name?-pass8move
ocuk name? - witcher1979

Updated list,

Sounds good, you have to protect the club against ball hogs and people who are selfish on the ball, that's for sure. Some people have different skill levels then others though, they shouldn't be left out.

About positions, we should have a list of our preferred positions, and take turns either per night or per game.

If you add me on origin jonney, Picklesnipe, we can have a chat about how to take this forward.

defo, thats the whole idea, protect the club from genuine retards but still offer a wide varied of skill level of players. U dont have to be awesome to be in ocuk club. Just dont have to be a retard thats all lol :)
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Sorry to hear that jambo. Really enjoyed playing with you. Should give it a go though man. You are always welcome to join when you want buddy :)

Jambo, stop being a wuss and join us!! :D

To get the ball rolling, I have gone ahead and created our new club.

Name: OcUK FC
Krest & Kit: U.N.A.M
Commentary: All Stars

The colours and logo seem to match OcUK and the commentary name is just something I just picked in A. All of this can be changed if you guys think something is better suitable for the club :)

I just invited jonneymendoza and gazzamcg for now. I will start adding the rest of you guys shortly.

awsome, nice one mate, will join soon as i finish my dinner
I won't be joining for now, would like to wait and see how this goes. I think one problem you will have is the club will be too big and getting players to play in their best positions and the fact that if you have a lot of players playing at the same time most opposition clubs will just quit in the lobby if then have significantly less players then you.

Anyway good luck and hope it works out well and let us know how you guys get on.

10 of us too big? lol sad pandas had around 10 members. and look how well that club was. Come and join us. whats the harm?
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