OK.. I suppose ill give you the details as you can't seem stop acting like a school girl.
Talk came about of forming a new club with friends and regulars as there was little respect through the club, No one has a problem with anyone at all.
This has been blown out of proportion simply due to one man feeling betrayed and he is obviously hurting but the fact is that it has taken him 2 weeks to realise some of "His" players moved on in search of greener pastures.
Sorry for being busy organising a league for u and others to play in. my bad. Do i need to be on all the time for you to play club matches?
I didn't exactly call you a bad manager now did I... What I said was you didn't manage, all you did is show up. By example I asked you to provide me with manager status so while your not on we could have some order. You actually gave a manager spot to someone that clearly said he didn't want it.
I gave the spot to the most active member yes. Nothing wrong with doing that. he then gave you management spot so end of the day, you got your wish and was manager
You constantly upset people with your super loud TV and your incessant match starting with out everyone being ready and to top it of you simply went AFK during ready up sessions, this sir ****ed people off and it isn't as if you weren't told.
Uhh? how wa si starting a match without anyone ready? i was hardly the captain of the team and only the captain starts the match! About the TV, i apologize, i cant do much about that other then not use my mic at all or minimum
There was no order within the club I had to literally grab it by its neck and tell people what the situation was. Several occasions after a match some players would without notice jump in peoples places during match transition and this ****ed off people too.
This is BS. time and time again in the mumble chat i told people to stay in positions, try and play keep ball etc etc etc. I also reminded people to share positions as well. I believe at one point ZERO was our goalkeeper and i kept asking him if he wanted to change positions. even told everyone else to make room for Zero and let him choose his position first and he said he doesnt want to and is happy to play as a GK. fine example of bad management
This would also lower the tone and Voice Comms became a place to **** people off and the mood became sour as people didn't want to upset other people by telling the person how bad they really are.
Thats your fault. i told u before and ohers that if someone is taking the P, tell them. otherwise what is the point in using mumble then? Where here to play and improve as a team and in order to do that i need YOU and everyone to chip in. Cant expect me to see everything and be the ONLY person that critisises someone.. Doesnt work like that in real life. You see real players onfield slaging a fellow team mate if he aint pulling his socks off.
So instead of causing an upset talk started of a new club with same players just the most active players would have control over what was going on.
Again, you HAD control in this club. You HAD the ability to tell people to to put there socks off yet you stay hidden and just upted and left without confronting these people and ALSO telling me about it.
We now have a good solid club with no arguments and no one to blame for losses. No one wanted this to turn sour but seeing as you wont let it go then this post has to happen.
You turned it sour by the way you handled things. You never cameto me with issues. None of you did. thats the issue. You handled it poor. never gave this club a chance to improve.
Ill answer your questions but I feel as if you're taking this like a child would...
I did not say people were not playing clubs. I said the active players were being pushed out by greedy players who just wanted the striking position, also the fact you started searching for games without players readying up.
Well, as i said before, YOU and others NEVER said a single word all kept quiet. Never said a thing to me because you was apparantly scared to do so because im part of the problem
How would u know how i would react if u dont say? I guarantee you, Had you and your mates come to me and tell me these issues and my management skills in question, i would have sorted it out but nope. you bailed out
You quite openly threatened to boot Nick5466 for "bad sportsmanship"
And if you bothered reading the 1v1 league, you will know it has NOTHING to do with clubs and purely because he quitted on purpose during a match i played against him. please read that thread before spouting nonsense. Had it been a none club member quitting on purpose, i would have still dealt with the matter the exact same way. Again, as i warned you, DO NOT drag teh 1v1 in to this discussion as its an complete enitre different entity.
You didn't take charge at any time and you disappeared several times during start ups and games. Your TV was way too loud and you never listened to anyone who gave you input. Please... don't ask for an example as I don't have a personal one.
well i have already commented on this and yes my TV was loud and i apologize for it. See, im not a bad fellow and i admit my faults. A shame u bailed out before telling your concerns.
You wouldn't of listened anyway... Try turning off the TV! I have no issues with beginners as it was the lack of command I personally had an issue with. And no we didn't boycott your team. 6 players got tired off the nonsense.
No you boycoted it from what i can see. never confronted me with any maters and just left. And the above comment says it all "You wouldnt of listened anyway" proves my point that you nevr even trie. Watch me in the 1v1 league on how i will listen to improvements an suggestions in that league. Already planning to split the league next season due to peoples request. Yup i sure as dont listen to others
I did not request to "Come Back" at all! Once I quit.. I quit..
Maybe i mistaken you from someone else but it was definitely someone from your club
I think I accidently left once when I had an issue with my pro but that was weeks ago.