The Official FIFA 12 Club(11v11)


All the players bar one in our current squad I have known for years!

You created a club and invited everyone on here irrelevant of skill, and only made apperances in the early stages.

I know of people getting ****ed of because players would just jump into a position and play poorly. This ruins it.

You are massivly inactive your self as we have had this club running for two weeks now and this is only the first you are hearing of it?

We play to win not to let the other team pound us. I know you dont like it but you have more than enough squad members to play 11 v 11 so the fact that we left to do something of our own does not mean you can **** me or our club off.

This was not done because of one single person but the thoughts of a few. These few are now in Vitae FC, if you want in then let me know

i invited everyone regardless of skill yes because how many past fifa pc games had club mode? most here diddnt know what this mode was all about! Most where beginners to this mode and its clear, you and others never gave them a chance and jumped shipped.

Also, i have been inactive from clubs for just a week due to organizing and running teh 1v1 league that u and most of your club mates joined.

Plus it just shows how bad you gone about things because you never even told me about your club until only friday when i asked you. Diddnt even know it was running for two weeks.

You know have the cheek to ask people from here to join u? that defeats the whole purpose of recruiting people of certain skill level. how it gods name can u expect people to just play superb in this game mode when they have never played this game mode before?

Not only are u taking the **** out my attempts and efforts here, but also the other guys here who are very new to this game mode.

Lack of class from u and others man. not good.

End of the day its you slagging me and other guys off here in a disrespectful sly way.

Wasnt even mature or man enough to announce 2 weeks ago of your concerns but instead u and others jump ship on the sly. nice one:rolleyes:
Oh dear sorry to see this has gone so sour.

I should appologise for being inactive myself, we are in the middle of the most insane release calendar right now so I have been focusing on single player titles for a bit knowing that FIFA will draw me back in eventually and dominate my time. If I was playing it now the other 6 games I picked up this past couple months would be going to waste.

I fully intend to come back to clubs play soon though and I really enjoyed playing with the regulars that have moved on, we were working into roles very well (I thought).

Yes we was working into roles. we started to gel as a team but as soon as i started organizing a 1v1 league, they jumped shipped behind our backs and as u can see, having the cheek to recruit people from here also. There reasoning as well is pretty shocking. Well it is all up to u if u wish to join them but take not on the posts above for there reasoning. There reasoning is that begginners who are learning this game peed them off apparently. If u are one of those people who are new to this game mode. that remark may be aimed at you.

his words not mine mate
Cool nice one lads. We'll keep running this club and show the others what a load of farce they are for leaving.

I was having a discussion with one of them this evening and apparently I am a bad manager!

Mate i did not know it was soo wrong of me to allow beginners to come in and join this club lol
For the last time this was no boycott, The current line up has several Baguio City players in it but most of us have know each other for 6+ Years

Only Caveman365 and Nick5466 are the players that I do not personally know!

We have created a team that concentrates more on winning than losing, I dont expect everyone to understand our reasons for leaving but Vitae FC is an alternative.

We have played just over 60 games and are pretty much at 2000 points and this is where we left Baguio City at, I cant believe you have threatened players in our new team with dismissals from the league. Its a sad state of affairs.

You have more than enough players in your sqaud to play on so its not as if you can pin any in-activeness on us as you are only just realising we up and left... TWO WHOLE WEEKS!

Stop with the bickering and you can individually ask Vitae FC players for their reason for leaving and I think you will find its only because we know each other.

Im willing to accept applications for the club as we have over 6-8 spaces. This is nothing personal as we want to concentrate more on results than fun... but fun comes free when your winning.

Last night you said most if not all of you left because i was a bad manager, not because u knew each other for 6 years! U was still playing together in this club though. its not as if u was all split up and just decided that the ONLY way to play together was to make a new club.

You went off and "secretly" made a new club, critising me for being a bad manager and critising the beginners in the process. You showed lack of respect to me and others here. You dealt with things in the wrong way. Never voiced your concerns with certain members and never EVER questioned my management skills.

Unlike u, i actually want people to critisie any flaws i have so i can improve myself So u really should have had a discussion with me about my management skills which i am still waiting on further explenations on.

And who have i threatened in the 1v1 league? what a load of crap your talking mate. All i said to YOU and ONLY YOU is that i do not want this to effect the 1v1 league. thats all. what cant u understand about that?

Your making excuses and lies with each post u make.

On friday when we was first talking about clubs u said you joined in another club due to no one in this club playing. You then said if the time comes, would you be allowed to rejoin us!!!!

I then got the impression that ok fair enough you joined a new club due to inactivetly so thats fine and dont blame you as things been quiet. I then find out later from you that not only YOU joined another club but so did 5-6 of the active members of this club!

Now how could you originally say that no one is playing clubs when what you did was rally up your mates and upted and left behind our back? You lied stating how you left due to hardly anyone playing games. Of course hardly anyone would play club games if you TOOK out the 5-6 ACTIVE members who was!

You then make excuses of leaving by saying first and foremost you are sick and tired of playing with beginners? i then asked you last night "why did u not tell me" And you replied, because im the manager :rolleyes:

I then ask, so what?, You replied, well you are part of the problem :rolleyes: I then ask again, what did i do wrong? do i hog the ball? always select striker role? You said "no, its not fifa related" You then go further and say because the TV in my background was loud and how i never came on at the beginning "wtf?" You then said i am not managing the club right? i then ask you to go further and you COMPLETELY dodged the bullet:rolleyes:

And now i am threatening you and your mates on the 1v1 league:rolleyes: What next? what other lies are you going to say?

So if eMP3Danie can answer these questions then we can better understand his reasoning:

  1. Why did you lie and say no one was playing clubs when what ou did was took out the active guys and created a new one? You plus yoru mates could have still bene playing together in thisclub
  2. Who have i threated in your club about the 1v1 league and what was my exact words i said to them?
  3. What makes me a terrible manager?
  4. Why diddnt you voice your concerns about the beginners instead of boycotting the club?
  5. Why did you ask me if you wanted to come back and join the club last friday when we was first discussing clubs?
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OK.. I suppose ill give you the details as you can't seem stop acting like a school girl.

Talk came about of forming a new club with friends and regulars as there was little respect through the club, No one has a problem with anyone at all.

This has been blown out of proportion simply due to one man feeling betrayed and he is obviously hurting but the fact is that it has taken him 2 weeks to realise some of "His" players moved on in search of greener pastures.

Sorry for being busy organising a league for u and others to play in. my bad. Do i need to be on all the time for you to play club matches?

I didn't exactly call you a bad manager now did I... What I said was you didn't manage, all you did is show up. By example I asked you to provide me with manager status so while your not on we could have some order. You actually gave a manager spot to someone that clearly said he didn't want it.

I gave the spot to the most active member yes. Nothing wrong with doing that. he then gave you management spot so end of the day, you got your wish and was manager

You constantly upset people with your super loud TV and your incessant match starting with out everyone being ready and to top it of you simply went AFK during ready up sessions, this sir ****ed people off and it isn't as if you weren't told.

Uhh? how wa si starting a match without anyone ready? i was hardly the captain of the team and only the captain starts the match! About the TV, i apologize, i cant do much about that other then not use my mic at all or minimum

There was no order within the club I had to literally grab it by its neck and tell people what the situation was. Several occasions after a match some players would without notice jump in peoples places during match transition and this ****ed off people too.

This is BS. time and time again in the mumble chat i told people to stay in positions, try and play keep ball etc etc etc. I also reminded people to share positions as well. I believe at one point ZERO was our goalkeeper and i kept asking him if he wanted to change positions. even told everyone else to make room for Zero and let him choose his position first and he said he doesnt want to and is happy to play as a GK. fine example of bad management :rolleyes:

This would also lower the tone and Voice Comms became a place to **** people off and the mood became sour as people didn't want to upset other people by telling the person how bad they really are.

Thats your fault. i told u before and ohers that if someone is taking the P, tell them. otherwise what is the point in using mumble then? Where here to play and improve as a team and in order to do that i need YOU and everyone to chip in. Cant expect me to see everything and be the ONLY person that critisises someone.. Doesnt work like that in real life. You see real players onfield slaging a fellow team mate if he aint pulling his socks off.

So instead of causing an upset talk started of a new club with same players just the most active players would have control over what was going on.

Again, you HAD control in this club. You HAD the ability to tell people to to put there socks off yet you stay hidden and just upted and left without confronting these people and ALSO telling me about it.

We now have a good solid club with no arguments and no one to blame for losses. No one wanted this to turn sour but seeing as you wont let it go then this post has to happen.

You turned it sour by the way you handled things. You never cameto me with issues. None of you did. thats the issue. You handled it poor. never gave this club a chance to improve.

Ill answer your questions but I feel as if you're taking this like a child would...

I did not say people were not playing clubs. I said the active players were being pushed out by greedy players who just wanted the striking position, also the fact you started searching for games without players readying up.

Well, as i said before, YOU and others NEVER said a single word all kept quiet. Never said a thing to me because you was apparantly scared to do so because im part of the problem :rolleyes: How would u know how i would react if u dont say? I guarantee you, Had you and your mates come to me and tell me these issues and my management skills in question, i would have sorted it out but nope. you bailed out

You quite openly threatened to boot Nick5466 for "bad sportsmanship"

And if you bothered reading the 1v1 league, you will know it has NOTHING to do with clubs and purely because he quitted on purpose during a match i played against him. please read that thread before spouting nonsense. Had it been a none club member quitting on purpose, i would have still dealt with the matter the exact same way. Again, as i warned you, DO NOT drag teh 1v1 in to this discussion as its an complete enitre different entity.

You didn't take charge at any time and you disappeared several times during start ups and games. Your TV was way too loud and you never listened to anyone who gave you input. Please... don't ask for an example as I don't have a personal one.

well i have already commented on this and yes my TV was loud and i apologize for it. See, im not a bad fellow and i admit my faults. A shame u bailed out before telling your concerns.

You wouldn't of listened anyway... Try turning off the TV! I have no issues with beginners as it was the lack of command I personally had an issue with. And no we didn't boycott your team. 6 players got tired off the nonsense.

No you boycoted it from what i can see. never confronted me with any maters and just left. And the above comment says it all "You wouldnt of listened anyway" proves my point that you nevr even trie. Watch me in the 1v1 league on how i will listen to improvements an suggestions in that league. Already planning to split the league next season due to peoples request. Yup i sure as dont listen to others :rolleyes:

I did not request to "Come Back" at all! Once I quit.. I quit..

Maybe i mistaken you from someone else but it was definitely someone from your club

I think I accidently left once when I had an issue with my pro but that was weeks ago.

Replied in Bold
Actually... No Bios everyone made the cut and if they wanted in the had to ask... This wasnt a FU to Baguio City we just wanted a decent game with little changes...

Mattyk80, TranceNove, MrBios, Vetta, Matthewwhite to name a few I would love you all playing in our team but the players needed a say in what was happening.

You had your say, all of you did but you said sweet F.A.
No mate, no one shares my connection. My internet never goes off.

All your ports open on your pc? Try rebooting your router. WHat router and ISP u using? i am with BeThere and use to use the bebox which gave me lots of problems so i switched routers to a netgear and so far has been solid
Im with Bethere mate and bebox too. Is that why im getting problems with fifa? i dont have another router to try. can you add me on steam for some help please. cabbage4321

Problem solved then. get a second hand refurb netgear router. the one a post or two above me mentioned. i got mine from ebay for about £30. bargain and does the job.

They use to be Sky rebranded routers btw.

Anyways im going to rally up the remaining members here and see who is still interested in Clubs and get it going again. Hope some people still are but looks like some want to join the other club. need to see the numbers first before deciding if this club has a future. Damm shame really if this club dies Thanks to the situation that had developed.

I tried to create a team mixed with experience club people such as myself and give opportunity for newcomers to join in and learn but guess some did not like that idea.
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Call Be, ask them for the settings. it varies between each user mate. Plus they keep bloody changing the settings like once a year.

Other then that. i had major issues with past fifa games because of the bebox
revised list so far

Andy_Re - PaduchevAE
jonneymendoza - jon_da_kiss
Sweey - calcio_di_rigore
MrBios -MrBi0s
umboma - mattyk80
lemonade - pass8move
mufc802 - Yateszy
Fiocca - Fiocca1983
danswan - danswan1973
try putting your pc in DMZ. basically opens up every port on your specific pc.

Anyways we played a few games last night and not bad. recorded a sensational 5:1 win:) well done lads. great games.

leeroy, u using the sky netgear one? thats the one i use. get your ISP settings and put them in and it should work
See this post Jon, it was not done in a malicious/childish/badly handled way. It was only you that took it too this point. You could have accepted it like a man but for 3 days now you have been posting and messaging.

And yes I might as well leave the league and join my 'best mate'

So I have no more reason to post here again.

Accepted you guys leaving because im not a good manager and that the beginners are ruining the game for u and keeping it on the low key(no mention of you leaving the club 2 weeks ago)?

Yet when Doom left in a similar manner, there was no issue? Why is that i wonder?

You don't need to leave the league. You are free to take part. If i did something wrong in terms of the way in which the "league" is setup then feel free to shoot the reasons so i can improve. if not i personally don't see why you would wish to leave.
I kinda saw this coming and got out early and made my own club before the doodoo hit the fan. Seems ashame people are falling out over it though. When i left i voiced my concerns with the club and didnt really fall out with any one.

In the long run it will be better i think to have a more serious club and a more casual one. It would have been near impossible to build a successful club with the mix of the 2.

I played Vitae FC some nights ago my club is sad pandas fc think it finshed 3-3 if i remeber right pandas was up 2-1 and in control and out of no where u scored 2 quick goals. Then we scored a last second equalizer was a good game and a nice to play against another any team .

Doom u handled it in the right manner. never had issues with u mate. U was sound with your concerns and your reasons. none issue and as u said, no fall out with me or anyone.

IMO i reckon it could have worked out. i think some forgot how many have never played this game. i wanted the newcomers to this game mode to gel and get use to the game mode and how you are suppose to play it before enforcing more strict rules. i already began implementing some strict rules like forcing everyone to join mumble whether they had a mic or not just to listen to me and other guys talking. This game is just barely a month old and felt that had we stuck on together till this day, i reckon we could have improved a lot. Anyways im happy to play against your club if u want. Cant see u on my Origin friends list though? maybe you change dyour ID or something but if u want a match, we can arrange a day and time to do so.

Do you have a full squad?

We were all making really daft mistakes that game :D I got clean through on a one on one, hadn't even reached the box when god knows what happened but i'm pretty sure i got a lag thing i know i was taking a shot from miles out and the balls off in to the car park. :( :p

LOL that was miss of the season. Did u thought u was playing in the Rugby world cup final lol
I have a sqaud of about 7-8 with 4 -5 regular players. I am looking for a few defensive minded players to complete the squad also got a top keeper joining in a week or so.

We about 1000 points clear in divsion one and about 7th in the world. Not bad consdering a lot of the other teams are using hacked or downloaded pros.

Been pretty dissapointed with the standerd of players on pc though not easy to find good ones.

Had to remove a lot of you guys from my list though cause of orgin issues was closing my game when i was getting messages and stuff.
Hard to find regulars especially when new games are coming out left rigth and centre. that is why i tried to build a large team. Anyways why not arrange a friendly with your club vs us? Cant do IT if u dont add me on origin LOL
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