***** The Official Fifa 12 Thread *****

around 340k never tried Terry!

-----------------sif ade
?----------modric or rooney-----IF Johnson
up enrique-----?---------?--------richards

fill in the missing players ;-)
never tried sif ade so have no idea if he's good!
was also thinking about richards at CB and walker at rb.

suggestions welcome :-)
SIF Ade is really good if you cross a lot, finishing can be a bit temperemental though.

I'd go Silva over Modric or Rooney, imo he's the best player of that sort in the game.

CBs-wise I'd go Kompany - Luiz, it's boring but it's effective. As for the other CAM, maybe Mata? I don't really like IF Johnson either and, seeing as the CAMs basicallt play like wingers, I'd go for Valencia or someone quick.
SIF Ade is really good if you cross a lot, finishing can be a bit temperemental though.

I'd go Silva over Modric or Rooney, imo he's the best player of that sort in the game.

CBs-wise I'd go Kompany - Luiz, it's boring but it's effective. As for the other CAM, maybe Mata? I don't really like IF Johnson either and, seeing as the CAMs basicallt play like wingers, I'd go for Valencia or someone quick.

not really thought about UP Silva because his weak foot is only 2* compared to Modric 5*

whats wrong with IF Johnson? his stats look good!
was also looking at IF R Johnson at CB (only 18k) could have Luiz as the other..

I dont often score from crosses so perhaps Ade is not the player for me? perhaps UP Suarez, I want someone good on the ground but decent in the air.
I really hate pace abusers. Its just not fun playing against them. I don't mind playing against players with 90+ pace as it can be defended against but doing 1-2's and long balls up to Nilmar/Bent is pace abusing.

They then act like they are fifa gods or something when they win. Everything else about their game sucks. They stick 5 at the back because they can't defend.

Just had a game in the advanced cup. Guy with 76 Chemistry, players out of position/formation etc.

Me: 23 Shots, 1 Goal

Him: 3 Shots, 3 Goals

Oh and did I mention he got his striker sent off in the 10th minute?

**** you EA.
-----------------sif ade
?----------modric or rooney-----IF Johnson
up enrique-----?---------?--------richards

fill in the missing players ;-)
never tried sif ade so have no idea if he's good!
was also thinking about richards at CB and walker at rb.

suggestions welcome :-)
IF Johnson and IF Richards as CBs - thats what I use with Taiwo too...

Nasri as CAM? Got a lot of choices there, maybe even *IF Walcott? Not the biggest fan of IF Johnson after using him in that same position, just does nothing wrong, but neither does he do much right, his finesse isnt good enough to abuse, but he has a good long shot.

And deffo Modric from my usage over UP Silva

ps3ud0 :cool:
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@Ps3udo - I was going through my messages and saw your game invite from a while back. I must have been AFK, wasn't ignoring you or anything :p
Give me a shout whenever (Im a late night gamer though) - actually wouldnt mind some friendlies while I try and sort out my teams - thats for anyone on the PS3

ps3ud0 :cool:
Serie A / Brazil yeah.

What about a Brazil/ Serie A & B defence?


I need some ideas for a team, was going to hybrid a 4-2-3-1 but its a pain to hybrid up properly, so really looking at 4-4-2 (2cm's to be cdm, 1 st to be cf) , 4-4-1-1 (2 cm's to be cdms), 4-3-2-1 (2 cms to be cdm and 1 to be cf) or 4-5-1 (cm to be cdm, 1 cam to be cdm, 1 to be cf) as I would like to incorporate wingers into 4-2-3-1 with full chemistry.

Thinking of 1 of 2 backlines:

Alves - TOTY Puyol - TOTY Ramos - TOTY Alba


IF Iraola - TOTY Ramos - TOTY Chiellini - TOTY De Ceglie

Which would be independant backlines, maybe TOTY Bale for LM/LCAM, then tyring to decide between TOTY Parker & TOTY Toure to partner MOTM Gerrard, also need a RM & good linked cf/st combo suggestions!!!

Anyone? :D
TOTY Parker is rubbish, avoid. TOTY Puyol will probably suck too so I'd go for the latter although could you have Alves on 7 chem at RB rather than Iraola as he is pony?
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