***** The Official Fifa 12 Thread *****

Out of the wingers I used I tend to favour IF Lavezzi and Robben, IF Hulk just isnt that great in the last 30mins and Ribery seems to roam defensive when he doesnt need to. All 4 have great finesse shots, but IF Hulks long shots are awesome enough to keep him employed, love to have TOTYs...

Not tried IF Affelay so not sure what hes like but I do have that Serie A threesome of TOTY DDR, SIF Chiel and IF Lav and its a decent combo, SIF Chiel easily my favourite defender in the game and TOTY DDR has grown on me but he would be very similar type of player as TOTY Gustavo...

ps3ud0 :cool:

Cheers, might just go with them then!

Alternatives to DDR are TOTY Pirlo or Marchisio.... sold Pirlo after one game last time around - could be worth revisiting I guess
i found IF Afellay no diff than the NIF?

Selling my Hybrid, thinking a French/Ligue 1 team, anyone want to spec me one? 352, budget of 1.2m-ish
best BPL ST for 40k in 4231? CF is rooney with modric as sub

was thinking of
sif ade
up suarez
nif aguero
84 cisse
bent (always scores)
up ba

what do you guys think
I'm having the same dilemma myself between TOTY RVP & SIF RacistBeaver, need an EPL CF & ST or EPL CF & Nationality ST...

Not sure what to doooooooooooo!

IF Torres is meant to be an "ok" upgrade, but seems like it is really iMOTM or NIF.
I'm edging towards SIF Suarez, basically because he's cheaper than IF Torres. There doesn't seem to be that much difference between them to warrant the extra 100k. Plus he'll have league and team link to Gerrard.
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Guys some critique on a possible second team for me? Not loving my French team attack so want it changing!


Will have to sell the French and BPL teams to fund it but probably be 250k short. Gomez will be subbed out for Ronaldo.

Also considering changing the ST pair to be NIF Tevez and UP Aguero instead of the Germans...


ps3ud0 :cool:
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iMOTM 22/6/12 Khedira

in game stats

iMOTM In Game Stats

86 Ball Control
66 Crossing
89 Curve
76 Dribbling
70 Finishing
76 FK Accuracy
86 Heading Accuracy
77 Long Pass
85 Long Shots
79 Marking
81 Penalties
84 Short Pass
95 Shot Power
79 Slide Tackle
90 Stand Tackle
82 Volleys
69 Acceleration
64 Agility
66 Balance
80 Jumping
87 Reactions
80 Sprint Speed
99 Stamina
85 Strength
86 Aggresion
66 Attacking Posiiton
87 Interceptions
77 Vision

Hope he drops to around 60k.

EDIT: Sold TOTY Ozil and bought NIF Ozil, IMOTM Hummels, SIF Reus and IMOTM Khedira. NIF Ozil is good enough. I still go by Pirlo being the best passer in the game. SIF Pirlo's passing is better than TOTY Ozil's IMO. Not sure about TOTY Xavi as I haven't tried him... But for the price, SIF Pirlo > Xavi > Iniesta.

Khedira was awesome last night for Germany. His passing is much better than 75 on his card though. Should be about 82.

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Guys some critique on a possible second team for me? Not loving my French team attack so want it changing!


Will have to sell the French and BPL teams to fund it but probably be 250k short. Gomez will be subbed out for Ronaldo.

Also considering changing the ST pair to be NIF Tevez and UP Aguero instead of the Germans...


ps3ud0 :cool:

IMOTM Błaszczykowski for Robben to give TOTY Piszczek 7 chem?

TOTY Mavuba > TOTY Cabaye. If you want a better CDM, go for Mavuba. I found Cabaye to work better as a CM/CAM. His defensive stats aren't worth putting in as CDM. His long shots are not to be wasted, I'd stick him as a CAM instead of kagawa. Kagawa is a weak little boy.

Mavuba should get 9 chem with Fanni link up.

Then you can have UP BA and SIF Ade as your strikers. :cool:
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I'm liking 4-2-3-1 but I'm disappointed with the BPL half of it. Suarez feels slow, Richards gets up far too much, Gerrard drops back too much and Walcott is slow. Only decent player in that half is Lucas Leiva. Think I'll just go full Serie A: http://www.futhead.com/12/squad/1165726

4-2-3-1 is the most balanced formation IMO. If you use the cams well its really fun to play with. Only works if you have a CDM with medium/high work rates. You don't want two CDM's with high attacking work rates. Get Cambiasso in there.

Then again, having T.Silva/Chiellini as your two CB's should be fine as they don't need much helping out. Only slow defenders do IMO. Vidal/De Rossi is fine for your two CDM's but I'd still have Cambiasso on the bench if you start to struggle.

Not sure on Robinho as your CAM, rather have someone that can pass. IF Pjanic is perfect for a CAM or SIF Vučinić.

Speaking of Vučinić, looks like Ogbonna will be his team mate come next season. He will get such an amazing card in Fifa 13. Serie A defences are going to be silly. I actually pray T.Silva goes to France to balance things out.
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4-2-3-1 is the most balanced formation IMO. If you use the cams well its really fun to play with. Only works if you have a CDM with medium/high work rates. You don't want two CDM's with high attacking work rates. Get Cambiasso in there.

Then again, having T.Silva/Chiellini as your two CB's should be fine as they don't need much helping out. Only slow defenders do IMO. Vidal/De Rossi is fine for your two CDM's but I'd still have Cambiasso on the bench if you start to struggle.

Not sure on Robinho has your CAM, rather have someone that can pass. IF Pjanic is perfect for a CAM or SIF Vučinić.

Speaking of Vučinić, looks like Ogbonna will be his team mate come next season. He will get such an amazing card in Fifa 13. Serie A defences are going to be silly. I actually pray T.Silva goes to France to balance things out.

Thanks Robert, changed things around a bit. Who would you have at CF? Di Natale ok or maybe Pirlo?
Thanks Robert, changed things around a bit. Who would you have at CF? Di Natale ok or maybe Pirlo?

Di Natale is one of the best CF's in the game IMO. He can pass which is essential for a CF.

Sneijder is also very good and has 5* weak foot.

To be honest, just go with what works best. Just try things out. I prefer playing Podolski on the left but people say put him on the right to set him up for his left foot. Not the case with me. I play better with him on the left.
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anyone tried IF Cattermole at CDM?

thoughts on my back 4 atm
UP enrique--IF r johnson--ferdinand--Richards

could have gone for the usual tawio-luiz-kompany-richards but fancied something different..
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