***** The Official Fifa 12 Thread *****

I couldn't believe that one either, was a bananabender, also his goalline one the match before made me :eek: :D

New team also on the way, keeping these ones, think I have it down and should JUST ABOUT be able to afford it, I hope!

All being well should be ready for tomorrow night or the w/e :D
TOTY Parker is rubbish, avoid. TOTY Puyol will probably suck too so I'd go for the latter although could you have Alves on 7 chem at RB rather than Iraola as he is pony?

TOTY Parker is far from Rubbish. The only thing I found him to be really poor at is his shooting but he isn't known for scoring goals in real life anyway. He is a work horse as CM, tackles and passes really well. Rubbish is abit harsh of a word.

TOTY Puyol is very good IMO. His extra pace makes him a different player. Just pair him up with someone with 75+ pace and a pacey full back if you find him too slow. He can actually win headers now against taller players... but to be safe, get a tall lb/rb and a tall cb.
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Anyone watching the Portugal game last night think to themselves "Portugal are getting handicapped." Ronaldo hitting the post twice, countless attempts going over the bar, Cech saving shots that should go in on any other day ect.

Handicapping happens in real life too, so, Fifa is ultra realistic.

TOTY Parker is far from Rubbish. The only thing I found him to be really poor at is his shooting but he isn't known for scoring goals in real life anyway. He is a work horse as CM, tackles and passes really well. Rubbish is abit harsh of a word.

TOTY Puyol is very good IMO. His extra pace makes him a different player. Just pair him up with someone with 75+ pace and a pacey full back if you find him too slow. He can actually win headers now against taller players... but to be safe, get a tall lb/rb and a tall cb.

Cheers Robert, gonna give Puyol a try & see what happens, will be next to TOTY Ramos & Alves, TOTY Alba on LB, might work, might not, if it doesn't...sell..simples! :)
Give me a shout whenever (Im a late night gamer though) - actually wouldnt mind some friendlies while I try and sort out my teams - thats for anyone on the PS3

ps3ud0 :cool:

Still need to give you a game with my Pirlo team :)

Anyone else on PS3 who doesn't only play at midnight fancy a game as well? :p
Parker I thought was too small and weak, I like big strong DMs.

TOTY Huntelaar is tempting me at the moment.

Parker isn't really a CDM though, he is a box to box CM. Just because he has a high defensive stat doesn't make him a CDM. Same as Bastian Schwinestieger, he is CM/CAM.

TOTY Huntelaar is the best striker I have played with. Plays best as a lone striker.
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Possibly tempted to swap out Alonso/Ramos/Afellay for TOTY DDR/SIF Chiel/MOTM Lavezzi
Is Gustavo really worth the coins, he along side SIF Naldo are the only players in my team that don't perform. Compared to TOTY Pirlo who he plays alongside he doesn't really offer a lot.
His defending and general covering is excellent, I never venture forward with him though as his shooting is awful :D

Possibly tempted to swap out Alonso/Ramos/Afellay for TOTY DDR/SIF Chiel/MOTM Lavezzi

MOTM Lavezzi is a total waste of coins at LM. Just buy NIF Lavezzi for LM if you want someone to run with the ball up with wing.

I had MOTM Lavezzi for about 25 games and he is breathtaking at LW. Like a taller/stronger version of TOTY Ribery.
I don't want someone to just run with the ball up the wing :| I cut in a lot with the LM/RM!
Out of the wingers I used I tend to favour IF Lavezzi and Robben, IF Hulk just isnt that great in the last 30mins and Ribery seems to roam defensive when he doesnt need to. All 4 have great finesse shots, but IF Hulks long shots are awesome enough to keep him employed, love to have TOTYs...

Not tried IF Affelay so not sure what hes like but I do have that Serie A threesome of TOTY DDR, SIF Chiel and IF Lav and its a decent combo, SIF Chiel easily my favourite defender in the game and TOTY DDR has grown on me but he would be very similar type of player as TOTY Gustavo...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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