***** The Official Fifa 12 Thread *****

Tried some more games on pro last night and its just not happening for me, I dont get why i find semi pro easier by far go to pro which on other fifa`s isnt that difficult yet on this im getting owned by the ai constantly unhappy >.<!!
Anyone else noticed that holding LB/L1 gives you some sort of super-close control.

Seems to slow you down loads though, difficult to get any momentum on passes and shots are pretty weak :/

Nice for getting out of a tight spot though!
I do miss Andy Gray, they should have put female officials in the game and just forced him to record some praiseful sound bytes! Alan Smith is more dull than you can imagine! Still, could have been worse, could have been Mark Lawrenson?

They should have cutouts to Chris Kamara after a big play, which he will have missed..
To make conceding cutbacks online even more annoying!

cutbacks arnt as easy to do now imo, ive played a good 15 matches against friends now and the defenders track back very well, some amazing defending, just the same as through balls and lobbed passes arnt as easy to pull off against the new defending.

mmmm tuesday :)
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What do people mean by UT is out Tuesday? Is that the web based thing?

Yes it is the web based app :)

Me and a few hardcore fifa mates have come to the conclusion after playing the demo a lot that it is crap and unenjoyable to play against the CPU. As they seem to have a force field around them yet can take the ball off yourself with ease! Also they seem to intercept passes rather roo easily.

IMO they should have based player vs CPU matches on how your typical player vs player match pans out. By this i mean to base how often passes are intercepted for example.

Somethnig i found is that my players were in bad positions a lot of the time. But this is probably due to me lacking skill!
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