Players to buy on a budget
They might not be the best, and will not last for ever, but some of them are good quality players, and can be good from League One to Premiership. Sorry i cant remember all the clubs for them, some of the prices might be off..and some may not be great in your particular game, but here we go;
Bosco - Sao Paulo - Upto £1m
Roberto Abbondanzieri - Unknown - Upto £1.5m
Jaime Correa - Chivas - Upto £1m
Waldo Ponce - Universidad de Chile - Upto £1m
Ramalho - Unknown - Upto £800k
Jorge Vargas - Not sure - £800k
Etto - Dinamo - Upto £1m
Andres Rouga - Alki? - £20k
Gabriel Pereyra - Atlante? - £900k
Jaime Valdes - Lecce? - £700k
Etto - Dinamo - Upto £1m
Jaime Correa - Chivas - Upto £1m
Juri Judt - Getafe? - £200k
Ze Rodolpho - Juventude - £500k
Havent really found many for this, but ill find some for you.
Most of these players are mixed stats, but potentially, their rating is in the 80's.
Hope this helps some of you wanting budget players.
One i can recommend is Jaime Valdes.
Will add more once i remember some