Aghh, Ive got problems!
I quickly went home at lunchtime to get it installed and updated with DLC ready for tonight.
In the exact order I;
Installed Disc 1.
Installed Disc 2 (via Dashboard).
Downloaded DLC.
I pressed play and was greeted with a very polite gentleman asking me to install disc 2, so thought yeah OK, already done it via Dashboard but Im sure he'll know. Popped in disc 2 as requested, 5 seconds later was then asked to insert disc 1. I did. Nothing happens for about 1min then I get a Dashboard coloured diague telling me to insert disc 1, even so its in the drive already.
I think my disc 1 might be half-knackered somehow. It installed fine, but even when I did that it took a bit for the drive to start and get the percentage done counter started.
Ive uninstalled the lot and will try gain tonight. Maybe this time should not install disc 1, start the game and installed disc 2 with the polite man. Quit, and then install disc 1. I didnt have time to try so I'll be anxious all afternoon at work now. Damn it