thought i'd give this a bump because i've found a great way of having a really exciting race with the AI: making driving missions like the ones on gran turismo 4
i'll give you the setup for the one i made, then tell you the quickest way of making your own driving mission:
Chevrolet Corvette driving mission
track: nurburgring nordscheife
laps: 1
AI difficulty: hard
collisions: always on (prevents you from becoming a ghost at the start)
Allow upgrades: no
stock tune + upgrades: yes
grid order: PI
ascending: not the default setting (i cant remember the actual
setting, but i know you have to change it from what
it normally is)
per car rolloff delay: 28 seconds*
end race timer: 3:00 (i'm really not sure how low this can be set, so i
just set it really high)
you: #4 corvette C6R '07
AI 1: Corvette C1
AI 2: Corvette C2 (stingray)
AI 3: Corvette C3 ZR-1
AI 4: Corvette C4 grand sport
AI 5: Corvette C5 Z06
AI 6: Corvette C6 ZR-1 (switch to C6 Z06 if you dont have the DLC)
AI 7: #31 corvette Z06
*this gives a close race if you are capable of a ~7:04 lap time (not race time) when starting from 8th slot on the grid. adjust this by 1 second for every 7 seconds you are away from this time (eg, if you can only get a 7:11 lap, then you will want a 27 second rolloff delay
on my 5th attempt of the race (thats how long it took to get the rolloff delay correct) i won the race by 0.1 seconds (despite a few mistakes)
how to set driving missions up:
1. choose a track and race length
2. choose the AI cars (i prefer a reasonably big PI range)
3. choose your own car (make sure this is faster than all the AI cars by a decent amount)
4. set the rest of the game up as i have in the corvette mission, but leave the 'ascending' setting at its default, per car rolloff delay to 0, laps to 1 (no matter what track) and end race timer to 10 minutes
5. record the best lap time for each car
6. work out how many seconds there are between your laptime and the slowest cars laptime, divide this by 7 and multiply this by the number of laps you will do in the proper race. this is the setting you will use for the per car rolloff delay
7. set up the proper race exactly as i have in the corvette mission, but with the cars, track and laps that you want, and the rolloff delay you worked out.
8. do the race and work out the race time difference between you and the fastest AI
9. for every ~7 seconds between you, adjust the rolloff delay by 1 second (eg, if the AI was 7 seconds ahead of you, reduce the rolloff delay by 1 second)
10. keep doing the race and adjusting until you get a super close race
hopefully someone'll have fun with this before the FM4 demo on october 3rd, because i certainly did