***** The Official Galaxy Nexus Thread *****

Im on 4.0.1
Bought on o2 when it came out - had the volumn fix only so far
Rooted but not sure if that matters
I believe the later OTA updates have been suspended temporarily... might be wrong though
Still on 4.0.1, but not been in UK since last week.

Those using Volume+ , are you running it on stock or after roooting? Developer keeps saying that rooting is 'highly desirable' but I don't particularly want to do that.
Finally my patience is starting to wear out. I ordered mine on the 11th Dec, and it's looking to be another week and half before Voda are even contemplating shipping stock. That'll be around a 5 week wait. Why I am still waiting I'm not really quite sure. I think I'll have a good rant an insist that I'm not paying at least one months full line rental.
I just got anoter OTA update. Hopefully it fixed the volume bug. Still no predictive typing in the browser yet but I can wait for that.
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Still on 4.0.1, but not been in UK since last week.

Those using Volume+ , are you running it on stock or after roooting? Developer keeps saying that rooting is 'highly desirable' but I don't particularly want to do that.

Im rooted but i cant remember it asking for root access when i installed it.

Rooting is very easy though and you still get the ota updates.
Finally my patience is starting to wear out. I ordered mine on the 11th Dec, and it's looking to be another week and half before Voda are even contemplating shipping stock. That'll be around a 5 week wait. Why I am still waiting I'm not really quite sure. I think I'll have a good rant an insist that I'm not paying at least one months full line rental.

cant you go via a 3rd party place?

Got my Volume Rocker OTA fix today from Google as Simulatorman correctly says! GNex purchased from Voda on 17 December, so it took about 12 days. Definitely worth the wait.

Voda saying on phone that they expect next shipment of GNex phones next week as demand has been phenomenal at Voda. There are some stores that have them in stock but they are the D build not the F build.
You all should read this

IceCreamSandwich was a massive release, which added over 220,000 changes over Gingerbread

It seems to suggests that near the release of ICS, they had problems making it harder for them to review code and fix issues.

2012 should be good :)
Thanks for sharing this G+ page from Jean-Baptiste Queru as he is truly an amazing AOSP advocate and at the sharp end of all the amazing work that benefits us at Gnex users and hopefully extending to many other great Google products---thinking TV.
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