Thats a cracking deal.
just a quick nooby question , can i change the analog clock to a digital one ,cant seem to find the option to change it doh !!!
Can anyone help me out with a decent brand of screen protector? Nothing worse having one that has an orange peel effect on it :/
I've tried looking for an XO Skin but cant find a store that has one in the UK :/
Do you actually need one?
Do Phone4u have any stock?
I got mine on that very deal which was delivered the next working day.
Vodafone have told me that I can cancel my current upgrade, so I'm very tempted by this.
Considering the amount of hassle they are giving you, tell them to shove it and cancel.
Quick (noob) question regarding the software -
On my girlfriends iPhone 4s on Google Maps it has a setting where if walking i can press a button to show the way I'm facing? Does this do this on the Nexus, as i'm terrible with directions and it helps a lot!
I'm going to go in to a branch of phone4U tomorrow and sort it all out.
Sweet, love this feature especially when in London!
One more thing, i've just seen a review on it and it said no facebook syncing with contacts? Will this change in the future you think?
One more thing, i've just seen a review on it and it said no facebook syncing with contacts? Will this change in the future you think?
Robbo - is the review coming soon?