***** The Official Galaxy Nexus Thread *****

I bought it on o2 for £250 + £10.50 x 24 when it first came out (removed £3 add-on immediately).
Total cost = around £502.

Was similar to a sim-free price, but I get a back-up sim with 50 minutes p/m (I'm using my £10/m giffgaff for my 'normal' sim). Also, if I totally get bored of the GNex, I don't feel I'm in a contract (although this voids the whole point of a £502 for the phone).

I'm not sure why people aren't doing this and still buy sim-free for a similar price.

Anyway, just a thought - if people managed to follow this post!
Not sure if it is a proble on GN or whole android market but im unable to update any apps.
I get error 101 all the time. Restart did not help...
I bought it on o2 for £250 + £10.50 x 24 when it first came out (removed £3 add-on immediately).
Total cost = around £502.

Was similar to a sim-free price, but I get a back-up sim with 50 minutes p/m (I'm using my £10/m giffgaff for my 'normal' sim). Also, if I totally get bored of the GNex, I don't feel I'm in a contract (although this voids the whole point of a £502 for the phone).

I'm not sure why people aren't doing this and still buy sim-free for a similar price.

Anyway, just a thought - if people managed to follow this post!

I did follow it fine because I have done something similar with the GSII last year.

£10.50 x 18 Month contract with O2, £50 phone, but I've received a £90 Quidco cashback already - I still use the SIM for O2 priority and £5 broadband discount.

Main sim: £6.66 per month T-Mobile sim contract - Unlimited data and texts with 300 minutes (I don't call many people so I don't care).

Win! ;)
I requested an unlock from 02 about two days after I received it through my door. They were very quick and a few days later it was unlocked.
Hi, did o2 charge to have this unlocked? Travelling abroad soon, and although I'm pretty sure locked phones only apply to UK networks, It'd be nice to have this phone unlocked.
Noticed a problem with Nexus and Dolphin HD browser. When trying to open links they don't always open. Never had a problem with the Dolphin mini browser with the nexus 1. So I am a little mystified by this issue.

Any browser recommendations that deal with tabs well? I do like switching tabs by using the volume switch. The stock one takes a little too long to switch through tabs.

Spoke to Vodafone retentions when GN launched on other networks first in November, and bought mine from VF in early Dec as follows: £ 31 pm, free up front, 24 months, 600 talk mins, unltd text and 1GB data and 100 free pic messages a month. Hope that helps.
I spoke to Vodafone the other day about getting a second phone with them, already running one 18 month £36 contract and was looking to get a new one for the wife. Was going to give her my old phone and get the nexus, well that was the plan.

Rang them looking to see if they could do a deal as I am running one contract with them and the girl on the phone said they can't do any deals anymore, from start of this year they can only offer exactly what is on the website....can't even offer a reduction on the upfront cost of the handset. Needless to say I said I wouldn't be using Vodafone sales for anymore purchases...not sure if she was spouting BS to me or not, but seems unlikely.
Samsung Google Nexus S i9023 Mobile Phone

I can see these on the bay for £294.18 brand new! Is this the correct model as per this thread?

Might chop my iPhone in ...
^^ yeah i guess so, i just hope the over saturated mobile market slows down, although i dislike Apple, they market and release well.

i would be very displeased if it did indeed get a revamp so soon, i was in America and still not readily out there yet
Essentially bumping the internals and camera would be a very bizarre thing to do.

You don't get second chances in this market, people will have either accepted the flaws and bought a Nexus, or bought something else and won't want to change from that (or can't afford to).

Assuming it basically now has the Galaxy S II camera/internals, people will still plump for the Galaxy S III over it if performance and camera quality are their main concerns.

At this stage it just sounds like stirring from a couple of not particularly reputable websites.
Well apparently it's the model Sprint are using for testing, so it wouldn't surprise me if it was slightly different. Much like the Nexus S and Nexus 4G. So, we probably wont see it over here anyway.
One thing we do know about the GNex that will be soon sold by Sprint will be that it will have Google Wallet supported by its NFC capability. Sprint already supports GW on its Nexus S. I am hoping Google makes some progress in the UK with Google Wallet soon.
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