***** The Official Galaxy Nexus Thread *****

Yes it is both, however you don't need an uber GPU in order to play those games smoothly, it is purely down to the good coding and IOS being better optimized as well.

Should have worded my post better :o
So the leaked specs were true. I will stick with my GS2 for now, and keep my eye on the Galaxy Note to see what that offers.
Yes it is both, however you don't need an uber GPU in order to play those games smoothly, it is purely down to the good coding and IOS being better optimized as well.

Should have worded my post better :o

I love my Android as much as the next guy, but that's just not true, the 4S GPU is a lot better than the GS2 one and the measure of this is in framerate and pixels/vertexes/polygons pushed per second. The lack of a quality GPU will be especially noticeable in games compared to other devices, compounded by the fact it has to output to a high resolution screen.
The text on mynext site says a lot more :)

The phone is huge, but not oversized compared to the Galaxy S II I’ve been testing on AT&T. It has a curved housing that gets smaller towards the top of the phone. The glass on the screen is arched as well. I tell him it looks like a teardrop shape. “It is kind of a teardrop shape,” he agrees. It has a gorgeous Super AMOLED display, 4.65-inches at a 1280 x 720 resolution. It’s the nicest display I’ve seen since the iPhone 4. Maybe even nicer. Text looks smooth — you don’t see pixels, even at the large size. Matias says it’s got a higher pixel density than the iPhone, but when I do the math, it turns out he’s wrong. Still, it’s higher than most devices on the market — 315 ppi. “We collaborated very heavily with Samsung on this,” Matias tells me.

Pentile Matrix haters can hush down now I think :p

The camera — though lower in resolution than Apple’s iPhone 4S and several other devices on the market — takes incredible looking photos. Matias shows a few shots he’s taken with the phone, and I have to double check with him that they weren’t downloaded from a point-and-shoot.

5MP camera doubters can hush too :p
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The launch video problems and crashing devices was epic lol material. Its up there with the Nintendo "Please turn your phone devices off! Its interrupting our Wii Remote!" scenario with Zelda last year.
The launch video problems and crashing devices was epic lol material. Its up there with the Nintendo "Please turn your phone devices off! Its interrupting our Wii Remote!" scenario with Zelda last year.

Along with the turn off your wifi and hotspots at the iPhone 4 (I think it was) launch event? :rolleyes:
Your attempts to be condescending in all your posts defending the Nexus are amusing.

PS1 and N64 emulation are the main reason I need that extra power.

I am simply defending the mobile just like I would with the iphone 4s (:eek:) as usual people (the tech headed people) just want everything that is brand new to be the best there is when there really isn't any need for the best. Just like the people who go and buy i7 sandy bridge chips or i7 920 purely for gaming when an i5 750 or i5 2500k is perfectly fine (certainly good enough for the next 2 years) for gaming and in fact the i5 750 beats the i7 920 (at stock clocks) even though it is better overall for most of the stuff, same goes for GPUs.

I have never used those emulators personally so I don't know how they run on the GS 2, but surely they aren't that demanding that they need even better specs are they?

Would the nvidia tegra zone with chainfire not be more demanding than it? And I know that the GS 2 handles those games easily.

So apart from those 2 things is there nothing else that qualifies the extra power?

And is it worth sacrificing the much better screen, pure stock google mobile just for a little less power in the GPU so you can play the emulators?
I love my Android as much as the next guy, but that's just not true, the 4S GPU is a lot better than the GS2 one and the measure of this is in framerate and pixels/vertexes/polygons pushed per second. The lack of a quality GPU will be especially noticeable in games compared to other devices, compounded by the fact it has to output to a high resolution screen.

I am talking about the iphone 4 not the 4s and the iphone 4 has a higher res than the GS 2 but still plays the games fine.
From: http://thisismynext.com/2011/10/18/galaxy-nexus-android-ice-cream-sandwich-pictures-video-hands-on/

As to overall performance, we saw a good deal of stutter in the Galaxy Nexus before us. Taps were not always recognized and there were occasional delays in performing an instruction, though in Google’s defense, it was a phone fully loaded with running tasks and the software is being continually improved and optimized (i.e. it’s not yet fully baked). That having been said, it unfortunately remains the case that Android isn’t as swift and responsive as iOS or Windows Phone (or even MeeGo Harmattan on the N9). Or at least it wasn’t on the demo phone we got a look at.

But on: http://www.engadget.com/2011/10/18/samsung-galaxy-nexus-hands-on/

The 1.2GHz dual-core processor was startlingly fast. It actually felt a wee bit quicker than our Galaxy S II, and given that Ice Cream Sandwich and the Galaxy Nexus were apparently built for one another, we're assuming there's some deeply ingrained optimizations to thank. Swiping from pane to pane was faster than its ever been on Android, and the new Roboto font actually is super eye-pleasing.

Opinions seem to contrast a bit :confused:
I am simply defending the mobile just like I would with the iphone 4s (:eek:) as usual people (the tech headed people) just want everything that is brand new to be the best there is when there really isn't any need for the best.

I would settle for it just being as good as what came previously. If they are going to charge a top of the line price, then I don't think it's silly for people to expect that the components are at least as good as the device that the same manufacturer released 6 months previously. The fact is that it has worse components instead, but will more than likely still have a premium price (though I'd be happy if they prove me wrong with the price).
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Whats with the face? you didn't find it even slightly funny?
Cant be human.
Cringe moments at presentations are hilarious, even the Apple ones.

True story, just felt you was having another dig with your usual anti Android pro Apple posts. Apologies if this wasn't one of them :p
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