HDR+ is what makes the google phones so damn good for photos, especially low light, not my photo but taken on a 5x with HDR+:
If HDR+ wasn't enabled, that photo would have been a complete disaster.
The thing I like about the google phone cameras/HDR+ is that it has a very natural unprocessed look and is pretty much a take and forget phone for photos where as amsung phones tend to over sharpen and saturate the colours with auto settings.
And regarding the bezels again.... I just don't get why google didn't make it a 5.2" screen like the 5x or possibly even a bit more than that and the bezels would have then been acceptable in my books.
You just can't deny that the gs 8 looks a million times better here:
And here is a quick photo edit with the screen just being slightly taller:
See just how much better that looks already, at least to me anyway!
I don't like the corners of the gs 8 screen being rounded though, much rather have sharp perfect 90 degree corners
And that 0.8" extra on the screen will be of far more benefit than front facing stereo speakers imo.
Urgh.... I just don't know what to do now...... If only this 5x didn't have the inevitable bootloop issue, I would have held on to it until the next lot of phones as right now, there is nothing that I am 100% happy with and certainly not for £500/600+......