***The Official Gran Turismo 5 Thread***

Not mine..

Plus someone that is quite reliable on Sony information also confirmed that copies of the disc are out there already.
Just checked a few websites.

Some are saying 3/12/10, I saw the signature edition with the release of 1/12/10.

Seems like some people know more than we do - OR - it's all hope!
Just checked a few websites.

Some are saying 3/12/10, I saw the signature edition with the release of 1/12/10.

Seems like some people know more than we do - OR - it's all hope!

As always it's just retailers pulling dates out of the air. As soon as a release date is released by Sony, we'll know about it.
Just noticed that a website many of us use for game pre-orders seem to have put a release date on GT5, December 3rd (2010:p) . Pretty sure it wasnt there a few days ago, but this place gives you a £3 voucher if you dont get it on release day, so why put a date on if you dont know it and it may cost you money/reputation.

Because they won't pay out if it isn't their fault. They'll only do it if it's a completed transaction (your money has been taken and they've physically shipped you the product). It's then on you to prove that it arrived late.

I had a game arrive late once due to them receiving stock of it later than they should have. They refused to offer the 3 quid off due to it "not being their fault" that their stock arrived late.

Bit of a bulls**t guarentee if you ask me. Still they're generally cheap, and normally do deliver on time.
Cant believe the amount of what seems desperation and eagerness on forums regards GT5. It seems some are clanging onto ANYTHING that might be a tid bit of news, a posted image, or a new store release date.

I think some need to just RELAX and just sit back, wait as an official announcement will come soon.
Sit back?? This game is becomming a joke every day that passes it shoots itself in the foot. Every little thing that will be wrong with this game will be picked on, hyped up, the fact it shouldnt be there, the fact its been delayed and "corrected" and still has bugs, no-one cannot produce a perfect game, people know this expect this but GT5 wont count, people will expect it to be perfect and it wont be. Take Forza for example, we first hear about it and 4 months later its released, yes it isnt perfect, but people buy it and enjoy it, somthing is better than nothing. I bought my PS3 in 2007 for this game and has been delayed ever since.

It wont and cannot live up to it legacy anymore :(
Sit back?? This game is becomming a joke every day that passes it shoots itself in the foot. Every little thing that will be wrong with this game will be picked on, hyped up, the fact it shouldnt be there, the fact its been delayed and "corrected" and still has bugs, no-one cannot produce a perfect game, people know this expect this but GT5 wont count, people will expect it to be perfect and it wont be. Take Forza for example, we first hear about it and 4 months later its released, yes it isnt perfect, but people buy it and enjoy it, somthing is better than nothing. I bought my PS3 in 2007 for this game and has been delayed ever since.

It wont and cannot live up to it legacy anymore :(

You should read the Esquire interview. It gives an insight into the man and the studio. GT1 also took 5 years to develop.
You also have to remember Kaz is the CEO of the studio not just a lead designer heading a project. It has to be a much more personal thing to develop and why perhaps so much detail goes into the game. I love how people like Demon call him a wanna be celeb. Its his bloody studio he can do what the heck he likes. He created this series with his own vision and determination and its the most successful racing series ever having common interests with non gamers yet car lovers. Also how the general motor industry has adopted it as a world wide recognised franchise. Yet now when it seems bigger than ever you think it wont live upto its legacy?

Wow how wrong I think you are....

What game is perfect? Of course this will have things in it that arent great. Yeah it could have major flaws or issues, more than likely will too.
Previous GT games had plenty of things that annoyed gamers. PD do seem to of listened and improved many of these for this latest incarnation.
I see the possibility of this being the greatest GT game ever.

The difference however about this franchise and including GT5, is that its creator and studio has shown on every Playstation platform/release they are Pioneering.
Not only regards a game's features/content basis but also on a technical and hardware basis. Every single GT game had pioneering attributes or set new boundaries regards various areas at the time on the hardware available.

GT5 is going to be no expception and if anything looks to be the most ambitious ever.
Regardless of the games faults these are factors of the franchise and why so many adore it.

Why keep comparing to FM that franchise's achievements and success is nothing compared to what GT has achieved.
FM3 has been quite a sales flop for a AAA franchise and GT5 looks to sell more in its opening weeks than FM3 has sold in over a year. How pioneering has T10 been and how has FM evolved over 3 generations? If anything it seems T10 are losing credibility with its own fanbase and for me I always questioned that games direction and determination to try and become more mass market driving game rather than a great sim.

We will see soon enough how good or indeed how bad GT5 really is...

*Esquire interview also states December release....
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3rd December? Oh wow, that is just one day before my birthday. Excellent I'll treat myself to a game... THE GAME..!! lol

My gf won't buy me it as a birthday present, I dropped the hints and she bascially said - no..!! As she know once i get it, I'll be playing it none stop..

I won't care if its got bugs, I've just put up with F1 2010 so I can take it..!! codemasters have harden me up to playing racing games with bugs, delays..!!! Pah, its now so late in being released I'm at the point now where I don't care.. If it does make 3rd December then happy days..

Anyhow its going to have faults... All games do, and the tech its on is limited. From the videos I've seen its amazing it looks so good, the post processing in replays is excellent... I doubt it'll be 60fps all the time, can't be but who cares as long as it doesn't dip below 25 and I'm sure it won't...

*rubbing hands in joy*
Precisely what about it makes it "so unbelievably fake" exactly?

Three things,
1. The outer text around the circumference, look at how much of a gap to the edge of the printed region on the left (9 o'clock), compare this to the right (3 o'clock), it looks a little closer.
2. The GT text/logo above the centre is not level, if you draw lines through all the text/images, even taking perspective into account, it looks misaligned.
3. The entire print finish looks too uniformly flat and matte, no raised outlines/glossy elements/no foilworks.

Having printed hundreds of inkjet printable disks (for work, we master our own disks), and this looks as amateur, I'd expect higher production and printing standards.

I have seen original disk that exhibit the same characteristics, which is why it may well be real, it just is something you could easily fake IME.
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I bought my PS3 in 2007 for this game and has been delayed ever since.

Wrong it hasnt been delayed forever its had one delay in japan and one delay here thats it and considering we only got told a date couple months ago if that id hardly say its been a massive delay.
Wrong it hasnt been delayed forever its had one delay in japan and one delay here thats it and considering we only got told a date couple months ago if that id hardly say its been a massive delay.

While on some pedantic technical level, that is correct, lets not beat around the bush and pretend that it hasn't been promised many many times from Kaz/Sony etc with clear expectations being conveyed and implied..

1. GT Timeline shown to the press, showing some time in 2008 as the launch window
2. Kaz laughing at the question of it being delayed until 2010 (at E3 2009)
3. Several official Sony sources implying it would be out at various times..

I remember the 'promise' that led to GT:HD, and imported a PS3 just so I could play it, and being dissappointed when the news that a complete re-write was decided upon and GT:HD was consigned to that one demo.
I remember the GT5P Demo and the insinuation that GT5 was well under way, how many interviews in 2008/9 where Sony/Kaz saying GT5 was close to completion, and all the "It could be released any day" comments?.
At anytime had anyone in 2007/8/9 said it is likely not to be even with us until Jan 2011, you'd have been labelled delusional.

So when people talk about constant delays and disappointment, I think it's very valid.

This doesn't take away from the fact GT5 stands to be a superb game, but to insinuate that GT5 has only been delayed once, and that peoples disappointment isn't extremely valid is very wrong.
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Well done Demon.You are a victim of modern marketing spin. Feel free to let off some steam.

Ive detected a similar attitude on various forums moaning and latching onto every word of previous comments made in interviews etc. Its obvious you are eager for the game but try looking at the bigger picture of what the game has involved in its development.

Compared to other racing games its quite clear to me that although we have waited 5 years in GT5 we will be getting probably more in this title than two typical racing games offer. So for me thats how I evaluate the development situation.
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