***The Official Gran Turismo 5 Thread***

20 Mar 2010

While some put Kaz on some massive pedestal, I just see everything that comes out of his mouth as massively deceitful and guarded, He's been swanning around the world like a celeb, and massively missed just about every expectation time wise for the game, and clearly PSP GT is a huge indication that things aren't all they seem at PD, releasing half a game which was also massively late to expectation shows Kaz isn't steering the ship very well at all (IMO).

Regarding GT5, If indeed they are now pressing disks, there is nothing stopping Sony from giving out a release date, in fact there never really was.. they know production schedules intricately, and the supply chain, there was never a reason for them to announce any delay without actually having a new date instantly available, even if they had to genuinely re-jig production and other supply chain mechanisms, that's not a 6+ week effort.

I don't buy any excuse given, the apparently missing of cert by 3 days or the delay due to inclusion of anti-piracy measures doesn't add up either.

My gut feeling is that PD messed up a bit and where going to release a pretty buggy/non optimal performing version of the game, and have been (maybe still are) working on fixing it, hence the uncertainty from Sony.

I think there are 3 scenarios we are facing
1. A fully fixed game, which has only just been cert'd and Sony will announce the release date in the next day or two.
2. A partially fixed game, sent for pressing, and a day 1 patch being worked on by PD, the patch causing Sony some uncertainty and so won't give a release date until absolutely sure it's 100% pukka, so if we don't have a date by next week, this is quite plausible.
3. PD are still working on it, and Sony are not able to give a date, despite everything that's been said by PD/Sony/Kaz

I am obviously still looking forward to the game, and despite it being idiotic that all this deceit and guarded behaviour ensues, it's a game, so I'll just wait until it's ready, however, it's quite obvious on many technical levels that things aren't remotely as advertised regarding the situation of development and release, and their very actions at the end of the day for such a financially explicit product such as this is are so unorthodox that you know whatever they say as an excuse is exactly that, a PR excuse..

I love all of the above, all of these are just your opinions typed up as if they are correct and you have some sort of inside knowledge of what is going on rather than your thoughts.

Everything you say can be imterpreted in a totally different way and without any inside knowledge how you can say these things as if they are true is beyond me. It may be how you think things are but in the scheme of things is totally irrelevant and meaniningless.

Let the game come out and then review the above and see how close you were.
28 Sep 2003
Leamington Spa
I love all of the above, all of these are just your opinions typed up as if they are correct and you have some sort of inside knowledge of what is going on rather than your thoughts.

Everything you say can be imterpreted in a totally different way and without any inside knowledge how you can say these things as if they are true is beyond me. It may be how you think things are but in the scheme of things is totally irrelevant and meaniningless.

Let the game come out and then review the above and see how close you were.

All seems pretty reasonable to me. He said 'I think' , and this is a discussion forum. This is pretty much how games work, I don't see why GT/Polyphony is supposed to be any different.
22 Oct 2002
Near Cheltenham
I love all of the above, all of these are just your opinions typed up as if they are correct and you have some sort of inside knowledge of what is going on rather than your thoughts.

Everything you say can be imterpreted in a totally different way and without any inside knowledge how you can say these things as if they are true is beyond me. It may be how you think things are but in the scheme of things is totally irrelevant and meaniningless.

Let the game come out and then review the above and see how close you were.

Firstly, I retracted the statement, as I realised that no matter how explicit I put "I think" or "IMO", someone like yourself would take exception to it.

Secondly, no one has inside knowledge, all we have officially contradicts itself in ways that show it to largely fabricated and incorrect, you need only apply a small amount of logical reasoning to realise things aren't as described.

Thirdly, what else is there to discuss? No release date, no concrete information at all, discussing possible reasons for the delay from an outside POV would not seem irrelevant IMO.

If we should only speak about concrete facts, this thread would hardly exist, as GT is a game that you actually can't tell for sure what you will/won't get until it's in your PS3, the rest is all largely smoke and mirrors.

All I will say, is I don't make this crap up on the basis of knowing nothing about product/software development of this type of complexity (Just not in the gaming industry), and I have a lot of experience of failing software development and all the smoke/mirrors and excuses to customers that ensue, I can smell such antics at a million paces (not that it's rocket science)... and it was very much IMO/IME..
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21 Jun 2006
i have waited over 3 years for this game, it was meant to be launched when the ps3 launched.

im going to leave it now, and i may buy it when it comes out on platinum for £15 depending on reviews.
22 Oct 2002
Near Cheltenham
i have waited over 3 years for this game, it was meant to be launched when the ps3 launched.

im going to leave it now, and i may buy it when it comes out on platinum for £15 depending on reviews.

I'll be getting it day 1, I don't care if Kaz is as people like to think of him, a genius, or as I think of him, a high maintenance difficult celeb, this has no effect on the fact the game will be awesome, and that's all I care about..

I couldn't imagine dismissing it just because they've taken an unholy amount of time to actually get it out the door..
4 Aug 2006
Stevenage , Wisbech

[edit]nvm.. anything Anti Kaz never goes down well.. :) I'm not banking on seeing it until 25th December or 5th Jan, if it turns up early, that's a bonus.

I doubt we will ever know the correct reasons behind the delay, the firmware thing was linked by the plant making the BDs rather than Sony or PD, they have never have and prob wont give us a reason. From what i understand as its the busiest time of year for disk pressing Sony would need to allocate another few weeks for pressing all the disks, i expect this would have to work around all the others games/bd coming out at the same time hence why a 3 day delay has turned into a 1 month one (at least). Maybe with MS throwing $500 million advertsing dollars at Kinect they was concerned that it would get swallowed up by all that and TV/Mag etc time would be in short supply as such. Personally i think Kaz is a bit of a "diva" and only releases things when its up to standard and how he wants it, no bad thing TBH. Him doing all those car shows/ driving comps etc only builds the PD and motor industry partnerships. You dont hear about Dan Greebwalt doing the same thing with Turn 10, they both have different work ethics turn 10s seem to be get it out on time cut what dont work or no time to put in, and PDs is to stick as much in as they can and release when done. A little from both would be ideal IMO, in the end they both make great driving games.
22 Oct 2002
Near Cheltenham
I didn't realise so many people wanted to S Kaz's D.

I don't think people are that bad !!! LOL..

I kind of respect that fact he's managed to spend so much time away from PD, and allowed GT PSP/GT5 to be massively protracted, and he still has Sony over a barrel..

As long as the game delivers, all will be forgotten, although I'm sure with more focus, we'd be eagerly awaiting GT6 in 3D by now, whilst having enjoyed GT5 for 18 months or so!!
12 May 2005
Sony hasn't denied the 'gone gold' statement


And are soon to release more details and possible release date. I find it quite amusing that a developer like Kaz can make a statement of 'game gone gold' and yet Sony haven't even given a release date...

Kaz is calling the shots eh? Just shows how important GT5 is to Sony, Kaz says it'll be out when its out. Any other developer tries this, they'd be told get it out and patch later..!! lol

But now, we'll get the game when Kaz says so, and we'll still have gigs of patches for months afterwards...:p

*I don't know this for sure BTW. Just thought I'd put that disclaimer in, heck provided I get something with GT5 on the BD, I'll download as much as it takes to get up and running... I'm so looking forward to seeing this. I'm buying even if the reviews stink. I need to see what game takes 6 years to develop..!!
8 Aug 2003
All this time, the crap, the tales, the non answered questions, the maybe's, the possibly's, the differences, what seems good, what seems not so good, damage modelling, premium cars, 3D, excuses for delays, show us beautiful cars, fancy trailers, night racing, nascar, rally, GT and classics, they tease us, tempt us, show one thing, confuse us with more, then when things seem good comes the final delay, yet after 5 years what do we have, little hints of features or content, more unkowns than knowns, still no release date, more confusion, more speculation.

In the history of gaming have we ever seen the like of it?

Those that buy into this perfectionist nonsense I say expect perfection, then expect to be disappointed, take it for what it is and how it compares to previous releases and other current titles.

I think I look forward to the release possibly more for the reasons that it ends all the wondering, the confusion and unkowns.
Maybe part of me is looking forward to that more than I am keen to play it.
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18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
All this time, the crap, the tales, the non answered questions, the maybe's, the possibly's, the differences, what seems good, what seems not so good, damage modelling, premium cars, 3D, excuses for delays, show us beautiful cars, fancy trailers, night racing, nascar, rally, GT and classics, they tease us, tempt us, show one thing, confuse us with more, then when things seem good comes the final delay, yet after 5 years what do we have, little hints of features or content, more unkowns than knowns, still no release date, more confusion, more speculation.

In the history of gaming have we ever seen the like of it?

Those that buy into this perfectionist nonsense I say expect perfection, then expect to be disappointed, take it for what it is and how it compares to previous releases and other current titles.

I think I look forward to the release possibly more for the reasons that it ends all the wondering, the confusion and unkowns.
Maybe part of me is looking forward to that more than I am keen to play it.

if it carries on much longer it will become the Duke Nukem Forever of console gaming ...



17 Jan 2007
In my inbox this morning...

We regret to inform you that the following items have been delayed as we are still awaiting stock from our suppliers :

"Gran Turismo 5: Collector's Edition (PS3)"
Estimated arrival date: December 17 2010
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