I dinged my acoustic recently when the case lid fell onto the headstock bracket like a nail punch straight into it. I was distraught, had the thing since circa 2008. Didn't recover for a day or two, but then I am a proper mess at the moment so I don't think normal me would have been so affected. Still peeved now, but accidents happen and like you say you just have to accept it and move on. Still wouldn't pay for someone to have pre-abused it. At least I know the story to all the dings in my older guitars. You don't get that with machine induced whipping and abrasion.The woods thing I find hilarious and I'd love to see the A/B/X test where people can tell if it is the good type of mahogany or not! I'm totally the other way on relics mainly because if you ding a relic it doesn't matter! I've been considering buying a nice Les Paul for a couple of years now and have basically decided I need to buy one which has had a few bashes as otherwise it will live in it's case as I will be too scared of bashing it and devaluing it! I actually think dinging a guitar is a good moment in it's life as from that moment on you can just relax and enjoy it!