So the Mrs has suggested a residential crafting holiday (we do this as we're both not really beach only people) - so the discussion came down to perhaps attending a Crimson Guitar guitar building course (you build your own guitar over the week)
So I have a '87 MIJ Strat.. so what guitar should I build. I want to be special (and I could build my own later perhaps) as part of the course. Now I could build a telecaster, a number of ibenez, Gibson SG, PRS, etc.
I'm tempted with a PRS 24 build - that has the base of something like mahogany and then a maple or other decorative wood carved on top, probably with a Mahogany neck with a maple fret board. That would give me an opportunity to make a rock bridge pickup setup and a mellow neck pickup with full-sized double coils. I'm not too fussed with trems to be honest - I quite like to chug away with some lead on the odd occasion. To be honest this is more a rhythm rock/metal setup than a blues/jazz setup. As part o the build I may be tempted to carve the rear slightly for easier siting.
The beauty with the PRS is that you get todo some decorative woodwork using the front section of wood (such as flame maple etc).
If I was doing a telecaster, I'd be tempted to get some old bourbon barrel wood with the branding etc, cut down the plank for body and bond that to the front.. but I'm not sure that would go outside of the build workshop parameters
The Ibanez Gem is another option - that's a classic Steve Vai as a chug machine but you're expecting really intricate inlays and all that.. so a basic build due to the limited workshop time in the course will not appear quite as attractive..