***The Official Guitar Thread***

Overdrives are best used on a slight crunch. In fact, some people use an OD to give a crunch then a distortion to give a thick lead sound.

Try setting your amp to a light gain and kick it in. You should be able to nail an AC/DC tone with any OD pedal in to a dirty amp.

I'm used to using drives this way, I guess it's the fact that the OCD (or rather the OCD "side" of this pedal) doesn't sound as good as I was expecting... it's sort of like you'd say some drives have a lighter or darker "character", but this is sort of so heavily on the darker side it almost just sounds muffled and lifeless, I dunno... Was wondering if that's just what OCDs are like or not (don't seem to be judging from reviews online)
I'm looking to buy what I'm going to call a sofa guitar! I want something cheap(ish) and small(ish) that can sit in my living room to be picked up and played randomly and be cheap enough that I don't mind my kids getting there grubby paws on it and it won't be the end of the world if I sit on it.

Currently looking at the ibanez AN60
and the recording king eps-7-ta

Anyone got an opinion on either of these or something else I should look at in the price range?

finally committed, I managed to find an Ibanez an60 in stock. Got to say I`m well pleased for the money first off it is a pretty little thing so sits in a living room setting well. Soundwave it is strangely addictive it is classic parlour guitar body but I'm finding it strangely addictive and I'm playing it more than my dread despite the crappy factory action which definitely needs an adjustment! I'm practicing more which was the main reason for buying it so all good, feel like a cheapskate in this thread of Gibson's etc but dropping a grand on a guitar won't make me a better player!
Guys, I need something for the heavier registers but can't decide between a Baritone or a 7 string... anybody got any thoughts? I can see there are pros and cons to both - the Baritone is more or less going to feel like a normal guitar that takes lower tunings really nicely... the upper strings on a 7 are unchanged but it means dealing with the extra string and all that means for shapes and patterns etc.

I'm leaning towards a Baritone at the moment but very much undecided... also contemplating building it from parts (e.g. Warmoth, though perhaps a UK based place like GuitarBuild) as I feel it would be an interesting project - anyone have any experience with any places like that? (I don't want to build the whole thing from scratch but am okay with bolting it together, soldering and doing the setup etc.)
One wonders how better timber, extra attention to detail and hand ageing/finishing can justify Gibson charging an
extra £3600 for a retro Les Paul.

Whether it sounds or plays £3600 better than a run-of-the-mill standard LP is
surely open to much conjecture.
The same can be said for anything?

Obviously the answer to your loaded question is “probably not”. However, the body isn’t chambered like modern LPs, the pickups are wound in a more traditional way that I prefer and the smaller profile of the neck is nicer (to me) than the modern ones.

Nothing against the modern ones but the finishes are horrendous. I’m also not a fan of the electric tuners and other stuff that they added to the new models which I think have ruined what a guitar is about.

It’s all personal opinion ultimately but I got mine for more than just the price tag. I don’t have half a million laying around to buy an original 59, so the reissue was the next best thing.

I also got the guitar for sentimental reasons. For instance, I got married in 2018 so the fact the guitar was made and released in 2018 and has the custom shop plaque on the back is always going to be a reminder of the big day.

My first guitar was a £100 squire strat. A few years later I’d gotten better at playing and my parents got me a PRS Custom 24 for a big birthday. Was my playing good enough to justify the cost? Probably not. Was it 300x better than the strat that it replaced? No. Is it my most played guitar? No, but it’s nice to play and I enjoy having a range of pretty guitars :D
Thanks for your reply to my "loaded" question. :)

I could have just posted the platitude " nice guitar ", but I prefer to engage with someone who has gone to the trouble of posting
pics of something important to them.
For the record, that is my dream colour LP too.

Although i do have a PRS SC58 which is unchambered, and arguably better built, just without the Gibson mojo ;)
I don't particularly like My Gibson Les paul...I use my Strat and Tele more...and SG...I always find the sitting postion to be uncomfortable with a Les Paul.

I should really sell it but it being 1 of 400 made I feel I may keep it for a bit...
I bought a Dean ML Knight about 10 years ago only used it a hand full of times really cant get on with the shape,(looks badass! :)) its been in its case not being used i should really sell it, much prefer Strat's, Jazzmaster's and RG's to play
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