***The Official Guitar Thread***

Aren't you relatively new to guitar?

I've been playing since 1999 and only have 6 guitars.. maybe I just don't buy enough or have sold too many :p
Go on then...

Quite a few of the pedals on my board I made myself :) (a few of the earlier ones don't work perfectly as I wasn't as good with the iron as I am now!)

There are a few which are not on here, a Klon clone, Scarab Deluxe Fuzz, a EQD Dispatch Master, Icacus Boost, a delay that looks like this.


First, my Chase Bliss Collection, there are a few not in the photo as I have a couple in different colours, a prototype of Themae, also have the new Blooper pedal (looper) which isn't out yet, also a prototype.



I've sold the 2 Chase Bliss pedals in this photo, they were the Mk1 versions.



One wonders how better timber, extra attention to detail and hand ageing/finishing can justify Gibson charging an
extra £3600 for a retro Les Paul.

Whether it sounds or plays £3600 better than a run-of-the-mill standard LP is
surely open to much conjecture.

It clearly doesn't sound or play £3600 better it's the classic law of diminishing returns and a heavy dose of gibson historic premium, but it is a beautiful guitar and if I had the cash to drop I would. Like so many things in life it's all about what people want and value is a 3 series 10K better than a focus probably not but some people see the value and enjoy the purchase. That's a guitar that will bring it's owner a lifetimes pleasure and probably appreciate in the long term!
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Yup! but I haven't bought anything in 3 years.

That was a serious spending spree, I've always loved the look of the Tele since you first posted it, I've been debating over an electric for years and never got round to it so just the two acoustics here. one very cheap but addictive Ibanez which is off for a setup next week and one cheap Crafter D8 which is now 15 years old and sounds lovely to my ears and everyone who plays it says it is brilliantly setup.
It clearly doesn't sound ot play £3600 better it's the classic law of diminishing returns and a heavy dose of gibson historic premium, but it is a beautiful guitar and if I had the cash to drop I would. Like s many things in life it's all about what people want and value is a 3 series 10K better than a focus probably not but some people see the value and enjoy the purchase.

Oh, I get that, the heart wins out over the mind, this is someone with 6 Gibson SG's, and they all sound slightly different.

I'm fighting off the urge to buy this 2019 SG Special in blue:

That was a serious spending spree, I've always loved the look of the Tele since you first posted it, I've been debating over an electric for years and never got round to it so just the two acoustics here. one very cheap but addictive Ibanez which is off for a setup next week and one cheap Crafter D8 which is now 15 years old and sounds lovely to my ears and everyone who plays it says it is brilliantly setup.

Yeah, in the space of about 18 months I must've spent a small fortune, but there is enough gear there to start my own band with pedals to boot. I don't get GAS for guitar gear anymore lol
Guitars I have
  1. Gibson Les Paul 59 Reissue (2018)
  2. PRS Custom 24
  3. PRS Singlecut (pre Gibson lawsuit)
  4. EVH Frankentstrat replica (self made)
  5. EVH black and white VH1 replica (basically a painted and modified Squire Strat)
  6. Peavey Wolfgang Special





Guitars I've sold
  1. PRS Custom 22
  2. Fender Stratocaster Eric Clapton "blackie"
  3. Brian May Red Special

No other pictures.. I really should have taken some :(

Who knows, I may trade some in against an SG or a nice Strat but I'm not in any rush. I can't even get in the room where the amp is at the moment.. that's this weekend's plan!

Of all the guitars I've owned or sold I really only want a LP, Strat, SG, PRS Custom 24 and my EVH frankenstrat. In my mind, that's enough of a range that I would be happy with as a complete collection. I got my Wolfgang on a whim, sold my Clapton Strat when I got divorced (:() and got given the PRS Singlecut... they're not the guitars I idolised over like I did with a LP, hence why I decided that I'd buy something now.

Question: those with multiple guitars... do you have them hung on the wall? I'd like to, as some are buried in a case which makes me sad. Thinking about a small 5-guitar stand from Amazon to at least get rid of the bulk.
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