***The Official Guitar Thread***

Judging by your guitar collection I suspect not, but if money is any concern I can definitely recommend the Harley Benton attenuator that Thomann sell...


Very very cheap compared to most others you can get but does the job nicely for me (got it between my Laney L20H and the 2x12 because that thing was too loud for my house above a 2 on the volume!)

My only minor criticism of it would be that the "line out" functionality it has doesn't sound particularly great (I tried running it through my Focusrite interface to see how it would do for silent playing/recording)
I thought you would have had a 5150!
I did, for 16 years! Sold it and bought the Marshall :p

I'm looking at picking up a Line 6 Helix LT but discounts on them seem to be few and far between. Do any of the usual suspects (GAK, DV247, PMT) ever do discount codes or should I just bite the bullet?
I'm looking at picking up a Line 6 Helix LT but discounts on them seem to be few and far between. Do any of the usual suspects (GAK, DV247, PMT) ever do discount codes or should I just bite the bullet?

I can't answer your question but I've been looking at one for quite a while.
At my feet I have a Firehawk FX just for messing about in the house with, a bargain off a friend for £100.
I can't answer your question but I've been looking at one for quite a while.
At my feet I have a Firehawk FX just for messing about in the house with, a bargain off a friend for £100.

Yeah, I've had an Amplifi 30 for a little while which I really like for convenience, and some of the tones are pretty decent. Quite cool practising a song and being able to bring up a preset that gives you a good approximation of the tone with minimal faff. The Helix LT just looks like a nice upgrade and would be great for gigging too, if I ever start again.
Yeah, I've had an Amplifi 30 for a little while which I really like for convenience, and some of the tones are pretty decent. Quite cool practising a song and being able to bring up a preset that gives you a good approximation of the tone with minimal faff. The Helix LT just looks like a nice upgrade and would be great for gigging too, if I ever start again.

Pair it with a Variax and you have every tone you could ever want.
How did I only just find this thread?! Have thoroughly neglected playing (mostly a bassist) for years. But I'm always wishing I could find more time for it.

I was a guitar maker/tech in a past life so I know my way around a truss rod and electronics cavity!
... Product title says "Planet Waves" but tuner has D'Addario printed on it... I had no idea they were (presumably) under the same ownership!
It is odd isn't it you think they would pick a brand name and go with it! Still it's a great product at a great price!
This is the Squier classic vice 50's that I picked up a week or so ago. Had to be fiesta red. Bit different to the previous models as they are now made in Indonesia instead of China and the pickups are US made genuine Fender pickups as opposed to the locally made jobbies in the previous guitars. Is an absolute beaut to play for the price. Squier's definitely ain't the crap they was thought of as just a few years back.

Looking for a home amp for use with lead and bass. Any recommendations £100-£200 ?

If you already have effects then check out the Laney AH80 or AH40 Audiohub because you don't want to put a bass into a guitar amp.
With one band I use a Laney AH300 which I put a guitar, acoustic, two keyboards and a mandolin through but the AH80 or AH40 would be suitable.
If you already have effects then check out the Laney AH80 or AH40 Audiohub because you don't want to put a bass into a guitar amp.
With one band I use a Laney AH300 which I put a guitar, acoustic, two keyboards and a mandolin through but the AH80 or AH40 would be suitable.

Thanks SGF, interesting option. I have a cheap multi effect pedal for lead so no need for loads of knobs and switches. Plus new Ibanez SR400 arriving soon to get more in to bass so I think this may be just the job at that price.
Thanks SGF, interesting option. I have a cheap multi effect pedal for lead so no need for loads of knobs and switches. Plus new Ibanez SR400 arriving soon to get more in to bass so I think this may be just the job at that price.

The Laney's are basically full range PA speakers so are able to handle anything, obviously bigger the better.
I also like how it angles up like a monitor.
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