The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Any reason to use a much slower deck for Rank 17 to 3 over zoo? Or did you just fancy playing Warrior?

I'm first and foremost a Warrior player and with win streaks getting to 5 using a slower control deck isn't usually an issue. Changing up to a faster deck I felt was necessary this season as in previous seasons the games just took too long and you have to play a lot of games to get from 5 to Legend.

Even though it has a neutral match up against Hunter and mostly loses to Priest, Warrior, Druid and Mage I picked Zoo because I'm close to the golden portrait on my Warlock and Handlock is really bad right now. It wasn't a strategic meta decision as such.

Cavallino said:
Lodjik would you mind if I used your Zoo deck idea? I'm just so crap at this game.

:D Like others have said it's a common archetype. You can use whatever you want my friend ;)
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Got matched against against Forsen on the ladder earlier tonight :)


All this time i thought u were a bot lol, gz on legend though i seen u online quite frequently must have worked very hard to get it :D
Folks... I really need some help with this game. I really am sucky at it. I am losing every single frikkin game and its getting on my moobs.

I know some people have said I should head to youtube and watch some of the vids made by trump...
I have just started Cavallino and what I am doing is unlocking all the basic cards in the solo adventures by playing the computer on expert (which is a challenge in itself), going through each hero type and playing all the heroes with each one, making tweaks along the way until I have 20/20 unlocked.

I am having a lot of success against all of the hero types apart from the mage and the paladin. I have lost every match against the expert AI with all the hero types and decks I have tried so far against them.

One thing I have learnt is don't get flooded with enemies, many times I have had my opponent with single digits left and went for the finish off instead of attacking the minions and ended up losing. My worst was having 24 left against a mage on 9. I took her down to 2 thinking she will not be able to stop me finishing her off before she got me down but she ended up winning as she destroyed all my minions and then ganged up on my hero, leaving me powerless. Afterwards I realised that if I had gone for the minions instead of knocking her down to 2 I would have kept the upper hand.

Another thing I have learnt is that if your opponent has a secret and you plan to attack them with 2 or more minions then attack with the one you care least about getting through first.
I really hope he goes on to win Blizzcon now! :p


good work on beating him.

im still yet to get near legendary, rank 8 is my closest.

i dont think ive put in enough time in a season to do it. (on average how many hours do you put into a season) the most i seem to play is an hour a night so around 30hrs for the season
It's more games played then hours to get to legend technically - a zoo player can likely run through the games a lot quicker.
Wtf is that song on the stream now... We are the brotherhead? wth?
Likely referring to the Snus brotherhood, he's always er... eating? snus and this is the name of his follower group. Forsen is a user of which allows anyone to request songs (or youtube vids) so people upload their own remixed songs about forsen a lot and get them played. Some of them are amazingly funny but a lot of it is rehashed stuff. His stream is extremely popular now and with good reason, he's a nice enough guy and while his chat is a mix of fun and cancer, if you like this type of streamer then forsen is pretty much best in class.

Congrats on the legend, you feel nervous against those big names? Even if you did use the dirty deck? :)
Folks... I really need some help with this game. I really am sucky at it. I am losing every single frikkin game and its getting on my moobs.

I know some people have said I should head to youtube and watch some of the vids made by trump...

The advice remians pretty much the same as it has for the past 3 or 4 times you have asked for help. Create a low cost deck such as Warlock zoo or hunter, watch some youtubers use the deck to get an idea of how it plays and the decision making, finally go and practice.
The advice remians pretty much the same as it has for the past 3 or 4 times you have asked for help. Create a low cost deck such as Warlock zoo or hunter, watch some youtubers use the deck to get an idea of how it plays and the decision making, finally go and practice.

Ive created a low cost Zoo deck already and still have my ass handed to me. Im obviously doing something wrong as its the same kind of zoo deck as lodjik is using.

Are there any resources online that talk about how combinations of cards should be used together etc?
zoo is pretty much self explanitory.

go for the face in any way shape or form you can (unless they have taunts) and then go for the taunt and then back to the face.
i used to play zoo as a face deck (back when zoo was cool)

tbh i then found it shocking (i guess it must have switched to a control deck)
good work on beating him.

(on average how many hours do you put into a season) the most i seem to play is an hour a night so around 30hrs for the season

Thanks. He was practicing his Handlock deck for Blizzcon. Someone asked me this last week and I estimated 25 - 30 hrs to reach legend but it's the number of games that matters not the time hence me using faster decks this season.

Congrats on the legend, you feel nervous against those big names? Even if you did use the dirty deck? :)

Thanks. No not nervous but very happy to get matched against the guy everyone wants to beat and then even happier to beat him :) The most nerve wracking part is hitting Rank 1, 5 stars and then tanking back down. Rinse and repeat.

Even though the season finished at 10PM and I thought I had 1 more hour I managed to break into the Top 500 which I was pretty pleased with tbh!


I know everyone hates on Zoo (we all lose to it regularly) but post naxx-zoo contains more decision making than before and has more potential for misplays. The hunter spam is worse IMO and I was determined not to use Hunter most of all.

Ive created a low cost Zoo deck already and still have my ass handed to me. Im obviously doing something wrong as its the same kind of zoo deck as lodjik is using.

Hard to say without watching you play though I suspect you're not controlling the board as well as you should be by making efficient trades and/or playing around your opponents cards.

Mulligan is also extremely important. For example always keep Soulfire in your opening hand against Priest, Hunter, Rogue, Warlock and Druid. Owl is also good to have early.

Zoo isn't a face deck.

Exactly. You win by controlling the board.
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I really wanted to hit legend, highest I've got was rank 6. I'm just not great at handling the tilt of loosing rng, started playing a little again this week and have enjoyed it abet most likely as I've been playing rank 24-20's xD
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