The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

So i netdecked Reynad's Mad Scientist Hunter deck and all i can is wow it is super strong. I never lose tempo once i get a mad scientist early on to put the frost trap down it's ridiculously strong especially if u have bow out as well.
my son just called me to tell me he just got a golden legend in a pack. i'll update with which one and pick later

unless he dusts it before I get home lol

He really called you especially for that?

My dad would be really confused if I called him specially to tell him I'd achieved something in a vidya.

Yes he did he's only 9 and he loves the game I bought him the naxx expansion and he completed the normal and character quests in a day he usually critiques my decks for me.

He's dusted the card I did get a photo of it before he did it's on his ipad...

i've tried a few naax combos but they haven't been working out for me so well. Anyone else got good deck combos from naxx.
Is it possible to rank high without buying any decks? Getting to rank 20 was easy but now everyone seems to have crazy decks and I'm sitting here with basic trash.

Currently at Rank 16 with this deck which is so much fun to play i've added some changes but you can easily play it with F2P cards


Holy Nove and the shields are your early game cards you don't really want to be hitting for much damage early game control of board is key and when you get to end game it's great fun with mind control :D great for when he/she sticks down a 8/8 Irobark and you steal it....if you can get the gurubashi out with the healer it's great fun and use some smite to get him annoyed then heal him getting you more cards...
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Hey there anyone still playing? Threads gone quiet.

Seems to be a lot of new players on that can't count (they have enough on the board to kill but seem more intent in taking my minions off the board) great for me but I wonder why that is.

Don't concede too early even if it looks like it's over since you might get one of these guys :D
i still play on my ipad, generally only 1 or 2 games every so often.

actually ive only played 3 games this season so am rank 19 currently. leeroy and buzzard nerfs dont seem to have affected my deck from what ive played so far.
3 bots back to back last night, anyone else having this? low teens EU server but at a guess it's quite prominent if the bots are running in peak time. 2 shaman 1 zoo bot. Targetting their hero power is so obvious :/
I've played loads. It really started getting bad about 6 weeks ago. Ranks 5-3 is full of them. This seems to be where most of them get stuck at a 50-55% winrate so while some do get Legend (with lucky draws basically) most form a quagmire that never moves round this part of the ladder. This is 95% Shaman. Zoo rarely makes it as high.

On the plus side I beat them more than they beat me. Blizzard also acknowledged the problem recently and have said they are working on a solution.

Bots in action
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strange how things go sometimes, as a priest I've lost 20 straight games vs other priest players. As soon as I switch to warlock I start to beat them again.
I guess you cant resit the meta.
The timing being consistent between plays is the biggest giveaway. They're usually golden shamans that play like a metronome, trade aggressively and don't show target arrows or if they do they're instant and not dragged.

Blizzard has done something somewhere because the numbers have reduced drastically over the past few weeks compared to a month ago. I've maybe played 1 in the last 50 games. Before it was 1 in 4.

PSA: How to deal with bots in Hearthstone
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Pauses between every play and their mouse moves over every card, hero ability and hero portrait in every turn (the bot is trying to figure out the maths behind each play.)

Got to rank 8 last night then was one win from Rank 7 and went on a losing streak :(

Spent £14 on another 15 packs and got nothing but dust, but was finally able to buy Harrison which I needed badly.
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Just started playing this last night, it's actually quite fun. Built a deck last night with what little cards I had chucked in, a couple of murlocs and murloc buffers for the early game and then the hard hitters later with shattered sun clerics, raid leaders and the other cards that give +1/+1 to buff up the tanks. Could do with some taunts in there I guess though. Only did one game with that deck last night which i won, will give it a spin again tonight.

It's a really nice game to just jump into and have a round.

tehbluebear#2276 if you want to add me. Also check here for other players:
I just downloaded this last night and had a quick spin. Am I correct in thinking that initially you have to play through what appears to be the tutorial i.e against the computer before it lets you near any real human players ?

I don't see any options other than to play the fixed opponent games at the moment which are all CPU players ??
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