To maximise it you gonna need an awful lot of cards in your hand. I suppose if you keep good tempo you can pull it off easily....
Remains to be seen in play! When is the next expansion out?
Even late game that is horrific and works insanely well with a Miracle rogue so doesnt even need to be a perfect start.
Gadgetzan Auctioneer on the Alpha servers heals when a spell is played instead of drawing a card. It remains to be seen if Miracle Rogue will even exist at all when the expansion hits. They're still testing but they seem to want to kill the current archetype. Just imagine the Spare Part cards in a current Miracle deck.
That I was not aware of and kind of changes my opinion on the card and setup I posted above. It is now completely situational and only as a late game finisher.
I stopped playing this weeks ago cause I got peeved for only getting 1 crappy Legendary when I forked over for 40 packs.
Plus I built a zoo deck which seems to be getting beat all the time.
(You can tell Im just throwing my toys out of my pram )
But I know I will be coming back to this when it comes to the iPhone.
Which brings me to this!
Im sure some of you may have seen it already...
EDIT: Probably not allowed to post this here actually. Its just a clip of HS running on an iPhone.
Shadow step x2 + that card = +3 weapon damage for 2 mana.... EEP... Throw in 2 deadly poisons and it is +7 for 4 mana, Make it an Assasins blade and it is 10 damage weapon for 4 turns for 9 Mana
throw in an ooze and it's dead
Anyone know that addon that shows which cards you've played
Is there an app for the iPad version of Hearthstone?