Interested what legendaries people have?
I've been completing the daily quests from not long after launch and the only money I've spent has been on Nax and BRM, plus 10 packs after GvG launched.
Non expansion legendaries: I've also now stopped dusting crape legends as I fancy collecting them all (previously dusted: golden Nat Pagle, Hemet Nemingwary).
Bloodmage Thalnos
Tinkmaster Overspark
Harrison Jones
Mogor the Ogre
Baron Geddon
Dr Boom
Tirion Fordring
Foe Reaper 4000
Lord Jaraxxus
Got to rank 5 last season with Paladin. My only golden hero is priest which was pretty much my only main before trying paladin.
I have the dust for one new legend; but can't decide what to get.
I'm toying with trying warrior or maybe waiting and trying a dragon paladin / priest deck.
My paladin deck can't seem to get past rank 10 this season though I've not been trying too hard.