The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Thanks for all the advice.

Will have a read through icy-veins guides to start with. Used to play a bit of LoL and found they had good guides so seems a good place to start.

Does Naxx and BRM ever go on sale or are you forced to pay full price?
Interested what legendaries people have?

I've been completing the daily quests from not long after launch and the only money I've spent has been on Nax and BRM, plus 10 packs after GvG launched.

Non expansion legendaries: I've also now stopped dusting crape legends as I fancy collecting them all (previously dusted: golden Nat Pagle, Hemet Nemingwary).

Bloodmage Thalnos
Tinkmaster Overspark
Harrison Jones
Mogor the Ogre
Baron Geddon
Dr Boom
Tirion Fordring
Foe Reaper 4000
Lord Jaraxxus

Got to rank 5 last season with Paladin. My only golden hero is priest which was pretty much my only main before trying paladin.

I have the dust for one new legend; but can't decide what to get.

I'm toying with trying warrior or maybe waiting and trying a dragon paladin / priest deck.

My paladin deck can't seem to get past rank 10 this season though I've not been trying too hard.
I have the dust for one new legend; but can't decide what to get.

I'm toying with trying warrior or maybe waiting and trying a dragon paladin / priest deck.

Seems like you have a decent set there. I would look at:

Ysera - a great control card that I think will fit nicely in Dragon Paladin.

Grommash - only if you have the other Warrior control cards like Shield Slam, etc already.

The Black Knight - a great tech card when the meta calls for it but spends more time out of decklists than in these days.

Archmage Antonidas - massive buff after GVG. Fits in 3 Mage deck archetypes.
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Generally mulligan for Cogmaster, Mechwarper and Mad Scientist. Keep Snowchugger against weapon classes, Frostbolt against Paladin and Mage, Annoy-o-tron and Blastmage (if on coin) against Hunter.
its like a filthy zoo deck for mage. i love it.
Loving the phone version so far, i can just play in bed at night time when i'm tired it's great.

Was thinking about getting a tablet to play HS on but now that the phone version is out there is no need to any more.

Since i hit legend a couple of seasons ago i'm really not bothered with ranking up on ladder like i used to.

Would always get to rank or below every season but now i'm not even going below rank 10 any more.
so what decks are everyone running this season?

i seem to keep coming up against the hunter rush deck and i can never draw an annoy o tron when facing them.

warrior grim patron deck seems quite popular so i just need to rush them down before they combo wombo me.
I've been playing this a lot since it has been released for my phone.

At the moment I'm just levelling up all my heroes (nearly there) and I think I understand the basics.

Any advice on what to do next?
I was thinking of buying the Naxx addon.
I've been playing this a lot since it has been released for my phone.

At the moment I'm just levelling up all my heroes (nearly there) and I think I understand the basics.

Any advice on what to do next?
I was thinking of buying the Naxx addon.

watch trump on youtube, he's good at explaining things.

naxx is deffo a good addition, it has a lot of good cards which are used in a lot of decks (loatheb, sludge belcher) are a few that come to mind. i run them both in almost all of my decks.
Kripparian and Kolento are also worth a watch.

Kolento is one of the best HS players in the world and explains his reasoning's behind a lot of moves and Kripparian doesn't so much as explain why he is doing stuff but his videos are based around explaining a concept (Tempo etc) or why a card is bad/good.
so what decks are everyone running this season?

Tempo Mage at R8. Might need some tweaking to take it through the gold ranks but it's a fun deck nevertheless.


Any advice on what to do next?
I was thinking of buying the Naxx addon.

This is the best thing you can do as a beginner. Spend cash as the gold value isn't optimal (better spent elsewhere).

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Interested what legendaries people have?


Bolvar Fordragon (Golden)
Tirion Fordring
Prohpet Velen
Edwin Vancleef
Trade Prince Gallywix
Lord Jaraxxus (Golden)
Iron Juggernaught
Grommash Hellscream
Tinkmaster Overspark
Baron Rivendare
Old Murk Eye
Captain Greenskin
Elite Tauren Cheiften (Golden)
Harrison Jones
Emporer Thaurissan
Gelbin Mekkatorque (Golden)
Illidan Stormrage
Morgor the Orgre
Sylvannas Windrunner (Golden)
The Black Knight
Rend Blackhand
Foe Reasper 4000
Sneed's Old Shredder
Mekgineer Thermaplug

Still have plenty to get though
Tempo Mage at R8. Might need some tweaking to take it through the gold ranks but it's a fun deck nevertheless.


was rank 15 yesterday but win 1 lose 1 win 1 lose 1 so tried this deck and now im 1 loss away from rank 19 :eek::mad:

edit: switched to my old druid slightly altered deck and just got 3 wins in a row so back to 17 now.

its a jack of all trades but master of none and has elements which cater for most of the new meta decks.

decks list below and also ill try explain why ive chosen some of the cards

2 x Innervate (Standard in any Druid Deck)
2 x Wrath (Standard in any Druid Deck)
2 x Savage Roar (Standard in any Druid Deck)
1 x Big Game Hunter (Gets rid of Dr. OP/Rag etc)
1 x Mind Control Tech (Seems to do good against Grim Warrior, When they play Dr. Boom, plus Zoo etc)
2 x Shade of Naxx (Good minion that gets bigger - remember when playing Shaman that lightning could be just around the corner so attack with these when you can dont let them stealth)
2 x Swipe (Standard in any Druid Deck)
2 x Keeper of the Grove (Standard in any Druid Deck)
1 x Kezan Mystic (Good against Mage, Face Hunter, Paladin)
2 x Piloted Shredder (Overall great card - except those times when you've loaded your board and a doomsayer pops out)
1 x Azure Drake (Card draw but also good to use with Swipe & Wrath if needed)
2 x Druid of the Claw (Standard in any Druid Deck)
1 x Loatheb (Standard in most Decks)
2 x Sludge Belcher (Standard in most Decks)
2 x Force of Nature (Standard in any Druid Deck)
1 x Emperor Thaurissan (A new BRM card which i find helps out especially doing the standard druid combo as you can very often then play the 2 x Savage Roars in the turn)
1 x Hogger (A very underated card imo, its saved my bacon a number of times, especially vs face hunter & zoo)
1 x Sylvanas Windrunner (Newly crafted for me and im not quite sure if it fits in the deck yet)
1 x Ancient of Lore (card draw or use for some late game heal for either face or minions)
1 x Malorne (He keeps on giving, he's a large body so automatically becomes a target once played - can often mean more smaller minions can survive which helps the combo)
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Sorry to hear that :(

I experimented with this deck last night. It has 2x Kobold Geomancers and 2x Arcane Explosions of all things! Sick sweeps against Zoo, Hunter and Patron.

Not to worry chap. Its all trial and error.

Not all decks work with everyone. I for one cannot play warrior or rogue. Never ending losing streak with them. Think I only have 2 or 3 ranked wins with them.
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