was rank 15 yesterday but win 1 lose 1 win 1 lose 1 so tried this deck and now im 1 loss away from rank 19
edit: switched to my old druid slightly altered deck and just got 3 wins in a row so back to 17 now.
its a jack of all trades but master of none and has elements which cater for most of the new meta decks.
decks list below and also ill try explain why ive chosen some of the cards
2 x Innervate
(Standard in any Druid Deck)
2 x Wrath
(Standard in any Druid Deck)
2 x Savage Roar
(Standard in any Druid Deck)
1 x Big Game Hunter
(Gets rid of Dr. OP/Rag etc)
1 x Mind Control Tech
(Seems to do good against Grim Warrior, When they play Dr. Boom, plus Zoo etc)
2 x Shade of Naxx
(Good minion that gets bigger - remember when playing Shaman that lightning could be just around the corner so attack with these when you can dont let them stealth)
2 x Swipe
(Standard in any Druid Deck)
2 x Keeper of the Grove
(Standard in any Druid Deck)
1 x Kezan Mystic
(Good against Mage, Face Hunter, Paladin)
2 x Piloted Shredder
(Overall great card - except those times when you've loaded your board and a doomsayer pops out)
1 x Azure Drake
(Card draw but also good to use with Swipe & Wrath if needed)
2 x Druid of the Claw
(Standard in any Druid Deck)
1 x Loatheb
(Standard in most Decks)
2 x Sludge Belcher
(Standard in most Decks)
2 x Force of Nature
(Standard in any Druid Deck)
1 x Emperor Thaurissan
(A new BRM card which i find helps out especially doing the standard druid combo as you can very often then play the 2 x Savage Roars in the turn)
1 x Hogger
(A very underated card imo, its saved my bacon a number of times, especially vs face hunter & zoo)
1 x Sylvanas Windrunner
(Newly crafted for me and im not quite sure if it fits in the deck yet)
1 x Ancient of Lore
(card draw or use for some late game heal for either face or minions)
1 x Malorne
(He keeps on giving, he's a large body so automatically becomes a target once played - can often mean more smaller minions can survive which helps the combo)