The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

I normally avoid arena as i am not that great with random decks but i bit the bullet today and did one and i would have liked to have went warrior i guess as thats what im playing casually vs ppl these days but i couldnt choose it so i went with a mage.

Im bewildered how well im doing so far. 5 wins 1 loss. Totally didnt see that coming. Not even that deep into the game i just randomly play now and then and hope for the best.
Hmm too good to last any futher than the 5 wins. I just got beat by 2 mages and someone else i cant recall the class. :( Ah well i got 2x 55 gold and 1 card pack which had nothing really in tbh.
Anyone here playing on lenovo S8 tab or nexus 7 2013 (lollipop) ? Would like to kniw what's the performance is like
I play on a Sony z3 and prior to that on a nexus 5. Both running lollypop and they play fine.

Seems the deck of the week is a priest divine spirit/inner fire deck. I've decided to go somewhat back to basics and run a pretty average mage deck. Seems to be OK so far 6 wins and 1 loss.
Been playing this for about a week of the few games too get my blood boiling/make me raaaaaaaage.
I love it though.

I bought 15 packs of cards earlier today to see if i could improve my decks and i **** you not my first card first pack i got Sylvanas Windrunner legendary.
According to pc gamer its second best legendary card :P

Upload the vid soon
What Ranks? I haven't seen one in a while but it's all Mage where I am (Rank 2) so Face Hunter just get destroyed. It's only a 19 game sample from Ranks 4 to 2 but you can see the 6-0 vs Hunters. My Mage deck is a bit janky and not easy to pilot so I'm not going to post it here but you should definitely try out Pyrocrazy's Deck - it's the main reason for the decline of Face Hunter in the gold ranks in the last 48 hours.

Is there any tools that are good to share decks so ppl can help pick some good cards for decks out for ppl that are new to the game. Im doing okish vs casual but ranking ones are starting to get hard and im only at level 20 and managed to get 2 stars due to one or two ppl dropping out i think at start of match so i can win it.

I like druid as u can get sometimes quick strong minions at the start. Also warrior if u can get some good starting cards at the start of the match. Used to like mage but i dunno these days. I hate fighting a mage tho with some of my decks. Damn poly when u start putting nice minions out or a good taunt. grrr.. Also hating some of them other decks that has similar cards. Saw a priest today have a card that could do a kinda fireball for 5 dmg i think and only cos 3 i think it was a rare but still. Cheating mofos having a powerful card and only costing 3 lol.

Edit - Darn i thought the 10 pack (cdkey sites thing) limit was just for 24 hours per day so 10 per day. I bought 5 packs before a week ago and 10 today. Was busy entering em in and only got up to 5 and the 6th isnt regestering cos ive maxed my amount of packs this way it seems. FK. So if anyones got MM access theres some keys up for sale there.

Edit 2 - Just got 3 nice cards maybe 4 tho 4th cant attack.
From 3rd pack i opened tonight.

Edit again lol. Another legendary and a epic. Shame i dont play shaman. :(
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Face Hunters can £$£"^"£% the right off!!! Damn cancer of this game

lol I love face hunting.....

People play it because it's the fastest way to rank.

I actually auto concede against priest as you know he's just going to keep going for 30 turns buffing health and taking 20 mins to play a game.

My face hunter is actually easy to beat though if you get a couple of health bots out then get past turn 5 I can struggle if the sludge belchers come out.

Actually sludge belcher then the mage secret 2 copies of dead minion card and i'm beat.

So hunters are pretty easy to beat and not a cancer at all.

That's why I auto concede v priests; buff health and holy nova at 5 :(
Sure ill find mine out later.

How does the ranking system work?
Currently at level 19..had all three stars filled yet did not rank when i won ;?

The next win will take you rank 18.

Keep winning to keep ranking up. Gets to 4 stars and 5 stars the further you go.

Get to rank 1 and then you get legendary rank. And a special card back.
Had a mint game last night with my Shaman wombo combo deck.

I was losing bad, 2 life left and a sure kill for the hunter in the next turn. So worked out my damage on the board of Dr Boom, bots and another high attack mob I cant remember.

So I smacked his face with Boom and the other high attack mob, then used an Ancestors Call to pull Ragnaros onto the board for 4 mana. This pulled a tall strider from his side, the bots both melted the mob and brought the hunter into exactly 8 health after one bot smacks him for 3 which I then Yolo'ed him as he had 2 mobs on the board with Rags 8 attack :D:D:D:D
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Had a mint game last night with my Shaman wombo combo deck.

I was losing bad, 2 life left and a sure kill for the hunter in the next turn. So worked out my damage on the board of Dr Boom, bots and another high attack mob I cant remember.

So I smacked his face with Boom and the other high attack mob, then used an Ancestors Call to pull Ragnaros onto the board for 4 mana. This pulled a tall strider from his side, the bots both melted the mob and brought the hunter into exactly 8 health after one bot smacks him for 3 which I then Yolo'ed him as he had 2 mobs on the board with Rags 8 attack :D:D:D:D

still not got rag myself but faceless'd him a few times.

this was my best combo wombo shaman deck (turn 4 kill)

(left had windfury)

Finally finished my golden rogue, barely played rogue since miracle was nerfed and only started again after GvG when oil rogue started to see some play.

Probably going to start with golden warlock now seeing as i'm half way there right now with a mix of handlock and demon zoo.
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