The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

I hear you. I always try to play in the right spirit but face hunters are just ruining my enjoyment of the game so a lot of the time I will just rope burn and let the game take up the amount of time it would take that face hunter to play 5 games.

I did this against a face hunter today. Totally screwed his rhythm and completely owned him hah :)
Annoying shadowflame bug. So I have a sylvanas, he has a rag. He drops a sylvanas and then shadowflames it. Surely as he's killed his sylv first then his steal should trigger first? It didn't. I stole his rag then he stole it straight back.
Annoying shadowflame bug. So I have a sylvanas, he has a rag. He drops a sylvanas and then shadowflames it. Surely as he's killed his sylv first then his steal should trigger first? It didn't. I stole his rag then he stole it straight back.

They both die at the same time, in which case your Sylvanas went first because you played it first. Deathrattles happen in order of play now. This is not a bug.
Nice pack from an arena run


Sent a request.

Watched it, got the card pack but nothing good in really but few copies of things i think so some dust to be had. :)
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Finally finished my golden rogue, barely played rogue since miracle was nerfed and only started again after GvG when oil rogue started to see some play.

Probably going to start with golden warlock now seeing as i'm half way there right now with a mix of handlock and demon zoo.

How long does it take to get golden?

I've been play hunter for months and still only at lvl 45/46?
What's ur fav hero to play and why also do you play a certain deck method if so what and why compared to just picking random but good cards and try to balance it?

I play warrior as I like the 2 mana weapon u can get at Mulligan sometimes and some of the hero's unique cards.

Been trying shaman lately and found if u can get loads of taunts and that totem that heals its pretty fun lol.

I don't plan any combos I just do the best with what I have.

I haven't tried hunter yet as seems everyone's him on casual these days plus I hate that 2 shot thing can avoid taunts grr. I haven't tried warlock either and barely trued priest or rogue. Mage was OK at start but its grew out of it.
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