The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

He does elaborate on that Woogie and says that he knows that some match ups at the start will be up against true noobs and we see that in parts 1-4 however he does get whooped a couple of times by others from 20-18 which means even the best players need good cards.

I like his play style although sometimes I'm shouting at the screen telling him to GO FOR IT and stop playing around the flamestrike but hey .... he's the one doing it for a living lol.

Yes Rufus I agree with the arena wins a bit sneaky but he said what he was doing at the start. The point of the run is not spending cash Arena is a legit way to get gold/cards.

I like strifeco as well as he plays some fun decks and is not afraid to lose.

Do I have you guys on my friends list?

Morganno in game. (Sometimes my son plays a few games for me)
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Yes Rufus I agree with the arena wins a bit sneaky but he said what he was doing at the start. The point of the run is not spending cash Arena is a legit way to get gold/cards.

Oh, don't get me wrong - he's not trying to deceive anyone or anything like that... and frankly he's going to need all the gold and packs he can get if he wants to make legend in a single season starting from nothing... It's also not like he can help it if he drafts a good deck and gets 12 wins out :p
still at rank 14 myself. been playing mainly casual over the weekend keeping my quests empty.

had 2 games today and won both so 1 win away from rank 13. not great but only half way through the season. aiming for around rank 10 this time.

using dragon priest.
I hit 15 last night with 5 straight wins using face hunter.

I use the standard one but replace the spiders with Quick shot (to negate taunts and for the card draw) and replaced one of the Knife Jugglers with Argent Horserider.

I find the knife jugglers too slow even combined with Unleash the hounds they don't do enough damage to face.

Won against 3 mages 1 priest and 1 warrior.

The poor warrior was ramping up for patron but couldn't pull it off (got lucky he didn't have Frothing Berserker)

Luckily no major taunt decks on show.

Thing is that with some luck you can even get past the taunts with Quickshot, Kill Command and hero power at turn 7 you can already do 11 damage past the taunts. :)

If you are playing right by turn 7 you should be down to single figures. Unless you got a horrible top deck of Mad scientists and knife juggler then two explosive traps drawn in turn 2-3 (it's happened to me...)

I know it's dirty and no fun but it's an effective way to rank.
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I know it's dirty and no fun but it's an effective way to rank.

Don't feel bad man Face Hunter isn't great in this meta and is widely regarded as a Tier 3 deck at the moment. TGT gave the other classes tools to counter it and it's bad match ups are prominent. Haven't lost to it all month with my current ladder deck.

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Ah I feel better now ;)

I know facehunter has had it's day but I feel it's not being played as much as people seem to be combatting patron by the time they realise it's a facehunter they are hoping for some AOE but by turn 5 I know I've won unless they can heal. I'd say like you paladins would be my strongest opponent and Mages the weakest not matter what version of facehunter I play I seem to get a decent win against mage & locks
Priests, Warriors and Druids are the most problematic shamans as well if they keep drawing the taunt totem ggrrrrr. Will play a few more games tonight and well see the stats.

I don't really have the time to follow what's hot and not deck wise as the content is blocked at work and I'm too busy when I get home so prefer to be playing than looking stuff up.

69.2% win rate should see you up past 10 if continues?

Why is your deck suffering to pallys and mages?
69.2% win rate should see you up past 10 if continues?

Why is your deck suffering to pallys and mages?

Already Rank 7.

I'm playing Mech Mage which typically loses to the other Mage archetypes. Secret Paladin was a pain when it was new but the WR should improve with time as it's getting easier to predict/play around. I've recently teched in a Flamestrike to help but it will weaken the control match ups.
Now at Rank 15 with 1 star with Patron but I think it is more me making silly mistakes that is slowing my progress.

I have also noticed a few of my games just "stopping" It says I have disconnected then reconnects then disconnects then reconnects then I am unable to do anything at all. If I force the game to close on my phone then reopen it I have neither lost nor gained any stars either. It was simply as if the game never happened.
Now at Rank 15 with 1 star with Patron but I think it is more me making silly mistakes that is slowing my progress.

I have also noticed a few of my games just "stopping" It says I have disconnected then reconnects then disconnects then reconnects then I am unable to do anything at all. If I force the game to close on my phone then reopen it I have neither lost nor gained any stars either. It was simply as if the game never happened.

patron is a really hard deck to play. it is incredibly strong though. watch trump/kolento etc see how they play it. (i thought i was playing it right until i watched them)

the 2nd point, you'll find you still have lost that game and the next game you lose will actually take off 2 stars.

happens to me a lot but then i only play hearthstone on mobile devices.
Patron is hard because to get the big buffs needs nearly all of the allocated time especially if you are trying to get the berserker up to 15-20 with ghoul and patrons spawns. The animation can take all the time up. I've played people who have simply ran out of time on the big play.

Blizzard should allow people to turn the animation off
I have also noticed a few of my games just "stopping" It says I have disconnected then reconnects then disconnects then reconnects then I am unable to do anything at all. If I force the game to close on my phone then reopen it I have neither lost nor gained any stars either. It was simply as if the game never happened.

I got this on Monday across all devices it was maddening it would play a couple games then freeze like you described.
Congrats I rarely get past 3.

Just started a decent mage only to play a druid with

Force Tank Max
Molten Giant
War Golem
Frost Giant
North Sea Kraken.


My highest card was one North Sea Kraken the rest were 5s and 6s :(

Lost all three games :(

I thought i'd a good deck as well. Shows what I know.
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Mmm I've still got 2 wings of BM to go but can't resist buying tickets to the Arena... can consistently get 3+ wins but that is usually only just breaking even vs. buying packs... Maybe I'll save up 700 for another wing someday
Mmm I've still got 2 wings of BM to go but can't resist buying tickets to the Arena... can consistently get 3+ wins but that is usually only just breaking even vs. buying packs... Maybe I'll save up 700 for another wing someday

Yeah, I managed to save up 700 for a wing, bought the first wing of BrM as I wanted Emperor, so have the first wing of each unlocked lol, luckily I have 2 accounts so I just use my gold on that for my arena habit.
My phone is about to go through the damn window.

Sick of being disconnected at critical moments (and it does only seem to be at Critical points) and games turning from Guaranteed wins to losses because I simply cannot do anything about it.
My phone is about to go through the damn window.

Sick of being disconnected at critical moments (and it does only seem to be at Critical points) and games turning from Guaranteed wins to losses because I simply cannot do anything about it.

i feel your pain. ive just come to accept it now.
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