The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

I'm not entirely convinced about the Patron Warrior debate either... I have seen quite a few of them on the ladder (currently ~rank 11) but as has always been the case (for me anyway) for every match where they end up cheesing me with an unstoppable patron/beserker combo there are plenty of games where they are clearly fishing for the right set of cards and never manage to get there - eventually being forced to play a sub-optimal combo and then end up conceding when I defuse it...

I suppose people consistently ranking it as the #1 deck can't be totally wrong, but just in my experience it's not been as ridiculous as some are saying
Patron is very difficult to play effectively at high ranks. You rarely see it between ranks 1-5. I've checked my stats and I've lost to 3 warriors all month. Only 1 of those was Patron.

Frothing and Warsong aren't the problem just as they weren't in Math Warrior. The problem is MW evolved into Patron gaining a third win condition. Charging Frothings with Warsongs and whirlwind effects has been around forever. It's not new. Nerfing patron to 3/2 would solve the problem by making the 3rd win condition weaker. That way you just have a better MW deck and a weaker Patron deck which is fine IMO.

Patron card is bad design and Blizzard aren't going to nerf cards that were perfectly fine before it came along to make up for it. I'm not even convinced they will nerf anything and will instead try to introduce more counter cards in December's Adventure.

My 2c
By this stage of the month most people playing patron warrior who know how to play it properly will be rank 5 or better. Obviously it is no secret that it is considered an OP deck, so there will be lots of people playing it sub-optimally at lower levels.

I hope it gets nerfed for two reasons:

1. As previously mentioned it punishes board control and can often be a true OTK from an empty board (admittedly with a weapon in hand), which is no fun to play against.

2. I am not good enough at playing it myself to want to ladder with it! whenever I try it I end up with a win rate around the 55% mark, but I find it as dull to play with as against, so have no intention to grind out a season with it.
Having a hard time this time with tavern brawl, whats a good one to go with and what is the strat? Every time i seem to do well like have more minions and face hit etc he seems to get a card even tho sometimes he gets one without reaching the 3 health mark i.e just a hunters power seems to trigger the card gain of the brawl. Yet when i get damaged i never get one grr.

Btw is dr boom really that good to have in ur decks, if so what decks are useful for it the most. I play hunter, warrior, druid, sometimes mage sometimes shamen

Also i have a fair few legendarys now, but i dont think id use em all.

What ones are good to turn to dust to maybe afford dr boom unless u think theres a better one.

I have.

Tinkermaster Overspark, Baron Rivendar, Feugen, Leeroy Jenkins, Loatheb, Stalagg, Cairne bloodhoof, Emperor Thaurissan, Maexxna, Mogor the Ogre, Rend Blackhand, Chromaggus, Gruul (golden), Kel'Thuzad, Ragnaros, Majordomo Executus, Nefarian.

Some are soulbound. Also have a golden Mountain giant, dunno if i wana get rid tho.

Got 170 dust atm.
Honestly dusting the Gruul for a Dr.Boom is probably the best way to go, if you play a lot of mage I'd also consider getting an Archmage Antonidas when you can, a lot of the 1's you have could be dusted if you aren't worried about them.
This weeks brawl is massively favoured for handlock (around 50% are playing it i'd wager) with extra imps and slightly more taunts. Warrior armour counts as health so be careful of that.

Gruul's awful, I'd dust that instantly for anything you want and yes, Boom would fit in those classes fairly easily. As for other legendaries - you don't have slyvanas who goes in a lot of decks too if you're after other ideas. As for class legendaries, Archmage antonidas is used quite a bit in mage, grom is a finisher in control warrior, druids can sometimes run cenarius but he's replaceable with kel quite easily. The other class legendaries are a bit more niche.
Having a hard time this time with tavern brawl, whats a good one to go with and what is the strat? Every time i seem to do well like have more minions and face hit etc he seems to get a card even tho sometimes he gets one without reaching the 3 health mark i.e just a hunters power seems to trigger the card gain of the brawl. Yet when i get damaged i never get one grr.

you probably already know how to get it by now but warlock with flame imp and tapping is the way to keep the three point disadvantage. You want board control but not to die too quick so have some heals in there as well for late game and taunts.

Well this is how I played it.

There's a lot of luck as well too much of it but it's fun but not as much as the unstable portal week I was playing that all week as it was so random.
Blizzcon tournament is gonna be lots of patron. I hope blizzard will be happy that their greatest stage will show how grim (he he he) hearthstone is right now.
you probably already know how to get it by now but warlock with flame imp and tapping is the way to keep the three point disadvantage. You want board control but not to die too quick so have some heals in there as well for late game and taunts.

Well this is how I played it.

There's a lot of luck as well too much of it but it's fun but not as much as the unstable portal week I was playing that all week as it was so random.

You actually need a 4-point deficit to get a minion. However, a lot of people are taking the position that a 2cc or 3cc free minion that can't immediately attack isn't worth it and they're better off helping their opponent to reduce his life total. All the usual steamroller decks are good because it's easier to do 20 damage than 30 even if your opponent is getting a few cheap minions to balance the board. OTK Priest is also making a good showing, as it can heal the opponent to keep getting minions for board control until it's ready to go off.
congrats benny I got to 13 with a facehunter in 1st half of month as everyone was going anti patron... flopped when I hit the dragon priests which seem to be 50% of decks in mid teens. Quick question is how do you get a dragon in your hand from mulligan.... + 3 other 2 drops at the same time .... :grrrr

I playing on asian server now with F2P decks amazingly my win rate is quite good :D
This season has been so much harder than previous ones.
I think the rush meta is really hurting the game.

They need a new mechanic that mixes up the strats sooner rather than later and Blizzard need to stop including so much junk in expansions to enable a better playing pool.So many simply fixes that will never get implemented , bc Blizz love RNG and it will ultimately be the games downfall as more and more people get fed up with it.
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With the rewards per how far u get in ladder now. Do you well lets say you got to rank 17 but then u got at the end of the time for rank play about level 19. Do you get the rewards based on 17 cos u reached it or is reward based on end of time rank level so 19?
With the rewards per how far u get in ladder now. Do you well lets say you got to rank 17 but then u got at the end of the time for rank play about level 19. Do you get the rewards based on 17 cos u reached it or is reward based on end of time rank level so 19?

It's the highest rank you achieved this month.
This season has been so much harder than previous ones.
I think the rush meta is really hurting the game.

They need a new mechanic that mixes up the strats sooner rather than later and Blizzard need to stop including so much junk in expansions to enable a better playing pool.So many simply fixes that will never get implemented , bc Blizz love RNG and it will ultimately be the games downfall as more and more people get fed up with it.

Seasons have been slightly more challenging because people are incentivised to climb now. Before the reward system was introduced you would get about 4000 people in Legend rank by months end. Now it's 3 times that.

At the end of a season people will try and aggro a bit more but it isn't even close to a rush meta. It's all Midrange Druid, Handlock, Midrange/Hybrid Hunter, Dragon Priest, Control Warrior and Secret Paladin.

TGT gave us more tools and aggro has a much harder time now. Take a look at LiquidHearth (reliable) or TempoStorm (not reliable) current meta reports/tier lists and you'll see all rush decks have been relegated to Tier 3.
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