The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

I usually level with taunt mid range druid to combat the 70% face hunter I will come up against. Take one ramp druid deck, take out combo, throw in a belcher, an AoW and then customise for your liking (eg I'll commonly run a secret stealer right now).

50:50 vs secret paladin - really helps to draw into BGH so that when doctor6 drops you can trigger get-down/avenge/redemption et al in a turn. As you run double silence you also have an anti tirion play if you can get that far.
This game cooks my noodle. Just working through the heroes to unlock all of the basic cards at the moment, got about 5 heroes to level 10. The level of depth that is clearly present in this game makes me think that sooner or later I'll leave it be, but for now it's quite good fun.
This new brawl just highlights everything that is going wrong with Hearthstone.

"Any ideas for the new brawl guys?"
"uuhh... random decks again I guess."
"Great, but we already had that idea. What else can we do?"
"hmm.. how about random costs as well?"

I know it's only the brawl but this is really stupid.
For brawls they should showcase deck examples like say dragon or mech game styles and that way Ppl can try different styles of play and get inspired to build something like em.

BTW I heard on a gaming site kotaku or somit that warsong commander is getting nerfed probably due to grim.

So instead of giving charge if 3 attack or under its now giving charge minions a +1 attack.
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I don't understand why Blizzard does this. It has to be on purpose, destroying the card outright.

A better nerf would have been to just remove charge when a minion goes above 3 attack, so patron deck would still be a thing with the amount of patron enablers it has, but you wouldn't have those ridiculous 20 damage charge berserkers. The card would also still be an OK pick for arena.

It really makes me question the design philosophy for the game. Is it too cynical to say they allow something to be OP for so long, so people buy or craft those cards, only to just kill it stone cold so people have to buy/craft the next big thing?
Its a card game and as they can't ban a card from play they have nerfed it hard to prevent it from ever being used.

Its more of an issue with Blizzards structuring of the game than anything, since banning cards is a worthwhile exercise in most card games , but they failed to implement a system to ever support that properly in HS.

The change is fine, there's plenty more issues with HS then stressing over a one card nerf.
It really makes me question the design philosophy for the game. Is it too cynical to say they allow something to be OP for so long, so people buy or craft those cards, only to just kill it stone cold so people have to buy/craft the next big thing?

I agree but Blizz have already said that this is a design space decision more than anything. Having a minion that gives charge in this way is severely limiting the cards they want to print in upcoming expansions. It is frustrating but understandable.

I'm actually tiring of this game and play 2 other card games over this now. At first the amount of RNG didn't bother me but TGT just introduced bad cards and more RNG. The game is only about 70% skill now which is too low for TCG/CCG. It is very difficult for the game to remain competitive in the environment Blizzard are creating.
Which ones are you playing?

I still play hearthstone because i can play it on my ipad.

any other good TCG out there for ipads?
Releasing another expansion so soon i wish they would tone it down a little bit With the releasing of new content.

They should rework/buff some of the old cards that just don't see play anymore. That would benefit everyone and it would put the game in a much better place.
It was always their goal to emulate MtG with new card sets every 3 months which is a bit odd when you consider you can trade/buy single cards in Mtg and other TCGs but CCGs like HS you have to just buy a tonne of packs for dust or get lucky. Completely **** for new players who need to catch up. It boggles the mind they haven't even updated the starter decks after 2 freakin' years!? Unheard of and very lazy on their part.

After the awful TGT set many people were hoping/expecting for a more balanced and useful set of cards with minimal RNG to balance out the silliness that was TGT and that could be used competitively. What did we get? A hat, a torch, a bloody Golden Monkey and a load of silly and useless cards again.

After failing to even comment about the future design direction at Blizzcon it's obvious that Blizz is not pushing for HS to be a serious competitive game (which it could easily be) but just something for kids and girls to spend their time and money on.
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