The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Funny you mention that, I bought a couple of packs recently and out of 400 or so cards, around 350 were duplicate common cards.... joke!

They should just make sets of cards available to buy instead, it's ridiculous that you can spend £500 on this game and still not have the cards you want. I see no reason why they couldn't just sell "Set of all classic cards" or "Set of all mage cards" for £69.99 or something. Surely it's lot less money than just buying random packs but maybe it will encourage people to pay rather than count on RNG.

Actually the system they have is very good. If you played Magic: The Gathering for example, you could spend double that and not have the card you want. Hearthstone lets you use dust to craft anything you want. It's very forgiving in that regard.
Maybe they should just let you buy specific cards instead, even if it was £5 for a card. The current system is ridiculous - imagine if MOBA games sold packs of "Random Hero". Paying £40 just to dust 200 cards and possibly get 1 card that you actually want is ridiculous.

The adventures worked really well - they could just increase the number of cards you get and charge more for them, say £40 like a normal game expansion would cost.

I've played many games where you can buy items for money over the last 10 years and this is by far the worst system possible. Where some other games had a fair amount of RNG included in them, for example, there would be an item from shop that has "chance" to boost one of your items of equipment (in MMORPG), you didn't have to do it to actually be able to play the game effectively.

In hearthstone it's possible to spend £500 and still not be able to craft a competitive deck that actually works. As it is now the game is unplayable for new players.

Another option would to be to just purchase "Dust" (in game currency).
It really isn't possible to spend £500 and not craft a competitive deck. 60 packs is £45 so £500 would get you 660 packs.

Now lets say each pack averages about 60 dust (lowest is 40, but you'll get extra rares and epics often enough). That means for 660 packs you will end up with 39600 dust, and that's if you disenchant every single card (which you wouldn't, you'd a lot of them).

What deck can't you make for 40k dust?

Even if you exaggerated the £500 (which you did to be fair), you can be competitive in Hearthstone for a fraction of that.
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Well, I see you're referring to dusting every single card in the packs, sure, you could get a single good deck, although not most expensive for around £150. This would be impractical though and in a game with changing meta it's ridiculous that you have to put this much money into 1 deck which can be useless next month for all we know. I've put around £250 in so far and haven't got one finished deck yet.

The system is bad no matter how you look at it. They should just sell normal card packs where you know what you're buying or dust so you can craft what you need.

Out of curiosity though, how do you get 60 packs for £45?
Regarding the concede or not convo going on.

I never hit the concede button for two reasons

1) The guy may time out giving you the win (it's happened to me before when I was facing certain death.)

2) He/She may not see lethal and misplay. (This happens more than you think and even happens to pro players on Twitch tournaments)

@PhoenixUK Just suck up the defeats I've been playing for months now and I'm still missing Dr Boom despite spending quite a few Euros on packs. However from reading your posts (running out of steam on turn 7) I would say you are overplaying too early killing low cost minions on turns 1-3. From watching those much better than I, I've learned that a minion doing 1-2 dmg to your face will take 15-30 turns to win so no need to counter it, only when and if it gets buffed to 5-6 then you can deal with it or in the late game turn 8-9 when druids can ramp up the buffs. However, like any card game if the guy starts with a royal flush you ain't gonna beat it no matter which cards you draw. To get legend you only need to win 51 games out of each 100 played. :)

a delightful game sometime.

face 5 face hunters in a row, switch to a reno deck and dont find any face hunter.

Another delightful game face hunters playing casual .... #cantwaitforwild
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20 wins away from golden paladin. It's depressing playing both anyfin and secret. Wish there was a viable and enjoyable paladin deck out there.

I feel you. 40 wins off Golden Paladin myself. Playing Secret is boring as **** but you've gotta make hay while the sun is shining I guess :)
ive switched back to secret paladin now too. face hunters are doing my head in.

And vice versa from all other classes in the games, everytime I see secret pally I start to question the state of the game! Thank god at least coin shieldbot OP alert is going away in standard.

Regarding the concede or not convo going on.

I never hit the concede button for two reasons

1) The guy may time out giving you the win (it's happened to me before when I was facing certain death.)

2) He/She may not see lethal and misplay. (This happens more than you think and even happens to pro players on Twitch tournaments)

@PhoenixUK Just suck up the defeats I've been playing for months now and I'm still missing Dr Boom despite spending quite a few Euros on packs. However from reading your posts (running out of steam on turn 7) I would say you are overplaying too early killing low cost minions on turns 1-3. From watching those much better than I, I've learned that a minion doing 1-2 dmg to your face will take 15-30 turns to win so no need to counter it, only when and if it gets buffed to 5-6 then you can deal with it or in the late game turn 8-9 when druids can ramp up the buffs. However, like any card game if the guy starts with a royal flush you ain't gonna beat it no matter which cards you draw. To get legend you only need to win 51 games out of each 100 played. :)

I agree about conceding - happened to me a few times when people had clearly a lethal and didn't finish the game, sometimes even twice or three times during one match! Sometimes I wonder whether I'm playing against a bot.

As for that other comment, I'm not really sure, it depends on the deck and I think I was mostly playing cheap tempo mage / aggro hunter / cheap zoo lock. Dr Boom is such a tempo swing though that even if you have cards left, it takes so many resources to deal with it (if you have any of them, not having BGH) that if you're not heavily ahead already you're likely to lose anyway.

I can't even count the games that I simply fell behind and lost the game because of this one or other stupidly OP (tirion, mysterious challenger, the one that draws minions onto board) card that I don't own.

I know that I'm still learning and there are a lot of decks I'm still not sure how to play against some decks (or I'm not able to recognise them instantly) but still I'm pretty sure I could have done much better if I actually played against opponents with incomplete/imperfect decks - having that one card can totally turn the game around.

Does anyone use any of the trackers? I tried that hearthstone tracker but it only picks up games at random (maybe 30-40% of them). As I'm trying to find a good deck that works without all the OP cards I try out a lot of them and it would be great to be able to track the results vs certain classes so I actually know what works and what doesn't.

PS. would anyone recommend crafting sylvanas / faceless manipulator? Both of these are in quite a few decks I wanted to try and seem fairly versatile but I'm not sure if they could become irrelevant in a months time.
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Does anyone use any of the trackers?

PS. would anyone recommend crafting sylvanas / faceless manipulator?

The industry standard is Epix37/H-D-T. You'll have to tidy up the UI like removing the timer and other clutter. It's a godsend for import/export of decks.

Sylvanas is one of the best cards in the game and in the classic set so you can't really go wrong with crafting her. I would wait wait for FM. He's only useful in combo lock.
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I think I need to start playing more on the PC. I think I lose way to many games due to not taking my time to think k the turns out.

I tend to play as soon as it's my turn incase I disconnect (which happens a lot on phone)
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