The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Depends how you define 'Basic'. Azure Drake is one of the best cards in the game and better than most Legendaries.

I'm happy to spectate some of your games if you'd like and you can post a imgur of your deck here.

By basic I've meant cards that are cheap to craft/get and everyone seems to be running them in almost every deck, things like drake, shredder, snowchugger and what not.

Basically the 40-100dust cards that everyone seems to have.

I always edit the decks as I learn and try new things out but I'll post what I have and see if you can give me any hints on how to make it better :).

I bought a bunch of packs recently and was really hoping for pyroblast or archmage talnos as very often I lack that late game finishing power and have tried things like ysera or the artifact guy from expansion but very often the game ends on turn 8-9 as I've got not much to deal with Dr.Booms and such. I either get a good hand and early stack of flamewalkers with spells and do 20+ damage combo at turn 6-7 or get crap and run out of juice by turn 7.

Basically I mainly try to setup combo with flamewalkers or wyrm (or both) and 4-5 spells in hand then dish everything out at turn 5-7 while throwing some other stuff before that to make sure enemy uses up board clear.

What times/days do you usually play?
Yes I did.

E.g. If you play a game of Snooker, you don't interrupt the player in his last turn, you give him the chance to clear up, even when its clear that he has won, but do so in tasteful way.

Snooker is a bit different from Hearthstone though, firstly you have the situation with snooker that there are spectators who have likely paid cash to watch the spectacle of the match, if the frame was just conceeded whenever the person not at the table felt the frame was beyond him, then the audience would never get to see century breaks or even 147s etc. Secondly, you have the difference that playing snooker involves a physical cue action which is generally related to how well a player is playing (yes strategy & decision making is also highly important). Point being, that a player will sometimes appreciate the "table time" after a frame has been clinched so he can knock a few balls in and try to get himself cueing smoother, it can also help to settle his nerves etc and break the momentum of the other player, especially if he has been sat in his seat for some time. In summary, I don't think the comparisson between conceeding frames in snooker and games in Hearthstone is particulalry valid.
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Lost faith again, lost 9/10 games, all to Dr Boom, druids with perfect combo hands and mages with thalnos. Gotta buy more cards!

druid rumored to be nerfed.

you are aware of the turn 9 druid combo i presume?

basically. if you are 14 health or less on turn 9 you are likely to lose.

key to playing against druid is make sure they have no minions on the board.

also loatheb is good value, or play mage and run counterspell.

im having fun at the moment playing Brian Kiblers shadowpreist.
Just played a game against a guy. I knew I was going to lose in a turn or two.
Had 11 life left, he had two minions. His turn comes, he says well played, buffs both minions to exactly the damage needed to kill me. Done, and that's how it should be imho.

If it helps, i totally agree with you.

But we're the only two people on this forum who think that way, cause i complained about it before and got the same response.
Snooker is a bit different from Hearthstone though, firstly you have the situation with snooker that there are spectators who have likely paid cash to watch the spectacle of the match, if the frame was just conceeded whenever the person not at the table felt the frame was beyond him, then the audience would never get to see century breaks or even 147s etc. Secondly, you have the difference that playing snooker involves a physical cue action which is generally related to how well a player is playing (yes strategy & decision making is also highly important). Point being, that a player will sometimes appreciate the "table time" after a frame has been clinched so he can knock a few balls in and try to get himself cueing smoother, it can also help to settle his nerves etc and break the momentum of the other player, especially if he has been sat in his seat for some time. In summary, I don't think the comparisson between conceeding frames in snooker and games in Hearthstone is particulalry valid.

I actually think snooker is a good example. The problem is that he did exactly what he said you don't do in snooker.

In snooker you concede on your turn when it's clear you can't win, not in the middle of their turn when they're going for a century (or completing a quest or doing maximum damage).

If they're just afking or emote spamming it's rude, if they're just doing the most they can do I don't see a problem with it.

Oh, and they definitely shouldn't add in dust limits based on rank, or have separate ladders based on dust (well, I guess they could do this, but pretty much no one would care about it). Every legend player starts at rank 18 or something at the start of the season, they should be able to play whatever deck they want, as should bad players that either bought or earned their cards.
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druid rumored to be nerfed.

you are aware of the turn 9 druid combo i presume?

basically. if you are 14 health or less on turn 9 you are likely to lose.

key to playing against druid is make sure they have no minions on the board.

also loatheb is good value, or play mage and run counterspell.

im having fun at the moment playing Brian Kiblers shadowpreist.

I was at 27 health, he only had 2 small minions on the board and did 27 - 0 !

I've spent my board clear getting rid of Dr boom the turn earlier, think it was turn 8 not 9 as well, might have been the emperor thaurisan at 6 that helped him. Either way, annoying playing with mostly basic decks against people with decks that are played on championships with all perfect cards.
Combo Druid is horrid to play against regardless (assuming you are playing with a deck that isn't specifically constructed to counter Druid at the expense of being poor in other matchups). I for one hope the rumours of an upcoming nerf to that deck are true.

If there were to be a level based restriction in total deck cost, or a legend limit, all that it would achieve would be to encourage people to play a low rank meta deck (most likely face hunter), and I have seen more than enough of them in my time.
Combo Druid is horrid to play against regardless (assuming you are playing with a deck that isn't specifically constructed to counter Druid at the expense of being poor in other matchups). I for one hope the rumours of an upcoming nerf to that deck are true.

If there were to be a level based restriction in total deck cost, or a legend limit, all that it would achieve would be to encourage people to play a low rank meta deck (most likely face hunter), and I have seen more than enough of them in my time.

i just decimated a combo druid using BK's shadow preist. must have been so frustrating for him, everything he played i had an answer for.
I don't play this very often, but it seems impossible to get a good arena draw, whereas I come up against decks that seem almost perfect.

Yeah I dont play arena cause i feel that way too. Presumably its just cause we dont play enough to get that perfect deck but i watch people doing arena streams and they nail it every time.
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