Depends how you define 'Basic'. Azure Drake is one of the best cards in the game and better than most Legendaries.
I'm happy to spectate some of your games if you'd like and you can post a imgur of your deck here.
By basic I've meant cards that are cheap to craft/get and everyone seems to be running them in almost every deck, things like drake, shredder, snowchugger and what not.
Basically the 40-100dust cards that everyone seems to have.
I always edit the decks as I learn and try new things out but I'll post what I have and see if you can give me any hints on how to make it better .
I bought a bunch of packs recently and was really hoping for pyroblast or archmage talnos as very often I lack that late game finishing power and have tried things like ysera or the artifact guy from expansion but very often the game ends on turn 8-9 as I've got not much to deal with Dr.Booms and such. I either get a good hand and early stack of flamewalkers with spells and do 20+ damage combo at turn 6-7 or get crap and run out of juice by turn 7.
Basically I mainly try to setup combo with flamewalkers or wyrm (or both) and 4-5 spells in hand then dish everything out at turn 5-7 while throwing some other stuff before that to make sure enemy uses up board clear.
What times/days do you usually play?