The Tavern Brawl is a joke. I am undefeated with Kel'thuzad and I have not won a single game with Rafaan.
The Tavern Brawl is a joke. I am undefeated with Kel'thuzad and I have not won a single game with Rafaan.
To be honest, you'll be amazed how ineffective it is most of the time and how much thought you sometimes have to put behind it vs players that know what they're doing.
I found aggrodin to be much more stressful, coin shielded minibot turn 1, aoe removal anything in the game, infinite 1/1s.
I've had a game where I've been killed by aggrodin in turn 4 because he started first and then kept removing everything I put on the board. 4/4 taunt? Easy, just reduce hp to 1 and kill with a 1/1.
Hunter hasn't got any aoe removal apart from explotrap which is obvious when it comes and can easily be played around.
It's not like murloc paladin takes any skill - you throw random 1-2mana minions entire game to trade, if anything big comes up you remove it with 0 effort and then turn 9 or 10 lethal instantly from 30 to 0.
I'd much rather go against facehunters all day than control priests, control warriors or any kind of paladin really.
Also, define viable? 55% winrate if you're good at around rank 10-15 tops if you get lucky with matchups?
According to the power rankings, it's on the rock bottom of the list which would mean the very opposite of viable:
Not sure if I'd call that viable - you can probably play face warrior and get further up with all the removal options.
Almost all facehunter minions are 1/1, 2/1 and 3/1 so it's not exactly difficult for paladins (especially murloc) to trade and if you run any kind of taunt, heal or double cons you pretty much already won.
thought it was rather funny, i wish they would bring some reporting into the game to be honest.
You can report people like that. Take a screenshot of the conversation window, their BNet ID should be on it. However, don't expect anything to happen unless they've used hate speech or made direct threats. Hate speech is bannable, anger speech is not.
Would calling me a homosexual be classed as hate speech? I took a screenie once of a guy who added me and just spammed me with such messages.
Funny you mention that, I bought a couple of packs recently and out of 400 or so cards, around 350 were duplicate common cards.... joke!
They should just make sets of cards available to buy instead, it's ridiculous that you can spend £500 on this game and still not have the cards you want. I see no reason why they couldn't just sell "Set of all classic cards" or "Set of all mage cards" for £69.99 or something. Surely it's lot less money than just buying random packs but maybe it will encourage people to pay rather than count on RNG.