The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

I had a real roller coaster of a pack opening. Bought 168 packs with gold and only got 4 legs in the first 140. It was brutal. Luckily I ended up with about 8 by 168 inc Rag Lightlord, Yogg, the Shaman one and a Golden Hogger. Dupes yielded ~10k dust.

The extra 3 gift packs and the 10 from quests made 181 packs in all.

Glad I didn't pre-order or buy more packs. I have most of the epics and with the dust can craft anything that's needed.

I hope I don't get a Yogg... because I plan to craft a gold one. Seeing it in action has sold me.
I bought the pre-launch packs and got another 28 from gold, managed 3 Legendaries total in which 2 were utter crap. I'm not going to pay for any more, luckily I have about 10k in dust so I'm going to craft some cards I need for the new standard format to get the extras from the quests and then I'm going back to wild. I feel wild is more fun than standard, more wacky tricks and fun to be had :D
I dunno about Wild.. the game got really boring with 99% of decks having the same cards, like Creeper, Belcher, Shredder, Boom, and just a few random class cards. I don't think I want to go back to that.
You could put in a secret eater if you're playing freeze mages a lot. It's basically a free win.

im just trying out decks at the moment so not too worried. its just funny to see a completely normal freeze mage deck (no new cards at all) 4 times in a row

i have yogg also
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I crafted a few golden Legendaries: Yogg-Saron, C'thun, Ragnaros, Lightlord
Also few other Epic cards for what is a crazy amazing suggestion spec for a deck that Blizzard advise for Standard Mage now.

I have had some really amazing Yogg-Saron plays, they don't always pay off but they make you howl in laugher which has really been missing from this game for me :D:D:D:D

I've managed to heal opponents up from single digit death/wins with Yogg-Saron and its really funny for me, I cant imagine what the other guy/gal is thinking as well.
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I bought the pre-order packs and only managed to get a fandral out of them, and like 5 copies each of random common cards. What a waste :|
After collecting the packs from quests I have opened about 100 packs all in, 4 legendaries not counting C'thun. I think the ratio for them is what 35 to 1 on chance when opening packs I think.
It's always at least 1 legendary per 40 packs guaranteed due to the increasing rng.

1 in 30-35 is about average I believe.
Logged in, took about 20 secs before I could even click anything. Pretty laggy, killed all motivation I had to open packs. Hopefully its better tomorrow :p :p
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