The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Hmm I can't really play aggro decks. I find that I just end up getting overwhelmed by huge minions that I can't deal with. Much prefer control, and taking the odd loss to aggro/murloc paladins.
I've not really been having much luck with any aggro other than the paladin deck above lately.

The reason I like the paladin deck is you get so many shields that if you need to you can potentially clear their side of the board without losing your minions. The problem I'm having with zoo lock and face hunter is that they're getting too many minions out and I'm having to trade mine and so I can never build momentum again.
Ello ello ello.

Looking for a fun card game? Try Chonicle: Runescape legends, its converted me completely from Hearthstone since I tried it.

The gameplay is unique and a lot of fun, and the engagement from the developers is second to none.

Free to play, premium currency cost reasonable, decent amount of currency game from playing, Steam & mobile clients coming soon, and its first cash prize tournament to come later in the year.

Very favorable reviews from top hearthstone players like Trump and Krick too.
Ello ello ello.

Looking for a fun card game? Try Chonicle: Runescape legends, its converted me completely from Hearthstone since I tried it.

The gameplay is unique and a lot of fun, and the engagement from the developers is second to none.

Free to play, premium currency cost reasonable, decent amount of currency game from playing, Steam & mobile clients coming soon, and its first cash prize tournament to come later in the year.

Very favorable reviews from top hearthstone players like Trump and Krick too.

is it available for mobiles ( I play 99% of my hearthstone games on my ipad or phone)

just lost as priest down to my last 5 cards and no C'Thun /cries
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haha fun deck

totally fails against control warrior though and control priest.

Add taunt deck druids as well with Swipe.

actually the deck is pretty rubbish....

the meta has changed and most are running 2x Crazed Worshipper taunt with C'Thun

it's too slow to many 3 drops that do nothing unless you have 1-1s on the board and most control decks leave you constantly with an empty board.

Steward of darkshire waste of time 3-3 easily removed and requires 5 mana to be anyway effective + you one have 2 1-1 cards and they already have devine shield.

5 games in haven't seen blood knight.

Would need more agression to be viable Argent squire is useless.
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Ello ello ello.

Looking for a fun card game? Try Chonicle: Runescape legends, its converted me completely from Hearthstone since I tried it.

The gameplay is unique and a lot of fun, and the engagement from the developers is second to none.

Free to play, premium currency cost reasonable, decent amount of currency game from playing, Steam & mobile clients coming soon, and its first cash prize tournament to come later in the year.

Very favorable reviews from top hearthstone players like Trump and Krick too.

Trump was paid to play it, not surprising that he gave it a decent review :p. No idea who Krick is, so can't comment on him.
Trump was paid to play it, not surprising that he gave it a decent review :p. No idea who Krick is, so can't comment on him.

Haha, they were all paid to play it, its advertising after all. But if you watch the videos he its obvious they are free to say what they really think, and they all seemed to genuinely like it. Krick is another hearthstone streamer/youtuber, with an arena focus I think.

Only thing I miss about hearthstone are tavern brawls, they were ridiculous but a lot of fun :)
haha fun deck

totally fails against control warrior though and control priest.

Add taunt deck druids as well with Swipe.

actually the deck is pretty rubbish....

the meta has changed and most are running 2x Crazed Worshipper taunt with C'Thun

it's too slow to many 3 drops that do nothing unless you have 1-1s on the board and most control decks leave you constantly with an empty board.

Steward of darkshire waste of time 3-3 easily removed and requires 5 mana to be anyway effective + you one have 2 1-1 cards and they already have devine shield.

5 games in haven't seen blood knight.

Would need more agression to be viable Argent squire is useless.

Fair enough. Are there any viable aggro decks at the moment then?

I'm getting bored of playing against only Cthun decks now.
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I watched a bit of Trump play it a while ago when I saw the other thread, he didn't seem that into it tbh, maybe he seems interested later on though.

Whilst he may be able to technically say what he wants, Trump likes money, he'd be stupid to **** on games he's paid to play because less people would want to pay him to play their games.

I think a better way to see if people like it is if they ever play it once they're no longer being paid to play them.
You have earned the maximum 100 gold today!

First time I've done that in months. Just had motivation to play..

In the current brawl you can get about 100G in an hour plus whatever daily you match up, unless you're one of those freaks who plays Ice Lance/Ice Block. If you're new to the game and want to make quick bank, dirt cheap super-fast kill combos include:

Naturalise/Coldlight Oracle
Target Dummy/Bolster
Soulfire/Fist of Jaraxxus (a bit luck based, this one)
Stonetusk Boar/Power Overwhelming

If you've opened him, Innervate/Y'Shaarj is hilarious. I've seen people try Innervate/Yogg for the luls and Innervate/C'thun for consistency, but not many decks can handle two 10/10s attacking on turn 2 or 3 plus another two the next turn.
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Kick ass deck.

How so? How does it work vs the copious amount of cards that clear for 2/3 damage? Unless you get lucky with the draw/mulligan, to set up a specific scenario where you can churn 1 healthers with shields, you're doing ok until your opponent clears the board, then you're screwed? I just dont understand how its supposed to do so well.

In the current brawl you can get about 100G in an hour plus whatever daily you match up, unless you're one of those freaks who plays Ice Lance/Ice Block. If you're new to the game and want to make quick bank, dirt cheap super-fast kill combos include:

Naturalise/Coldlight Oracle
Target Dummy/Bolster
Soulfire/Fist of Jaraxxus (a bit luck based, this one)
Stonetusk Boar/Power Overwhelming

If you've opened him, Innervate/Y'Shaarj is hilarious. I've seen people try Innervate/Yogg for the luls and Innervate/C'thun for consistency, but not many decks can handle two 10/10s attacking on turn 2 or 3 plus another two the next turn.

Hmm perhaps I should be looking at the tavern, I've never done it!
Eugh just lost 4 in a row to some stupidly stacked decks. How much are people spending to get these sorts of things? Just lost to a guy with tons of legendarys that seemed stupidly powerful.

Begs the question, what are these guys doing down at my low rank?
It is luck of the draw. Having a balanced deck helps but if u pull out high rank cards at start aint gona help much and each new card is random out of ur deck so chances are u can or cannot get a valued card each pull, neither can ur opponent but sometimes it feels like they do. lol.

Would be nice to find a card game where theres no randomness to it. You pick ur deck you have full use of choosing any card from the first turn and be limited only cos of how much mana you have per turn. Not by what card u will draw next.
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