Ello ello ello.
Looking for a fun card game? Try Chonicle: Runescape legends, its converted me completely from Hearthstone since I tried it.
The gameplay is unique and a lot of fun, and the engagement from the developers is second to none.
Free to play, premium currency cost reasonable, decent amount of currency game from playing, Steam & mobile clients coming soon, and its first cash prize tournament to come later in the year.
Very favorable reviews from top hearthstone players like Trump and Krick too.
I've had quite a lot of luck with this one:
I've had quite a lot of luck with this one:
Ello ello ello.
Looking for a fun card game? Try Chonicle: Runescape legends, its converted me completely from Hearthstone since I tried it.
The gameplay is unique and a lot of fun, and the engagement from the developers is second to none.
Free to play, premium currency cost reasonable, decent amount of currency game from playing, Steam & mobile clients coming soon, and its first cash prize tournament to come later in the year.
Very favorable reviews from top hearthstone players like Trump and Krick too.
Trump was paid to play it, not surprising that he gave it a decent review . No idea who Krick is, so can't comment on him.
haha fun deck
totally fails against control warrior though and control priest.
Add taunt deck druids as well with Swipe.
actually the deck is pretty rubbish....
the meta has changed and most are running 2x Crazed Worshipper taunt with C'Thun
it's too slow to many 3 drops that do nothing unless you have 1-1s on the board and most control decks leave you constantly with an empty board.
Steward of darkshire waste of time 3-3 easily removed and requires 5 mana to be anyway effective + you one have 2 1-1 cards and they already have devine shield.
5 games in haven't seen blood knight.
Would need more agression to be viable Argent squire is useless.
You have earned the maximum 100 gold today!
First time I've done that in months. Just had motivation to play..
Kick ass deck.
In the current brawl you can get about 100G in an hour plus whatever daily you match up, unless you're one of those freaks who plays Ice Lance/Ice Block. If you're new to the game and want to make quick bank, dirt cheap super-fast kill combos include:
Naturalise/Coldlight Oracle
Target Dummy/Bolster
Soulfire/Fist of Jaraxxus (a bit luck based, this one)
Stonetusk Boar/Power Overwhelming
If you've opened him, Innervate/Y'Shaarj is hilarious. I've seen people try Innervate/Yogg for the luls and Innervate/C'thun for consistency, but not many decks can handle two 10/10s attacking on turn 2 or 3 plus another two the next turn.
Would be nice to find a card game where theres no randomness to it. You pick ur deck you have full use of choosing any card from the first turn and be limited only cos of how much mana you have per turn. Not by what card u will draw next.