Mage Wars.
Looks good, shame it's only in physical form...
Mage Wars.
Actually having said that, is there any difference in wild/standard (other than the available cards)? Eg rewards still the same?
End of season reward is decided by which mode you got the highest rank in and yes they are the same. Wind runner is a solid card Ragnaros is another decent one Alexstraza can fit into a lot of decks too.
Shaman is cheap but effective got to rank 8 with a deck with only 1 legendary which is not too bad.
Oh yeah, should I buy classic packs or expansion packs with my gold? I've got a reasonable amount of classic.
So someone explain please how you go about crafting cards? I don't understand it at all and have just been playing with whatever i get in packs.
Go into your collection, just below the pages of cards you'll see the Crafting button. Click it and you'll see a complete list of cards, with ones you don't own any copies of being sort of ghostly. Click on one of those and you'll be given the option to craft it: whites are 40 Dust, blues 100, purples 400 and oranges (legendaries) are 1600. Dust is obtained by disenchanting cards you don't want or need; there is a Mass Disenchant button that will get rid of any excess copies in your collection. Cards disenchant for 1/4 crafting cost except for whites (1/8th) and golden legendaries (1/2).
I decided to craft the Twin Emps, to see how it goes with a cthun ctrl deck.
First game was fun: