I did get the Priest legend Harold Volazj in my 32 pack opening ... so not all bad.
I played against a C'thun priest yesterday (for the first time) as a control warrior (elise, not c'thun) and pretty much dominated him, made him play c'thun on turn 10 just to survive, went down to fatigue, still winning, and then he plays the card which I hadn't seen before which gives you another c'thun if it died already.... Then I lost. I was not best pleased. SUrely this makes control decks un winnable in long matches if you are playing an elise deck?
I don't see the advantage of that....unless do the battlecries still hit?
created my first deck I dusted all my Naxx and GvG cards.
Here it is, got 4-0 with it at the moment.
Just got a 24-24 C'Thun and mashed a 20 health mage.
I'm sure it can be bettered as it's my first attempt at deckbuilding.
Called it C'Thun's Doom although I've not had the doom yet.
Not sure it's necessary in this deck might be better with a lower value spell.
I wonder if I should remove the taunt to C'Thun now that the meta is running Dark Knights.
Of course polymorph and hex are still out there....
It's Doomcaller... I have it in the above deck but haven't had to use it yet.
Just came up in a game vs another warlock, Spreading Madness. 3 cost and 9 damage against all characters. Bit OP dont u think?
Until its 9 damage to your own face and you cry.
It's a reasonable comeback card when you have no board. Say your opponent has two guys and you have none; typically it will be 2 damage to your face, 2 to his face and 5 to his board for 3 mana. Against Zoo that's generally a sweep instead of 5-7 to your face. And if it goes wrong and hits your face, you'd probably lost anyway.