The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

Oh yeah, its all a fun learning curve, I've had 3 packs so far and not gotten too great of adeal from them, but the stealth stranglethorn tiger seems to do pretty well at lowish levels, think I'mm rankded ~21.. but I don't expect it to be a cakewalk at all!

Its all good fun though, I just want to get those victories I need ti unlock the other classes and then have a laugh at myself in arena!

What time do daily counters reset? Is it midday GMT?
i just stuck to play mode at the start rather than ranked, if its anything like wow then i assume the dailies reset about 2am gmt. To unlock all the basic cards you wanna get every class to rank 10, either in play or practice mode. That gets you about 300gold and unlocks all the main cards. You can then try and beat the ai again on expert for some more gold.

For me i prefer to spend that gold on arena then on packs of cards. Even if you go 0-3 in arena your guaranteed a pack of cards, and its much more fun being able to craft decks with EVERY card in the game available.

Has anyone noticed btw now that the game is in full release ive seen some bugs now which never appeared for me in the beta.

Cards getting stuck in your hand although you have played them, not being able to click end turn etc.

Im not sure i like the flash they have added to disenchant also, takes longer to do the buggers now lol.

Some nice new spell effects tho and legendary effects
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+1 for spending your gold on Arena, although over time especially if you start to get some daily quests building up you might end up with a bit of surplus gold

So what I do is prioritise Arena, but if I have more than 250 gold and already have an Arena run in progress I'll sometimes buy a pack (i.e. I have enough to guarantee I can go into the Arena again right away even if buy the pack and don't win any gold in the current run)

Then also just try to line things up - if you have multiple overlapping quests for a particular class and get given that class as a choice in Arena, why wouldn't you take it? Every little helps and all that!
Thanks for the advice, I figured playing ranked games was a steeper learning curve but also more rewarding, although the losses PILED up last night!!

Will hopefully get Rogue & Druid to 10 tonight & then unlock the other classes (Can this be done on single player, too?)
Latest update on my mbp is rubbish. After 10 minutes it's too hot to touch and the cooling fan's at 100% even with low settings, half of the minion animations and starting positions are bugged. Windows client .. seems perfect, poor show blizzard.
Thanks for the advice, I figured playing ranked games was a steeper learning curve but also more rewarding, although the losses PILED up last night!!

Will hopefully get Rogue & Druid to 10 tonight & then unlock the other classes (Can this be done on single player, too?)

Beat everything on Expert in single player for a bonus 100 gold and then forget about it. You learn more playing vs other people.
This game is a ton of fun, was struggling to begin with until I found this:

Very nice deck, don't need any unlocks at all from packs, you just get the hunter class to level 10 and then create this. I took the silverback matriachs out because I'm not too keen on them, they're quite bad cards for the cost, and replaced them with Hoggar or whoever he is; the king of the grolls I think, and a dragonling thingy with 1/1 and windfury.

Hoggar is absolutely amazing, if you throw him down when the opponent has no way of killing him (quite hard considering his cost is 6) he summons endless 2/2 tanks that are great for protecting the buzzards as you draw as many cards as you like.

Even managed to take a few games from a friend of mine whos deck is full of legendaries and absolutely ridiculous damage/buff spells like +4/+4 for like 4 mana, deal 8 damage and draw a card etc... wtf

EDIT: Oh, I forgot to ask. How do I get this working with Steam? I added a non-Steam shortcut but the overlay won't work, and I think it's because of the launcher **** blocking it, I tried the -launch parameter that worked with Diablo 3 but it won't work with this. Cheers!
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For me the only way to get it working with Steam was to actually add the launcher itself as a non-steam app...

This has the side effect of meaning having the Bnet client running makes Steam think you are playing Hearthstone - but for me it's the only game I have through the Bnet launcher so I don't mind...

Having said that - do you really need the overlay? I run Hearthstone in windowed mode so still have access to all my normal Steam stuff
Grom works well in warrior control but the deck itself is expensive (but considering your luck I guess you might be OK ;) ) is a fairly standard example that many streamers use. This is pre-patch so pagle's in there - you might want to replace this with other card draw if you DE'ed him (I wouldn't blame you).

I got antonidas last night - This card I feel is on the brink of greatness if mage control comes back but then I look at it and go "ooh that's an ancient of lore" :/ Might be time to try some kinda hybrid mage control / maly & ant deck. Anyone given this sort of deck a go? Thinking something giants mage as a base if these are still in existence.
For me the only way to get it working with Steam was to actually add the launcher itself as a non-steam app...

This has the side effect of meaning having the Bnet client running makes Steam think you are playing Hearthstone - but for me it's the only game I have through the Bnet launcher so I don't mind...

Having said that - do you really need the overlay? I run Hearthstone in windowed mode so still have access to all my normal Steam stuff

Aye the overlay would be brilliant tbh, I run it in windowed mode if I get a message on Steam or something but I'd like something to do while I wait for my victims to take a turn. Spamming 'I'll hunt you down!' over and over is getting boring. huehue :cool:

Gonna try the launcher, cheers dude.
Reinstalled and logged infor 30 mins this last night just for the mount in WoW, havent bothered since October ish maybe and doubtful if I will bother again, still seems to random to me.

I thought beta testers were getting a special reward legendary or something though? Or is it not offically 'live'?
Pagle is fairly good still and coining it out is still a good idea against a lot of decks but its the consideration that he has been changed so is now "worth" a rag/ysera/leeroy/black knight etc... in dust that you should weigh up.

If you bought a pack/arena run while the game was in beta you got a golden legendary that is awful and no one plays him.
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